Kindergarten Classroom Modeling

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Lesson Plan

Name: Amanda Haynes

Date: April 14, 2015

Classroom Location: Kindergarten/ Mrs. Wax

Topic/Subject: Word families

Curriculum Standards
SOL(s): K.4 The student will identify, say, segment, and blend various units of speech sounds.
b. Identify and produce words that rhyme.
d. Segment one-syllable words into speech sound units including beginning phoneme(s)
(onset) and ending (rimes).
Essential Question:
How can we sort, segment, and write our simple CVC words in families ad, -op, -et?
Lesson Objectives: A statement or statements of what the students will be able to do as a
result of the lesson. Need to be observable and measurable.(ABCD format)
The student will be able to:

Identify and sort simple CVC words in word families ad, -op, and et.
Segment and blend one-syllable words into speech sound units.

Assessment of Objectives: Describe how you will collect evidence that individual students
have indeed met the lesson objective(s). These need to be tied to the degree or criteria from
your objectives.

Students will correctly read and sort words in word families ad, -op, and et.
Using cups provided, students will segment and blend one-syllable words (CVC) into
correct speech sounds units.

BEFORE (Content, Viewing or Listening):

Teacher: Focusing attention, laying the groundwork, creating interest, sparking curiosity,
students understand the purpose the why (set a purpose, explicit explanation of
expectations, modeling)
Student: Strategies to obtain prior knowledge, similarities, connections, analogies, think
about thinking metacognition (discussing, organizing, writing, vocabulary)

Teacher will ask students to brainstorm words that rhyme with cat. Students will share
Teacher will explain to students that because we know cat ends in at, it is easy for us
to think of all the words that rhyme with cat because we know they all go into the same
word family house.
DURING (Content, Viewing or Listening): Strategies for active engagement with new
content, what are students doing while reading, viewing, or listening? (set a purpose,
modeling, discussing, organizing, writing, vocabulary)

Teacher will show students word sort headers ad, -op-, and et.
Teacher will model three examples of how to sort words into correct categories.

Lesson Plan

Students will sort remaining words into correct categories (alternate students).
Using words selected from the sort, teacher will model segmenting and blending the
sounds of those words using cups. Example: let- on the red solo cup is the letters l t
on the clear solo cup is the letter e. Stack clear cup onto red cup and sound out the
word l-e-t, let. ***Note to students the vowels are blue and the consonants are black.
Students will practice segmenting and blending the sounds of the words using cups
As students take turns practicing segmenting and blending CVC words, they will write
each word on the paper provided.

AFTER (Content, Viewing or Listening): How will students apply new knowledge? How will
students check their understanding? How will students be prompted to reflect on what they
have learned? How will students be prompted to reflect on how they learned it?

Students will select two words from the lesson today and write one simple sentence for
each word using the paper provided.
As each student turns in their sentences, teacher will ask student which two words he or
she chose. The student will segment and blend the word as well as read their sentences
to the teacher. Teacher will correct any confusion the student may have.

Rationale: Why teach this lesson in this way? Why give these objectives, are these the BEST
strategies to choose and use? Explain why this sequence of activities leads to cultivating the
behaviors or performing the skills or displaying the knowledge called for by the objectives.
I am teaching this lesson in this way because it is directed towards students who are having
difficulty segmenting and blending simple CVC words in the same word families. By using the
cups to segment and blend the phonemes of each word, it is giving students a visual of
sounding out the word. While it is important for students to segment these words orally they
also need practice writing them as well.

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