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Welcome to First Year Seminar!

UVC 1010:02
Meeting Time: Monday 9:05am-10:00am
Classroom: Russ Engineering Center 155

Faculty: Amanda Spencer
Peer Mentor: Jenna Winger

Please come and visit me!

Office Location: 003 University Hall
Office Hour: Thursday 1:30-2:30pm

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Welcome! UVC 1010 provides information and activities designed to enhance new
student success. This class, titled Business and Society, is part of a WSU Learning
Community linked to: HST1100:01
Course Texts:

The Fault in Our Stars, Penguin Books, 2014.

Step by Step with Connections, John N. Gardner &
Betsy O. Barefoot, Bedford/St. Martins, 2014 with
Catherine Queener and Jennifer Lobo

Course Learning Objectives:

To help students connect with professors
To help students achieve academic success
To help students confirm major & connect with degree-granting college
To help students transition & connect to college
WSU ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY (from the Code of Student Conduct)
It is the policy of Wright State University to uphold and support standards of
personal honesty and integrity for all students consistent with the goals of a
community of scholars and students seeking knowledge and truth.
Furthermore, it is the policy of this university to enforce these standards
through fair and objective procedures governing instances of alleged
dishonesty, cheating, and other forms of academic misconduct.
In our class: Violations of academic integrity may result in an Unsatisfactory
grade (U) and no credit for the course, and may be referred to the
department or the University for further review. Students are encouraged
to seek clarification from their instructor should they have any
questions regarding course expectations or policies.
The Office of Disability Services assists students with documented disabilities
meet the requirements of the university.
Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in
order to meet course requirements should contact me as soon as possible so I
may make accommodations.
Class Expectations
-- Cell phones, laptops, & all other devices should be turned off and put away
during class.
-- This class is a Safe Zone where everyones opinion, experience, and concerns
are to be respected.
Acts of disrespect, such as offensive or degrading comments, jokes, or
gestures, are inappropriate.
-- Attend each class, be on time, and come prepared by:
1. Consulting the syllabus
2. Completing reading and homework assignments due that day

UVC1010:02 3

3. Bringing the text for the assigned reading, writing materials, &
the syllabus
-- This syllabus is subject to change. Changes will be announced in class.
-- Check our Pilot Course Homepage the day before each class session.
This course is graded Pass/P or Unsatisfactory/U. To receive a grade of P
and earn the 1 credit hour for the course, you must satisfy all three of the
following requirements; failure in one area results in a U grade on your final
To pass this course you must:
1. Earn 80% of class attendance and participations points (no exceptions)
2. Earn 70% of points for assignments
3. Earn 70% of points by attending 5 out of 7 possible co-curricular activities
1. Class Attendance & Participation: earn at least 80 points (80%) out of 100
points. Earn up to 7 points for each class session based on duration of attendance &
quality of participation.
Points lost due to absence may not be made up regardless of the reason for
the absence. Much of the value of a seminar comes from what happens in class
activities and discussions, so attendance is critical!
2. Course Assignments: Papers/Projects, Group Sessions, Quizzes, & other
Assignments and Reflective Writing: earn at least 70 points out of a total of
100 points (70%). This category includes (but is not limited to) the following:
Assignments are DUE by 11:59pm on the date specified. Please submit through Pilot
Late assignments will face a penalty:
loss of 20% of the total points for the first week
loss of 50% of the total points after 7 days late.
The Fault in Our Stars paper
20pts Race Card Activity
Four Study Group Sessions: 5 points each (must attend the sessions
& email a report:
Four In-class Quizzes: 5 points each
10pts Other Assignments: Class Participation: Community Builders, Rowdy
Photo Hunt
Self-Reflection journal on adjustment to college
All papers should be double-spaced, Times New Roman in 12-point

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3. Attend Five out of Seven (5 of 7) Co-curricular Activities: earn at

least 70 points out of a total 100 points.

Co-Curricular #1
Co-Curriculars #2-7

Attend campus events. A list will be provided by your instructor or you can
search for events at: or
To receive credit for co-curriculars: Sign in at the event and turn in a reaction
statement in class

80% of
A tt e n d a
P o in t s

70% of
A s s ig n m
P o in t s

Course Schedule

70% of
CoC u rr ic u l
P o in t s


1st Class: August 25: Welcome Week!

