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InTASC Standard Four: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and

structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning
experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and
meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Name of Artifact: Junior Achievement Lesson Plans

Date: November 26, 2013
Course: EDUC 101: Introduction to Teaching

Brief Description: Prepared lesson plans and reflected on what I experienced in

the classroom.
Junior Achievement gave me a wonderful opportunity to create meaningful
instruction for a kindergarten class. By preparing for a lesson each week, I started
to understand the importance of preparation and its effects on the lesson. The
program set goals for the volunteers and helped the future teachers reach those
goals through instruction. Some of the goals were to help students discover that
individuals make choices, increase the students understanding of personal
economics, and make the students aware of the importance of education for their
future. I was able to use the given material and create effective learning
experiences for each child in the classroom. I had wonderful participation in the
class, and learned a lot about those students in the five weeks I was there. Since I
was the teacher and not the observer, I got to incorporate my own pedagogy into
each lesson plan and view the impact it had on the students.

Session 1

Goods, Individual, Trade, and Work


Abstract thinking, Decision making, Drawing, Following directions, Interpreting

Information, Listening responsively, and Sequencing.


Volunteer-is a person who chooses to help another person or business but receives
no pay
Trade- when you give something and get something back


At the Beginning of the Introduction I shared a few things about myself. I also
passed out name tents and had them share something about themselves, along
with what they liked about school. Ran out of time, so not all the students
finished. Students still got to share their drawings with the class


I was extremely nervous, but Mrs. Press assured me that she was going to be
present in the room at all time and is willing to help me with anything I need.
When I got there everyone was welcoming and I began to explain why I was
there. The students listened quietly during story time and followed directions with
the activity. I ended up running out of time and forgot to pass out the magnets, but
left them with the teacher. First session did not go as planned, but was a good
learning experience.

Session 2:

Buying, Choices, Consumer, Earning, Entrepreneurs, Incentives, Money, Saving,

Spending, and Work


Coin Recognition, Coin Valuation, Following Directions, Interpreting

Information, Listening responsively, and Matching


Earn- to get money for a job you did

Save- to put something aside for later
Money- used to pay for things that we need and want


Had a lot of time at the end so I added a discussion at the end. The discussion
included things that we need and things that we want. I also reviewed the coins
and challenged them to tell me what each one is worth.


This session went a lot better than the first time I taught. I believe that I over
prepared the first time, which caused me to be stressed about it. I have always
thought that one of my weaknesses for teaching would be coming up with things
on the spot, but I proved myself wrong. I was able to think quickly and add things
to the core curriculum. This session went very well and left me excited to come
back next week!

Session 3:

Benefit, Choices, Resources, Rewards, and Work


Abstract Thinking, Decision Making, Following Directions, Listening

Responsively, and Teamwork


Vegetable- a plant with parts like leaves and roots that you can eat
Row- a group of plants or things in a line


Shared in the beginning about what kind of vegetables they liked, and also if they
have ever been to or helped in a garden.


This session went well, the students had lots of fun making their own gardens. I
had each one of them share why they did their garden the way that they did. I
even got to uses inclusion in this session too. Usually the special needs child goes
to a different room, but he came in while we were sharing our gardens. I wanted
to include him to I had him come up and I asked him questions about vegetables. I
wish I could have done more, but it was right before I had to leave. I was glad I
got to include him on the activity though.

Session 4:

Buying, Choice, Costs, Earning, Money, Saving, Scarcity, Wants, and Work


Coin Recognition, Coin Valuation, Following Directions, Listening Responsively,

and Matching


Made visual on the board for students if they got stuck during the activity. Put
coin flashcards on whiteboard and above each showed what they are worth.


This session was harder for the students then the other ones. The students have
not learned about coin valuation, they will learn in the spring. By doing
the visual
on the board it helped a little bit, but they still had trouble buying
the presents on
the worksheet. Since this lesson was hard, we did the
harder questions as a class
and then I had them do the other two. I also had
them right about each of the four
coins what they were worth, that way they
can practice them at home.

Session 5:

Benefit, Giving, Saving, Scarcity, and Work


Abstract Thinking, Following Directions, Listening Responsively, Matching,

Sequencing, and Teamwork


Made goodie bags for students and gift for teacher to pass out at the end. Got
done really early with lesson so helped and observed teacher with her math
lesson. When calling names, had everyone clap for their fellow students and clap
for Mrs. Press for letting me come and teach the class.


Since I forgot the book last week, I did not get to read the story ahead of time. I
was a little nervous about that, but I got to just go with the flow and hoped
for the
best. We zoomed through the story and activity so we had a lot of time left
Due to the extra time, I got to help and observed the teacher with her math
We did the math before we passed out certificates. I learned a lot from this
experience and it even made my passion for teaching stronger. Jackie
Brooks, educational researcher, once wrote Common thinking is
that teaching is
simple. But teaching isnt simple. Its a highly sophisticated
intellectual activity
that requires, among other things, a centered presence in
the classroom, good
negotiation skills, understandings of pedagogy and
psychology that inform one
another, and sensitivity to sociological factors in
learning.(gtd. in Koch) This
experience was not simple, but it allowed me to
recognize my strengths and
weaknesses, that way I can improve.

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