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Strategic Communication Plan

The Berwick Mural Project

April 2015- April 2016

Table of Contents
1. Strategic Positioning
2. Situation Analysis
3. Communication Objectives
4. Key Publics
5. Recommended Strategies
News Media Relations
Social Media
Collateral Materials
Constituent Relations
Fundraising Approach
6. Tactics
7. Times table

1. Strategic Positioning
For individuals in the Berwick area a mural is more than just a piece of art; it
is a safe haven. The Berwick Mural Project is a non-profit organization that offers
alternative ways of creative expression and beautification of a local town; The
Berwick Mural Project is a volunteer based organization that is devoted to the
development of Berwick specific youth. The Berwick Mural Project gives the
youth a way to memorialize their art and have something that both beautifies the
featureless streets of Berwick as well as gives the youth something to be proud of.
The Berwick Mural Project has an open creative culture that offers a safe place
within the community where you have the freedom to be who you are and put your
dreams into color.

2. Situation Analysis
The only creative art outlet that has this much community outreach
in the area.
Run by a member of the Berwick community who has a set goal
and mission in mind.
There is no structure. One person who takes on all the
responsibility alone runs it.
Communicating the full ideas of murals and events
Lack of data
Opportunity to become a nationally known non-profit art
organization. Opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives
of the individuals that get involved.
The threats are not by another organization. The major threat is the
lack of structure and project managers to help out.

3. Communication Objectives

a. Objective is to change the format of the website from a blog.
i. Include rebranding
ii. Updating of information
iii. Artists Profiles
iv. Current photos and videos
v. Contact page
vi. Links to social media platforms


a. Objective is to increase followers and increase awareness
i. Update and rebrand
ii. Daily posts
iii. Interactive posts
1. Contests


a. Objective is to increase followers and brand awareness
i. Schedule daily posts
1. Interactive posts



a. Objective is to increase followers and brand awareness

i. Exposure to artists
ii. Exposure of murals and events
iii. Build awareness throughout the art community

a. Objective is to inform
i. Send to schools
1. Send to parents
a. Inform them about organization
b. Art Club
i. Fundraisers
ii. Volunteers


a. Objective is to keep constant contact
i. Send out emails to donors, volunteers, other
1. Inform them of upcoming events and opportunities

4. Key Publics
The Berwick Mural Project has distinct key publics. The key publics for this
organization are specific to age and geographic location. The Berwick Mural
Project is geographically focused on the publics of Berwick, Pennsylvania. Their
other key public within this geographic location is youth. Although The Berwick
Mural Project wants to aim toward all people who are creative, their focus is solely
on the youth of Berwick, Pennsylvania.

Key Audiences
1. Berwick Area
2. Schools and Youth Age
3. Donors
4. Residents
5. Volunteers

6. Recommended Strategies
1. News Media Relations
2. Events
3. Social Media
4. Collateral Materials
5. Constituent Relations
6. Fundraising Approach

7. Tactics
1. News Media Relations
a. Establish a positive relationship with local news outlets
i. The Press Enterprise
1. Work with journalists to establish coverage and
promotions of events
2. Send out Press Releases for events and rebranding
3. Have a media kit created to send out
a. Include collateral material and photos
ii. WNEP
1. Work with journalists to establish a relationship
a. Promotions and coverage of events
b. Have an Ad created that can be shown
c. Have a media kit created to send out
i. Include collateral material and photos
iii. WHLM
1. Berwick and surrounding areas radio outlet
a. Work with radio station to promote events
b. Have a spokesperson go for an interview and speak
about the organization
c. Have media kit created and sent

2. Events
a. Plan and execute at least 4 events that go with the 4 seasons
i. Autumn Festival
1. Pumpkin painting event
a. Town Park
i. Prime location
1. Largest and most known murals
created by The Berwick Mural Project
are located there.
b. Local farm/store donate pumpkins
2. The local shops could have sidewalk sales on food or
even tables at the park
ii. Winter Door Decorating
1. Classroom Door Decorating Contest
a. Winter theme
i. Open-House following door completion
1. Vote on best door
2. Music/ Holiday Carols
3. Refreshments
iii. Spring Event
1. Beautify the community
a. Paint fences, mailboxes, birdhouses, etc.
i. Community service
1. Cleaning and painting
iv. Summer Event
1. Honor our Heros
a. Do a mural that represents Olympic competitor
and USA
i. 4th of July
1. Have kids at local pool draw pictures
of who their hero is
a. Post on social media platforms
3. Social Media
a. Facebook
i. Rebrand and Update
ii. Increase the number of followers
iii. Create relationships with other organizations, groups, and
businesses in Berwick
iv. Have interactive posts that allow followers to answer questions,
give opinions, and win contests

b. Twitter
i. Rebrand and Update
ii. Increase the number of followers
iii. Post at least 4 times a week
1. Share photos
2. Event information
3. Share other businesses, groups, and organizations posts
4. Share information from other social media platforms
c. Instagram
i. Post a new photo at least 2 times a week
ii. Post photos from all the murals
iii. Showcase the artists who create the murals
iv. Post photos from events
v. Increase followers
d. Hootsuite
i. Combine all the platforms
1. Schedule posts to go out during the week
a. Unified posts
ii. Show progress for all the social media platforms
e. Website
i. Rebrand
ii. Make it more professional
iii. Update with current information and photos
iv. Incorporate social media links onto the site
v. Include a donor/ donations page
4. Collateral Material
a. Logo
i. Rebrand the logo
Singing with the Rain Silhouette
1. Print logo to give out to students
a. School newsletter
iii. Flyers
1. Use new flyers to promote the organization and
upcoming events
2. Create flyers for donors and volunteers
iv. Brochures
1. Use the new logo and updated information
2. Add social media and contact information
3. Include up to date photos
5. Constituent Relations


a. Send out newsletters to the local schools to inform them about the
organization and their partnership with the school
b. Send out personalized emails to the community and previous
volunteers and donors to thank them for their support
c. Contact donors and create a relationship as progress is built
d. Work with the University to obtain interns and volunteers to help at
different events and with different jobs
6. Fundraising Approach
a. Clothespin Art
i. Students paint and design clothespins
ii. Sell them to parents, friends, family
iii. Use the money raised to paint a mural for their class
b. Art Show/Auction
i. Local Coffee Shop
1. Sell tickets in advance
2. 10% of food/drink bought during event goes to
3. 20% of profit from the artwork goes to the organization
c. Unveiling of the mural
i. Invite the community, donors, volunteers, etc. to see the
completed mural
ii. Have donated refreshments
iii. Have collateral material and incentives available for potential
donors and volunteers
iv. Invite media outlets to cover the unveiling

7.Times Table


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