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SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric PID TEAM ‘Teacher Candidate_/f.A7/ Lead Teacher LEFEVERS: Grade/Subject, Distriet, Ta ‘School. Lesson content Tie ated Wakes ZZ ee SNC Superdsor [ees Doarnat meet Content Knowledge ~ | Demonstrates gpproprite | sowie of fe content the intormatan fonveyedte Staats is eeurate aphunbaved, Content sandaraPbased sn focused on Era put | Demonstrates aceptabe content rowed, the nfrmtlonconveyesto stadetsis accurate. Content isnot always tandords base on ocused on frien “Dove not demonstrate tfectony «content novdedse, conveys incorect ‘or biased information to students regulaty. Content isnot based on ‘Standards and often not focused on trea input | Panctutand epfpietes ai eased duties ont Professional ‘Rapearance i plsmessapavoprate,| Not Aoplesbe ‘Rapearace nat voproprate Torte Appearance modest and yropratfor the schoo seting~inmadest, unkempt, tities oge case, Cr inaperopriat forthe asro0m Punctuality Tet ppCTe ‘Giten iso TroaT orn comBaTNE professional requirements (attendance rade, supervision utes ete ‘Coramanieation Sle aes profesional speaking sna communicational students, administer coleaques, aad patents. Folows apprepiste hierarchy when (he nas concen. ‘iesnfaral language ate dream oes notreiec professonal sppropiste hierarchy wth concer, Makes equent erorh wramar ana spelling n ween ommurications, or unprofessional Invriten andar verbal Communications. Does 29a apsropite neratcy with concerns Seeks suggestions rom mentors and accepts feedback Seeks Tonetime: donanniater ents forallapects of teaching euding us, PUCS/mastins, parent conc fc, Accepts suggestions and feedsack ‘etends trainings when encouraged sua eat stat wth respect “eid demonstrates erthuinm for a aspecs of teaching, inuding Gates, Pucs/meetngs. parent ‘contacts, ete. Does not aezept Suggestions or feedback, Does not aterd Wenings when avalabe. Does ‘portunities to earn, neuding leanings. rats taf ith reepect fot aways treat af wth respect, Reflection on Practice | Reaulacy relogs on nsution. | Rafacs oeavonay on rvivcton, | Does not Teee or weeds uk doer ass ideneacnivement | assessment, student achlevement and | not rake adjustments to practice Br cugpalom ane makes Curriculum, and does na consstenty | based an the data austen to practic based on fefection ‘Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments: 2 THE FERCHER REFERS a pari rile ¢ me TEACHER PAWOEQ WER Wh, 6 Sus THe Me SOP RTI SER Bale’ > R&ab z a x SONE EXT RENELY pHIVGIT LOL As fuse ris) AM COME MEN FAT GOL t-QEt Py Seip AMRAAL wee sents INTeY conkers Po GoUR FERN E ZIG, ‘make justments based on reflection GEM CAR tyes SF Qenm TEN Releccrny Teacher Candidate. Page Date. 3 ok x8 Khe THY YS 8 See aes K = ess Les Say eh Si yp eee Sek PS> RAS SXQ S & Son SSR IVS x .Re Sse sf ve NS Ss S¥e EXE NSS Bay Sk == SYUCCETION #/T vtenD he Z > 2 youR AD ered sustniNtd AT-TMR PERCE OS pene, DORING THe seMALL GCP, prpr PYAKIYG LEANE Ary) ny, SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric ‘Glassroom Management/ Effective Learning Environment — ‘Approaches ‘Does not meet ‘gd ry Seon rnctaaraear— Seen LS meotccnmeee” |S Behavior nee |S Q aa b bs rovereiave | Se cao ee ei angi | disap to teen aa (te 0 Leedidlan ere errr not applicable 4) | Seraruredacoiy nt sudensre eens Lure Shores yh eae Fercotne end ofc ung para theondorteterang pe. eng TART EN TI —| eas tea paring re Tons reins ee Trans oestenty heoo—] \Asieere + Ditenctiengete towel | nearoterop eon oe Sreaangwnc nswectonseoged ' rot applicable ‘Stroclon erequretheencherto | reuningintretexaurnovagtovegan | andcpaingctsoom con! net ‘Materials and Therese oun PRET pate | Howes wen pace otanin ages | Terese aus n per THE Svopties Sierewenidworyslemaaqant | mdccecgrmtervontiwowont | seitortinsal nem vmes" Caecngmaenat wlennootsancr | het te movenan nuts and cause | aug omelet soe for ‘not applicable