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Valerie Arko and Beth Thomas


Classroom: Dixie-BMrs. Gayles
March 2, 2015

Date of Development:
Experience: Provide students with a
magnifying glass and various seeds to
explore deeper.

Experience: Explore the growth of different plants

(ex: tree vs. potato).
OELDS: Cognition and General
Knowledge/Science/Life Science/ Explorations of
Living Things
With modeling and support demonstrate and
understanding that living things change over time
(eg life cycle).

OELDS: Cognition and General

Knowledge/Science/ Science Inquiry and
Application/ Inquiry
Use simple tools to extend investigations.

Experience: Discuss different types of plants

and determine what is edible and what is
OELDS: Language and Literacy Development/
Listening and Speaking/ Expressive Language
Use language to communicate in a variety of
ways with others to share observations, ideas
and experiences; problem-solve, reason,
predict and seek new information.


Experience: Investigate roles and function

of various plants.

Experience: Provide students with the

opportunity to observe seeds.

What are different

types of plants?

Where do
plants come from?


With modeling and support, identify physical

OELDS: Cognition/General
Knowledge/Algebra/ Group and
Categorize Sort and classify objects
by one or more attributes.


Experience: Investigate different

characteristics of various types of plants
(trees, flowers, bushes, fruit, and
OELDS: Cognition and General
Knowledge/Science/ Life Science/
Explorations of Living Things

Experience: Explore the differences

of roots in water vs. roots in soil.

What are plants


Engage in simple investigations.

Experience: Observe different foods that have

OELDS: Cognition and General
Knowledge/Science/ Science Inquiry and
Application/ Inquiry

Experience: Encourage students to water

classroom plant at their leisure and water
another plant a specific amount daily.
OELDS: Approaches Toward Learning/
Engagement and Persistence/Persistence Carry
out tasks, activities, projects or experiences
from beginning to end.
Experience: Investigate if plants need to sun to grow.

used for?

OELDS: Cognition and General

Knowledge/Science/ Science Inquiry and
Application/ Inquiry

OELDS: Cognition and General

Knowledge/Science/ Science Inquiry
and Application/ Inquiry
Explore objects, materials, and events
in the environment.

OELDS: Cognition and General Knowledge/Science/

Science Inquiry and Application/ Inquiry

What do plants
need to grow?
Experience: Discuss that plants give us
oxygen which we need to live.
OELD: Approaches toward Learning/
Initiative/Initiative and Curiosity
Seek new and varied experiences and
challenges (take risks).

Make careful observations.

Experience: Explore the similarities and differences that

both plants and humans need to survive.
OELDS: Cognition and General Knowledge/Science/Earth
and Space Science
With modeling and support, develop understanding of the
relationship between humans and nature; recognizing the
difference between helpful and harmful actions towards

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