Stage35 36test

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Stage 35-36 Test

Read the following story and answer the accompanying questions:

C. Helvidius Lupus Acli Glabrion amc saltem dcit.

mox t vidbo;
nam brev tempore Rmam reveniam.
ad hanc vllam ide vn
ut ex morb, qu afflgbar, convalscerem;
nunc, ex morb recretus,
ad urbem revenre cupi
ut t ctersque amcs mes iterum videam,
domum familiamque nspiciam,
rs clientium administrem.


colns mes cotdi vexor,

dcunt s ttam aesttem dligentissim laborre.
addunt tamen s annnam pessimam exspectre,
et m rant ut auxilium sibi praebeam.
Helvidius, meus flius,
qu nper hc ex urbe advnit,
nntiat ttam populum d victri Agricolae nunc gaudre,
et in omnibus templs sacerdts victims ds immortalibus sacrificre.
crs Helvidius Rmam redbit;
e igitur hanc epistulam mandb, quam tibi trdat.
suspicor eum ide ad urbem quam celerrim regred velle,
ut puellam aliquam visitet.

recretus: revived, restored
colons: colonists, settlers
aesttem: summer
annnam: wheat/food; years rations
auxilium: help, aid
nper: recently
gaudre: gaudeo, gaudre= to rejoice
sacerdts: priests

Comprehension (8pts)
1. What type of writing is this passage?





2. Why has Lupus been at this country villa? (Lines 4-6)

3. List two of the three purposes for which Lupus now wishes to return to Rome?
(Lines 7-10)


4. What is one thing which Lupus colonists tell him? (12-14)

5. What two items of news are reported to Lupus by his son Helvidius? (17-18)


6. What suspicion does Lupus have about his sons wish to hurry back to Rome?
a. He thinks Helvidius wants to destroy this letter
b. He thinks Helvidius hates the country
c. He thinks Helvidius is going to bribe the emperor
d. He thinks Helvidius is going to see some girl

Grammar & Translation (5pts for grammar; 2pts for translation)

7. Identify two present subjunctives in the passage.

8. Give the correct translation for Helvidius nntiat ttam populum d victri
gaudre. (17)

9. What type of subjunctive clause is m rant ut auxilium sibi praebeam? (14)

a. Indirect Command
b. Indirect Question
c. Indirect Statement
d. Purpose Clause
10. Consider the following sentence. Which word is the subject accusative? (18)
Helvidius nuntiat sacerdts victims ds immortalibus sacrificre.

11. Circle all words that indicate that this sentence is an Indirect Statement, and
underline all words that indicate a Subjunctive Clause. (21-22)
suspicor eum ide ad urbem quam celerrim regred velle, ut puellam aliquam visitet.

13. Finish the translation: addunt tamen s annnam pessimam exspectre (13)
They add, however, that. . .
a. they were expecting very bad yearly rations
b. the yearly rations will be very bad
c. they expect very bad yearly rations
d. very bad yearly rations are expected by them


More Grammar (11 pts)

1. Verb Synopsis -OR- Matching. Choose to answer either the synopsis or matching
questions to show that you know the forms for present subjunctive.
SYNOPSIS (dont do this if you choose matching)
Conjugate relgo, relgre, relgvi, relegtum in the PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE.









is, ea, id











MATCHING (dont do this if you chose synopsis)

Match the forms of tango, tangere, tetig, tactus with the correct Person, Number, Tense, Mood,
and Voice.
____ tangtur

A. 3rd sg present indicative active

____ tangitur

B. 2nd pl imperfect subjunctive pass.

____ tetigissent

C. 3rd pl pluperfect subjunctive act.

____ tangermus

D. 1st pl imperfect subjunctive active

____ tangtis

E. 1st pl present subjunctive passive

____ tangermini

F. 3rd sg present subjunctive active

____ tangmur

G. 3rd sg present subjunctive passive


____ tangebantur

H. 3rd pl imperfect indicative pass.

____ tetigisss

I. 1st pl present indicative active

____ tangit

J. 2nd sg pluperfect subjunctive act.

____ tangimus

K.. 3rd sg present indicative active

____ tangat

L. 2rd pl present subjunctive active

2. Write a mnemonic that shows the vowel changes from present indicative to
present subjunctive.

3. What elements help you identify an indirect statement?

4. Identify the type of construction in the following sentence:

Sabidius nescit utrum rdeat an rsctur.
a. Indirect Statement
b. Indirect Question
c. Indirect Command
d. Purpose Clause
5. Identify the type of construction in the following sentence:
Agricola dcit Caldonis in ultims partibus Britanniae habitre.
a. Indirect Statement
b. Indirect Question
c. Indirect Command
d. Purpose Clause
6. Identify the type of construction in the following sentence:
Pontilinus tam rtus est ut sell surgat et ad scaenam s praeipitre cntur.
a. Indirect Statement
b. Result Clause
c. Indirect Command
d. Purpose Clause


Epigrams (6pts translation; 2 pts culture)

1. Choose one epigram by Martial to translate:

a. semper pauper eris, s pauper es, Aemiline.

dantur ops nlls nunc nisi dvitibus.
pauper: poor
dantur: 3rd pl present indicative passive = dono
nisi: unless, except

eris: future tense

ops: resources, wealth
dvs: wealthy person

b. omnia prmittis cum tt nocte bibist;

mne nihil praests. Pollio, mne bibe.
cum: when
mne: in the morning

praestas: praestre carry out, make good


2. Finish this translation:

Thaida Quintus amat. "Quam Thaida?" Thaida luscam;
Unum oculum Thais non habet, ille duos.
Quintus loves Thais. Which Thais? One-eyed Thais;
Thais does not have one eye, ______________________

she has two eyes

he has two eyes
she does not have two eyes
he does not have two eyes

3. Scan the hendecasyllables in at least two of these lines, making sure to mark
elisions (i.e. when one vowel blends into another):
vvmus mea Lesbia, atque ammus
rmrsque senum severirem
omns nius aestimmus assis!


Vocab (10 or 11 pts)


1. Define 5 of the following vocab words:

a. rs
b. miror, mrr, mrtus sum
c. moror, morr, mortus sum
d. vetus
e. praeter
f. regio
g. quando?
2. HONORS ONLYGive the principal parts for offendo (to offend)


Culture (5 pts)

1. In your opinion, is Martial a good poet? Provide evidence to support your claim
(i.e. refer to specific poemsbut there is no need to quote).

2. Which of these statements is untrue about recitations?

a. It was a chance for Romans to decide whether or not to buy a
b. During the reign of Trajan, a group of men bribed a historian not to
give a recitation of his work on their recent misdeeds.
c. The works performed varied in quality.
d. The emperor Claudius banned recitations after he realized he was
no good at them
3. Which of the following abbreviations is an authentic way to open a Roman letter?
b. EG
c. CF
3. How did Odysseus and his men lull Polyphemus to sleep?
a. They sang him a lullaby
b. They got him drunk on wine

c. They waited for darkness to fall

d. They held a test first thing in the morning on a Thursday


Extra Credit (worth up to 3pts)

What else have you learned in Stages 35-36 that I did not ask you about on this test?

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