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Assignment N1

Yael Squeo 3AM

How to peel a banana

The simplest and most effective way to peel a banana is by using the convenient
"handle" on one end of the fruit. However, the peeler may find that this
conventional method mashes up the top of the banana, and he may be looking for
another method, either because peeling a banana this way hurts his wrist, or
because he is just bored with it. Therefore, first, hold the banana with the stem
pointing downwards; this has both been known as the upside-down or monkey
method. If it's good enough for monkeys, it should be good enough for him without
doubts. Second, pinch or push just at the tip to its typical yellow skin and make
sure to do it gently. As regards the peeling itself, do it downwards towards the stem
and that is all. The best part is he now has a handle to hold onto while enjoying his
favorite fruit.

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