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Cheek 1

Taylor Cheek
Mrs. Raymond
1102 Writing and Inquiry in Academic Contexts II
21 January 2015
My Name
My name comes from my mothers maiden name and her middle name. Her maiden
name is Taylor and her middle name is Vickie. My first name is Taylor and my middle name is
Victoria. My brothers name comes from my dads middle name, which is Gerome. His middle
name also comes from my grandpas middle name. My grandpas middle name is Wesley and
that is my brothers middle name. My uncle John got his name from my grandpas first name.
Names are important in my family and our parents try to name their children after themselves or
someone in the family.
Names come from other sources depending on the culture. For instance, British names
are based off of names in the bible. Most males will be named David, Jacob, or Joseph. Females
will be named Eve, Rebecca, or Sarah (Darlington ). Although certain cultures use names from
the bible, others use names to show family relationships. In India, the first boy to be born is
named after his fathers grandfather. The second male to be born is named after his mothers
grandmother. The girls are named after their mothers grandmother. If there was more than one
girl in each family, this could cause confusion because they would all have the same first name.
This relationship shows that family ties are important in the India culture (Naming Children

Cheek 2
In some cultures, inbreeding is known to be appropriate. Royal families want to marry
within their family to protect their royal blood. They believe that the rich should only marry the
rich to keep their social economic status. Studies have shown that inbreeding is not harmful on
the fertility of marriage, but they do show that inbreeding increases childhood deaths during the
first year. Results have also shown that inbreeding increases the amount of disabled children and
their development will take longer (Jha).

Works Cited

Cheek 3
Darlington, Roger. "The Use of Personal Names." The Use of Personal Names. N.p., 3 Jan. 2015.
Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
Jha, Aashish R. "Human Inbreeding: What Are the Consequences?" Mentavolution My Thoughts
On EvolutionAnthropology. N.p., 29 May 2007. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
"Naming Children: Traditions in 13 Different Countries." PocketCultures RSS. Carrie, 2011.
Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

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