crakinmamalorrofetucoraltime | si tisctona tine ror drativet» | cumple, rucens tance ot mae to FEACHEA CIRCULATES, MINTS ¥ LU Akity «NAB ACTIVITS. weacaaronen ae Ee a rowtines Eee not applicable ‘sr enone pee ommendations, Recommendations, Nats, and Comment » S7UQENTS ENTER PHE cénlihiers 1 AM ORDERLY AAHNEA, ALC NTUDEM TS Use THE WNDIVIDUAL LAP TOL Po Pokey THEI 2 LUE TIAL EXPERIENCE. THE TEACHER KM ATRS F CIREULATEY RLGHEO FulElTilG TALK, A GARER SPecuLa ric 1S Phone? Wie? Loca zones, RTE Pep tarp pig ahd NY" Ges Pier $ DUPRTA GS LHCII OF TWEET GUTcerEl AfarneFiMb6 eARNER CHEAGEMENT AAG AO COUUTALL)P ssiofen duped and tae THE wv x AL LEARWERS ACCOM ALISA THE 2 4Y AWE STON TL Lon rjpy Teacher Candidate. Page 2 cate AK IMPRAT IE EAMG, SAL BAO AAP TAI, Phorsereg pr up.y, > EVER enT CONTEND ANTES Y PREM NCE oo rcosnee. * THE TEACHER Whore THE PARAMETER, OF THE PSAP LEALMINE ye OM Fak winire bedhd, AUENEN PME Wek VENGAL WL ThU cramp oe ) SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric Preparation and Planning for instruction Weets ‘Approaches ‘Boss nat meat ‘Standardv-baved lessons Tessons are consistently based fon the standards forthe content area ~Nevada Academic standards (Ng), Next Generationgheonce Standards (685), 9f include Common Core Standaras for iteracyin content areas and Standards of Math Practices Tome lessons ave based on NAS, INGSS, oF do net consistently ineude CSS Standards for teracy in ‘content areas or Standards of Math Practices Few any lessons ave based on the NAS, NGSS and do not include (55 Standards for Iteracy in content areas of Standards for Math Practices {esson Plans {Lesson plans are conaatenthy prepared and submittedin advance and elude clear teaming objfatves student engagereht strategies including student discourse, opportunities for student metacogntion and formative assessment Tesson plans are consistently prepared outlack some ofthe components that are equiced for effective lessons, or are not consistently submited in a timely Tessan plas are not consstenty prepared in advance or ‘Frequently lack the requires components Questions Cin TMOE yeh HigHee COGNITIVE aT ‘Questions are pfSnned Tor both oral and wgrenactvties and move studénts to higher cognitive leve's more than half the time, Guestions ave planved for oral and ‘written activities inthe lesson but move to higner cognitive levels less than hal the tim. Guestions ave not planned Torin the lesson ‘Waterial and Sug Materias forthe lesson 87 consistently arepgred in advance, ready,r to te beginning of Ae lesson ant easily accexiole. Matedals re legible, afferentiated or adopted as needed and age appropriate ‘Materials for the lesson are sometimes prepared in advance and easly accessible, Sometimes materials are dificult to read or see, not atthe level appropriate for the learner or not age aopropriate Mteriis are often not ready or the lesson or not legible, appropriate fr the learners or ‘age appropriate, When prepared in advance, materials ae not easily accessible Pacing The teacher candidate has considered pacing when planning lessons and can adjust ‘the plan as needed during Instevetion The teacher candidate has coreg sometines has Siesta There i no evidence that pacing Is considered regularly prior 0 implementation of lesson SU 6Ge. + THs e. Ale Teacher Candidate Date, Commendations, Recommen phe wikpr7e! Be tSip) PAD) Lo COM fRkueurgrees rihirren p be #F PIciN6 couse Have been Nasréneg QUANG FoliiiTNg PALK FUN, Ser & FINE LiIT Lop srepenr rweerg, WIPTERIAL SOfpap™ Ck LEALIERL, “Ow nEpuheg tions, Notes and Cormments: Pesviccy By Tae TEACHER, TaKeED Page 3 4 per. GE YOR fy HAVER PIS U. YRIPFUNTS? BEN YOR, vine o> TALE MG Bib CcCOR LURING Thre aw Meek res Pang 7 LH Ary, Stier on a SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric instruction Meets “Approaches Doss nat meet Objectives ao apo eaT —] Oats Tain TR oC a curen spfecsitydsincod | er wesoninar expt’ | tones ane Sine inecton Sse con Stoseteensotateite