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Marcus et Quartus page 184

Directions: Read through the story and answer these Latin questions. Use page 191 to help with
the question words.
1. Qu fratres sunt?

2. Quid Marcus Quart dixit?

a. Cur Pompeiani Afro favent?

3. Quid Quartus Marc respondit?

a. Cur Pompeiani Holconio credunt?

4. Cur Quartus e vill discessit?

5. Ubi (where) Quartus ambulabat?

6. Quem (whom) Quartus conspexit?

7. Quid Quartus Sullae ostendit?

8. Quid Sulla in mur scripsit?

a. quid placet Quart et Sullae?

9. What does this story tell us about election practices in Ancient Pompeii?

1. Quem (whom) Marcus vidit e vill?


Sulla page 185

Directions: Read through the story and answer these Latin questions. Use page 191 to help with
the question words.
2. Cur Marcus iratus erat?

3. Quid Sulla Marc inquit?

4. Quid stultior quam asinus est?

5. Cur Marcus dominus in vill?

6. Quid Sulla, postquam inscriptionem erasit, in mur scripsit?

7. Cur Quartus Marcum pulsavit?

8. postquam fratres in vill intraverunt, quid Sulla in mur scripsit?

9. Cui (who) Marcus favet? Cui Quartus favet?

10. cur Sulla ridebat?

11. What does this story tell us about election practices in Ancient Pompeii?

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