WelcomeAmanda Spencer, Business Jeopardy
Introduction to course, student and instructor expectations, overview of
syllabus and what one is, community builders, description of learning
communities, Pilot introduction and survey for expectations
Step by Step with Connections: An Introduction
2nd Class: September 1st Campus is closed for Labor Day:
Start your reflection journal and become familiar with Pilot
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Beginning College
Co-Curricular 1 Due
Add a picture of you to your pilot webpage
Rowdy Raider Photo Hunt- Take a picture with as many of your classmates from
UVC and email to
3rd Class: September 8th
Community Builders, Time Management, Literature Circle #1: The Fault
in Our Stars Chapters 1-8
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Managing Your Time
Co-Curricular 2 Due
Prepare a schedule for school week in class
4th Class: September 15th
Guest Speaker: Maureen Barry: Intro to the Library & Library Tour

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Quiz 1: (5 points) online Academic Integrity Orientation Quiz

Read: Student Handbook selection on WSU homepage, including Getting
Involved & Anti-Hazing Policy.
Co-Curricular 3 Due
5th Class: September 22nd
Literature Circle #2: Cover The Fault in Our Stars Chapter 9-13, Note
Taking Strategies, Stress reduction activities, Schedule one- on- one
Step by Step with Connections: Cornell Note-Taking System; Reading for
Co-Curricular 4 Due
6th Class: September 29th
Study Skills, SMART Goals, Staying healthy
One-On-One Sessions as scheduled
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Taking Exams and Tests and Staying
Co-Curricular 5 Due
Reaction paper to stress reduction activities
7th Class: October 6th
Diversity Activity
Tunnel of Oppression: October 8th at 9am [More details to come]
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Appreciating Diversity
Co-Curricular 6 Due
Group Session Email Due
SMART Goals for Staying Healthy worksheet
8th Class: October 13th
Review 35 Dumb Things Well- Intended People Say, Literature Circle
#3: Cover The Fault in Our Stars Chapters 14-25, Proper Email
techniques, Presentation dos and donts
Quiz 2: Over Step by Step with Connections readings (5 points)
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Communicating Clearly
Co-Curricular 7: Tunnel of Oppression reflection paper due
o 1 page double spaced 12 pt. font
9th Class: October 20th
Raider Connect Presentation: Wings Express (Computer Lab if possible)
The Fault in Our Stars Discussion
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Managing Money

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Group Session Email Due

My Race Card [only Assignment that will be presented in class not turned in on
Last Day to drop a class: Friday, Oct. 24th!
10th Class: October 27th
Registration and Course SchedulingAmanda Spencer
Quiz 3: Over The Fault in Our Stars (5 points)
Group Session Email Due
11th Class: November 3rd
Guest Speaker: Sergeant Patrick Ammon: Being safe on Campus and
what is offered to students
Read: Scholastic Policies, online in the WSU Catalog & in Step by Step with
Group Session Email Due
The Fault in Our Stars Paper: 500 words, double-spaced typed, 12-point font
12th Class: November 10th
Career and What can I do with this major?Amanda Spencer
Bring questions about career paths and majors to class**
13th Class: November 17th
Activities for Thinking Critically
Quiz 4: Over Step by Step with Connections readings (5 points)
Read: Step by Step with Connections: Thinking Critically
Find an article in the Wall Street journal that relates to your major and be able
to discuss.
Please send the link or title of the article to by
November 13th.
14th Class: November 24th
Learning Styles and personality styles activityAmanda Spencer
Read: Step by Step with Connections: How you Learn
Self-reflection Journal Due
15th Class: December 1st
Closing the Circle Activity
Give First Year Seminar Evaluation and WSU Student Evaluation of Instruction
Reactions to Learning and Personality styles Activity
FINALS WEEK: Dec. 8th -12th

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Labor Day Observed, University Closed: Mon. September 1, 2014

Veterans Day Observed, University Closed: Tues., November 11, 2014
Thanksgiving Observed, University Closed: Wed, November 26th, 2014 thru
Friday, November 28th, 2014

RSCOB Events:
Career Management Open House
Sept 9, 11 -1 pm and 4:30-6pm
RSCOB lobby

Business Palooza
October 21, 11:30-3:30 pm
RSCOB lobby

Career Path Exploration Series

Sept 17, 2:30-4:30 pm

Data Analytics event

October, TBA

Last Day to turn in late UVC work for credit: Monday December 1, 2014, Email
to by 11:59pm
Last Day of fall classes: Saturday Dec. 6th

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