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Classroom Rules and Consequences

Class Rules:

We will come to class ready and prepared

We will follow Directions
We will be polite to others
We will raise your hand for questions, comments, or permission to speak
We will not talk when the teacher is talking
We will comply with the district and school rules

Consequences: (three strikes method)

1. If the student does not comply with one of the rules, the sub will orally tell the student
what they are doing wrong, and tell the student that it is their first strike.
2. If the student is continuing to misbehave, the sub will send the student to cool down. The
sub will then set the timer for five minutes and they will follow the directions
below.(strike 2)
(found on:

3. If the student misbehaves after cool down, move the students clothespin down a color.
Strike 3. (example below). The sub will continue to follow this method. If a student
reaches the Parent Contact, the Sub will write down the students name and a
description of his/her behavior for the teacher.

At the end of the day, the sub will write up a letter to the teacher of how the students, as
a group, behaved. She will also write down the names of the students that had their clothespin on
parent contact, and he/she will leave the sheets, from the cool down spot, on my desk.

Classroom Arrangement
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Content Area: Math, Science, Social Studies

I would arrange my students in 5 groups of four. They will be labeled table 1-5. The
teachers desk would be near the back corner of the room. The Kidney table will be on the same
wall as the teacher desk, but closer to the door. The projector/smartboard, as well as the mini
easel/whiteboard, will be in front of the rug. The Tv, as shown will be out of the way in the
corner. All of the storage materials will be beside the teachers desk. The wall space will be used
for weekly reminders, students work, classroom rules and procedures, student jobs for the week,
as well school wide rules.
b) The teachers desk is in the back corner in order to see all the students. This will help the
teacher correct misbehaviors in a quick manner. The storage supplies will also be in the back
corner with the teachers desk, so the students wont get into the storage area or become
distracted. The square rug, smartboard, and whiteboard are all together because it is the best way
to have all the students in one place, and close, so they can see and participate. The desks are in
groups because my class will have discussions and games integrated in lessons. With these

integrated activities, students will need to be in groups, and this arrangement already has students
in assigned groups. I also added bean bag chairs near the shelves, on the top of the diagram,
because those are used to hold books. If a students have completed their work, they can go get a
book and sit at either their desk or a beanbag. This will give them incentive to finish their work.
The other shelves, on the wall, near the door, are placed there because they hold the students
backpacks. When they enter and exit, they can leave and pick up their bags in an orderly fashion.

General Procedures for students:

Class starter:
1. Walk in the room quietly
2. Gather materials that are listed on the board
3. Be seated in assigned seat
a. This is used to take roll. If the student is seated in their assigned seat, they
will be counted as present. This will make roll a faster process.
b. Seating chart will be included
4. Read the agenda
5. Start the bell ringer journal (on the whiteboard)
Using the restroom/getting water:
1. Students will raise their hand with their hands making the number one sign
2. Students will get called upon
3. If the teacher allows the student to go, the student will take the boys/girls pass
near the door.
4. Students have up to 5 minutes to use the restroom.

Pencil, raise two finger

Restroom, raise one finger
Tissue, raise three fingers
Question, raise 5 fingers

Classroom jobs:
1. Students will check the calendar for their weekly job
2. Jobs:

a. Paper Collector: Collect all the papers(homework and Classwork)

from all the students and turn them into the box
b. Door opener: Will be second in line and will open/close all doors when
the class leaves the classroom.
c. Line Leader: Leads the line when heading to lunch, specials, etc..
d. Caboose: is the last person in line
e. Calendar helper: changes the day of the week on the board
f. Chair helper: makes sure all chairs are put on the desks at the end of
the day
g. Trash engineer: makes sure trash is off the floor when leaving for the
Switching classes:

Students should clean their desk of their work and scraps

Students should make sure they put their supplies in their cubby
Get into line to switch
Let the other class come in before entering their classroom

1. Go to a center when all work is done
2. Use the centers for school related activities
3. Clean up the way it was found before it was used

End of the day:


Students should clean their table tops.

Students should pick of trash from their area around them.
Stack chairs on top of desk.
Students will get their backpack from their cubby and pack up homework, daily
folder, etc.
5. After completing steps 1-4, Students will sit on the carpet ready for leaving

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