he o¥ectae/ | Inn. Sens a rat uareahe veda te coc ening tage, | lung roe¥ectrcal qesion nthe own | ebecve/ ening rgesevea | Connections to rior | esi sone a BECRE esr i aa RTC teeming commrorbuliyetecrtrtnren | eelewe crbucsatuistathentw | eueneeso blessontrarh ‘rung rowan rosso farang wrowhay near wavicen | Weary Boi ey oan Waren stron ter srnotaacicr | macimesnacgrigcctmaavates | waa ao wae Student Engagement | 0 a a vetaton wate afese Seen we | seep tat acne engage tee Shwopeate staercenparmen's | fomatonoreepenmecogertmang. | 1x ‘Opportuities for Tare nk sae Fo oD | Tie WUE a TEE ‘metacognition perros omamoanne ben tee | svg cetcon ane pace Rimniveoeeentopmgestuten | aneamen,sherusesterame mesnent | ene leg astute ton | Ste cnn nn ato Pacing The Scher ORE OTR hepato Fags Ren oo ooo How Tse frcinmontargane | marty tuzers Thee epee of meg Terearepeoueay | tine when fen ster areas Tmecerent tas and cst the ‘eater ons ot ove | belvee son noes oar feranseatng nk of undesanang YEMEN GE FUOG NENT? EXPLAWIG RATIONALE” WtRE FRING TEE Tearmer Centered | Gassoom itusjetind citer am | Canaan nanan ndales ove ant | ORa0OR OR OREN & RCRT RTE ‘Classroom fonnaaonseageracemsne wih tne | saggemo wah te contre torrmane | pesernton wt few pete ‘ontrt teen escergusetacon_| teh ose ve ha ofa. ders toenage hth cote ‘Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments: 6 PME PEACH ER 1 TLATES THE LELEN wt) Biker sNIPRUC PA, ASKING prebentl A TEAMING lPebelripl bx AEK/EHCE HOUNG Fae "EL e THE TEACHER EAPLAIM, Fae "TWEET THAT WAY 70 Pop > THEE INPUT: SHE (MODELS HEL ERAN PLE. \T ' N64 cogal/riell Bion crea QUAING Pete? OMcosSION» FL pbbiave Gel Lok The LLahwihe=CenrehEe fOCVS pst FURY s wet, K Als THNALLY Teacher Candidate Page 4 Date, Hf TINE-MANAGENENT/SIRG CT7 opAe PACE LL Abwy4YS A CHALLENGE FOh “EVERY FeAGHER, ZO bét pete Feuk, OSV SL 00 4 en > OS rhIS SEU LL Phoghehyim6 phre Nicely. > whhis Fine QEITVUTINS, rHil WWE! ceaknuns Seca ALEKS MOS Loran l “Areal he om SNC Student Teacher Observation Rubric See ‘Assessment of Student Learning Wests ‘Approaches Does not meet | Formative Formative assessment drives Formative assessment is used Formative assessment is not used Assessment instruction and jyanintegral | ducing instruction and sometimes | consistently nr sit effectively results in adjustments to instruction | used to adjust instruction or to meet student needs. Formatifassessment used consistent throughout intruction to monitor student understanding and adjust Instruction. _ ‘Summative “Summative assessments are | Summative assessments ave based | Surnmative assessment are [Assessment based on the standards and | on the standords butare designed | designed based on instruction or signed prior to instruction | after instruction has occurred taken Feom textbooks and other Not observed (Bsckwards Lesion Design} in | rather than asa tool to guide sources not connected tothe frder to guide the planning and_| instruction and planning. Rubrics | standards. Rubrics are not used instruction. Rubres are tare used inconsistently for major routinely used for major assignments anc tests. assignments and tests, provided ina timely manner and provide clear erteria for students Feat ond Sec erat s provid on | Fowdbucs ot corameny | Feedbacks occasional reaing Sosen-wcrsudentworn's | proved. Sider wore # prened, Scent works nt res sy manner ond_|sometinesyuced namely | padedina tine manne, Weges eneradcoreciyand | renner grasestecemeres’ | Padesarcther not anered Ire snen omer Corccinoutnotsteeyinatinely | correciyornotinatnely Tarra a,RaTATO, WaT wT CORTES —— Pekar etre Wa te Nerarnrce oun LE Pouce Tle TASK, MAP NAMM G, Cas Tiger” COcerng HLERAER Meisel of pou, AMEIEG SULOAY oprec res TON a. © urcmey Leamarugey TEFL revised 1229-15 raveed P14 rose PILAG, renee TTT Teacher Candidate Signature: SNC Supervisor Signature: Lead Teacher Signature: ‘Teacher Candidate. Page S Date.

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