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Hatsumi Mann

September 28, 2014

Professor K. Ludlow
CHD 215 Project assignment
I would like to provide/ offer a program that provides opportunities for
children to learn and grow through play.
I would like to incorporate Maria Montessori's approach of "following the child"
and allowing children to gain independence through experimenting on their own.
Just as Jean Piagets theory states, children learn through exploration and this is
what helps them to make sense of the world around them. Children will be given
opportunities to work with self correcting materials where little adult assistance is
needed. Adults will be present to guide the children when necessary, but will be
part of the foreground instead of the fore front. Children are given one on one
work time with adults as well as small group lessons. The children will be
encouraged to experiment and problem solve using trial and error. Children
master abilities through repetition, variations, and extensions of the materials.
The overall goal of my program is to provide a stimulating and challenging
environment for children to grow and learn. It will be based on individual
development and not as a group as a whole. I would also like to provide
assistance to children with special needs. I would do this by employing staff who
have expertise in these areas. I would like to provide them with an inclusive
environment, but also with a specialist who can focus on their growth and
I would like to provide care for children 18 months to 5 years old
(Kindergarten). This program would also ideally include children with special
needs or giftedness. Children will be grouped in mixed ages. Toddlers :18
months to 3 years old and primary classes of 3-5 year olds. My program would
be run as a Montessori school. It would follow the philosophy of Maria
Montessori. The program would serve families from all backgrounds and areas. I
would like to offer a Montessori program that is affordable for a diverse group of
The teachers role would be to act as a "guide" and assist the children only
when needed. The teachers acts as a proper role model at all times and helps
the children learn how to solve conflicts and problems individually. The teacher
shows children how to use the materials by modeling it themselves. The teacher/
guide/directress is constantly observing the children. Guides (or teachers) are
able to sit off to the side as children work independently and he/she is able to
make observations and take notes. The programs beliefs would coincide with
that of Friedrich Froebel. He believed children learned through play, or activities

that they initiated and directed themselves. In his studies he recognized

significant brain development in children ages birth to 3. His method combines an
awareness of human physiology and the recognition that we, at our essence, are
creative beings. (
In this program the children will be learning through play. They will be
provided with materials that are self correcting. Children will be given the
opportunities to explore through various art materials as well. Group and
individual science experiments will be presented so children can experiment
hands on with discoveries of how plants grow, what items sink and float, what
items are magnetic/non magnetic and so forth.
The children will be presented with activities that are age appropriate. If
there children who are excelling above their milestones, they will be provided
with more challenging activities. All children will be presented materials based on
individual development, but no child will be pressured to engage in activities they
are not ready for or are hesitant to try. Children will be positively encouraged to
try new things, but will also be respected if they choose not to.
I will be planning to serve children ages 18 months through 5 years old and
as the program becomes successful, I would like to include infants in our range
of care. I would include Erik Erikson's theory of socio-emotional development as
a guideline when planning curriculum and also when training staff. If you are able
to understand each area it helps to understand the needs of the children. I feel it
gives you a guide of how to interact with children of various age groups. Infants
need reassurance and to know they are taken care of. Trust is important for any
age, but must be built in the early years in order to raise a child to feel safe in
their environment. Toddlers are starting to become independent and need
freedom with limits from adults who are caring for them. Preschool and
kindergarten age children are starting to rationalize things and understand right
from wrong. The adults need to be there to model appropriate behaviors and help
the children learn proper problem solving and conflict resolution techniques. It is
very important that we lay the foundation early on so as they grow into
adolescents and adults that have the skills needed to deal with life problems.
Families are involved in this program in a variety of ways. Some are small
and require less involvement and other are bigger responsibilities and may
require more dedication. I want to respect all families, their schedules and home
lives. I would not want to make a parent feel guilty because they are unable to
come into the classroom to volunteer due to work responsibilities. Parent will be
able to volunteer to read stories, chaperone field trips, assist in art projects, bring
in flowers for flower arranging, wash the class laundry, bring in international
snack, bring in fruit and veggies for food prep and so forth. There will be many

opportunities for parents to participate if they so choose. I also encourage

parents to come in to share stories, food or items from their culture. Children
enjoy learning about their friends cultural backgrounds and it gives them
exposure to a variety of cultures they may not have known existed.
I am planning to provide a program that is based on the Montessori
philosophy so lead teachers will be required to be Montessori trained/certified.
Assistants will need to have some experience working with children in the past
and all staff must pass background screenings. All staff must follow social service
regulations as well and state and local laws. Every staff member will be educated
on child abuse, proper discipline techniques and additional continuing education
during the school year.

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