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Danny Farley Bradley English 14 12/12/2013 The Power of Music "Music does bring people together. It allows us to experience the same emotions. People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what language we speak, what color we are, The form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, Music proves: We are the same.” ~ John Denver ~ Mr, Denver could not have put that any better. Music is the only true universal language that can unite the cynical, destructive, ignorant, and downright reckless and relentless human being. For instance, in the late 60's, chaos raged on in the US. The Vietnam War was at its bitter end, the civil rights movement was at its prime, dozens of protests, riots, and sit-ins led to the arrests of hundreds of citizens. Even amidst the hurt and the pain and the animosity, everyone came together for an event that is still remembered as a time where music became the bond that brought together thousands and thousands of people for a weekend. {ax Yasgur’s Farm- Bethel, New York on August 15th, 16th, and 17th of 1969, Over a half of million people crowded a 600 acre spread of field to witness a 32-act, revolutionary event that united a vast amount of people with music as the foundation. For just one weekend, music became the sole implement for the unity of that half of million people. Black, white, rich, poor, Asian, Italian and so on, spewed into one race in itself as music conquered the hatred and fighting. As Joni Mitchell said, “Woodstock was a spark of beauty, where half-a-million kids saw that they were part of a greater organism." There was no pain, no struggle, and no worry, Music was the savior. Music swept me off my feet at a young age. | had my first guitar in my hand at age 5. My mother took notice as my abilities and at age 9, | was taking lessons from a pastor at the church she worked at, Months went by and he found a new job, so we said our farewells and my passions became dormant, About a year after that, | began taking lessons again from a professional guitarist out of California which dramatically strengthened my abilities. Since then, nearly every Sunday, I've had the blessing of influencing an entire congregation at my church. Week after week, | get to experience firsthand the power that music has over people. Being able to use my talents in a positive and effective way is surreal to me and my only hope is that | may someday be able to expand that influence and be able to impact a much larger group people, god providing.

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