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All Hallows Elementary School Council

All Hallows Elementary

School Council Meeting March 30, 2015
Minutes: Recorded by Mr. Russell
Meeting came to order at 7:00pm
In attendance: Eddie Russell, Robert Tarrant, Nichole Burton, Leslie Healey, Susan
Ralph, Marti Keefe, Shelley Roberts
Regrets: Lacey Pottle, Kelly Hall, Tracey Lundrigan, Alicia Kennedy, Kimberley Efford
1. Adoption of minutes of the February 23, 2015 meeting was moved by Ms.
Roberts and seconded by Ms. Ralph.
2. Business arising from minutes

Easter Sweepstakes Tickets Mr. Russell gave an update on the ticket

sales to dates. Tickets were supposed to be returned today as the draw is
this coming Wednesday, April 1st. He asked if there were a couple of
available members to help make a list of the students who have not
returned their tickets or money so that we could call them over the next
day to check the status of their tickets and asked to have them returned as
an accurate count of all tickets will be necessary for the financial report to
the government. We also need to recheck the top sellers at each grade
level. A financial report on all fundraisers will be presented at the next

Fishcake Sale The Fish Cake Fundraiser was a huge success with 750
bags sold. They will arrive at the school on Wednesday afternoon and
then available for pick up. An announcement will go out through
Synervoice and also on the webpage.

All Hallows Elementary School Council

3. New Business
Mothers Carnation Fundraiser After some discussion it was decided
not to go ahead with the carnation fundraiser. We have had three very
successful fundraisers in a short period of time and feel it best not to go
back to the same people again. We will defer that one until next year. It
was also suggested that we spread out our fundraisers over the year. We
will put a tentative fundraising plan in place during our final meeting of the
year in June.

4. Principals Report
The St. Paddys Concert and Dessert Night was a huge success! Mr.
Russell extended a big thank-you to the school council for their
involvement in the set-up, serving, clean-up and provision of desserts. He
also extended congratulations and thank-you to Mr. Tarrant for his
organization of the entertainment for the evening. There were many
positive comments on the night. There were some things that could be
changed and improved upon if we were to try it again in the future.
Overall a very positive experience for the school and community.
Provincial Spelling Bee Congratulations to Andrew Butler and Evan
Badcock for representing All Hallows Elementary at The Telegram
Provincial Spelling Bee. Andrew finished in 2nd Place, winning a $500
cash award to be presented at a banquet in May.
All Hallows Fiddlers and Choirs Unfortunately, due to weather, the
Grade 3 choir did not get to participate in the Kiwanis Music Festival.
Both fiddle groups did participate and place first in their respective
categories. During the month of April they will be participating in the St.
Johns Rotary Festival and also performing at the Janeway/Health
Sciences Center. Ms. Mercer has applied for a travel grant through the
Cultural Connections program which would cover the bussing costs for
these trips.
March Skating March skating sessions were canceled and in their place
a Winter Fun and Fit Day was held on Thursday, March 26th. Mr. Delaney
organized a fun filled day with outside and inside activities, which

All Hallows Elementary School Council

included a hot chocolate and marshmallow break. A healthy, active and

fun time was had by both students and staff.
Swimming Sessions Mr. Russell told the school council that he was
looking into the possibility of each grade level getting the chance to
participate in a swimming session before the end of the school year.
Moneys raised from recent fundraisers would pay for the travel costs.
Easter Assembly It will be held Wednesday morning April 1st at
10:15am. School Council Members are invited to attend. The Easter
Sweepstakes Ticket Draw will take place after the assembly.

5. Councilor Suggestions None at this meeting

6. Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 25, 2015 at 7:00pm
7. Motion to adjourn at 7:55pm was so moved by Ms. Ralph and seconded by Ms.

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