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Job Shadow Interview 1. Whats your career title? 2. What are your main duties and responsibilities? uv Wy nn fy NL orig HEL LOE. Jo 3. What abilities/traits do you have that have helped you be ‘successful in your career? garcl ot far svic, Aarduare J den 4, What education ané/or training did you have for this job? O Wyle bite OF (ellen, Gn Ht Hb Hang i : Pe pee {0 Chote; 6. Are you expected to work any overtime? /'/ ve 7. What are the starting wages/earnings for this position? And what are top wages/earnings in this field for someone with experience? f har empenge, (5-Zob po 8 Does Your comany offer insurance to its employees? If so, please describe 10, XEN emaloved 9. Who performs employee evaluations? How often ae evaluations done? Sel employed 10. Do you have a handbook that covers company policies and regulations? _{ 1) 11. How are employees disciplined who break company rules? HO _Orheic_epndloyaes 12, How are employees rewarded for postive efforts and outstanding work? NO_ Offer Ap OkeS 13. What personal and teamwork skills are employees expected to exhibit in their relationships with supervisors, co- workers, and customers/clients? (O_Ofher A NDOWRS 14. What are the positive aspects of your jobs? TM fo_ mete ipo, tery create, bein (nba ore lWith mise Oi doy. 1 ta pie gto it Dicky MES, DMEYUICS 1 whining Hangs ih A Hens, Mnoncal 2) 16. What opportunities for advancements are offered by your company? JAE aunplovad’ 4 company Nemes LUC THANK YOU!

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