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Dear Rita,

I would like tell you about what happened in our class since the first week in
March. Oscar Camacho, who is an ESLTCP student-teacher, came to do a 20-hour
practicum in our class; our class mates agreed. Oscar had to observe our class for
10 hours prior to teaching us for an additional 10 hours.
Oscar taught our class two hours per day. He taught so many things to us which
are proposition, adjective, modal verbs and embedded questions. When Oscar
was teaching about embedded questions, I was confused and found it
incomprehensible. However, my colleagues asked beautiful questions to Oscar
and his answers helped me understand clearly. Moreover, he gave us some
activity that helped us understand what he taught us, and that was fun.
In my opinion, Oscar will be a good teacher just like you. He was very kind and
always had a smile for us. We had a wonderful experience with him. Also, we are
happy for he passed his practicum.

Student #1

Dear Rita,
I have been studying at Red River College for almost three months. I learned a lot
not only from you and classmates, but also from Oscar, a student-teacher from
the University of Winnipeg, who came for a 20-hour ESLTCP practicum at the
beginning of March. Prior to teaching, he had to observe for 10 hours. During our
break time, he always walked around, talked with us and answered our questions;
hence, we all got familiar with him before he taught.
Based on the observation Oscar targeted his teaching on our weak points. He
started with preposition since we were studying parts of speech at that time. He
summarized groups of usage of the adjective with certain prepositions, which
helped me to have a good understanding about that. Afterward, I could use the
preposition more confidently since he gave us several pages of exercise to
practice. Next, He focused on embedded questions, which I used almost every
day, but always made mistakes in some circumstances. After two-days studying,
I will never hesitate when asking someone for help or information. Last but not
the least; Oscar summarized the usage of modal verbs. I can pick up the right
word now when I want to express recommendation, necessity or possibility.
Although Oscar had stayed with us only for 20 hours, he helped us in many ways.
I was impressed by his modesty and kindness. Both his knowledge and attitude
will certainly have a positive impact on me.
I hope Oscar enjoyed his teaching here as we did.

Best regards,

Student #6
Dear Rita,
We had a new instructor since the first week in March whose name is Oscar.
He is form Mexico. He came to learn how to become a teacher at RRC. He was an
English teacher in Mexico, and I think its easy for him to start his new career in
During his 10-hour teaching time, we have learned parts of speech, and he
continued with topic from your teaching. We have learned adjectives, prepositions
and modal verbs. All this is very helpful and useful for us. He also has given us
information about How to ask question. I was confused when he explained to us
how to ask questions, for example, do you know what time it is? I was confused
why we have to use what time it is and we cant use what time is it. After we have
finished his class, I knew the reason because that question is an embedded
question which is included inside another question or statement. That is
interesting, isnt it? Oscar usually gave us lots of activities, for us to remember
what we have learned in the class. Unfortunately, he only had 10 hours of
teaching time.
I learned lot information from Oscars class. Actually, his emphasis was on
details which we usually dont pay attention, and which are very helpful for us. We
can not only ask question correctly, but also use correct grammar. I m so happy I
had the opportunity to take a class from him, and I hope he will succeed because
he works so hard and did a good job during his 10-hour teaching.
Thank you for reading my letter and I look forward to your reply.

Student #17
Dear Rita,
I am writing this email to inform you of some latest news from class while
you were away in March. There was an ESLTCP student-teacher who came to our
class. His name is Oscar, and he came to our class to take 20 hours teaching
practicum as well as to learn how to become a teacher.
During his 10 hours teaching, he was very nice to us. He helped us to
know more about a huge topic, Part of Speech by some Powerpoints that he had
prepared by him-self. In addition to that, he also taught us about one more new
topic. It was about Embedded questions which is very useful knowledge for social
speaking. Prior to leaving our class in the last day, he did the hot seat as a
request from us to know more about him.

I have learned a lot from Oscar, and what he has taught me. Now, I am
able to not only speak more creatively, but also write better. My writing skill has
improved, and knowledge of Parts of Speech helps me play around with words as
much as I can. I think Oscar will be a great teacher in the future. See you Monday.

Student #4
Hello Rita,
I would like to talk about what happened in our class. Since the first week in
March, I have learned a lot of informative things. Moreover, I had the opportunity
to meet with Oscar who is an ESLTCP student teacher, and he taught us during ten
hours. It was an interesting time because Oscar prepared his teaching in a
creative way.
First of all, we learned how to use the prepositions after an adjective. We had the
conversation, wrote our own sentences using prepositions, and had a practice.
After that, we learned how to form the embedded questions. This lesson included
a lot of information, but Oscar made teaching like a game. We asked each other
different questions, and it was fun and nice. Finally, we learned modals verbs.
Oscar explained to us that modal verbs indicate likelihood, ability and obligation.
Furthermore, he taught us about how to use them in past tense. Prior to leaving
our class, Oscar had a farewell party with us.
In brief, I would like to thank him for giving us such useful information. Based on
what I learned, I can improve me English more effectively. On the one hand, Oscar
taught us, and on the other hand, we taught him. I think, it is a positive impact
and a win-win situation for all of us.

Student #20
The first week in March, our class had an instructor from the ESLTCP
University of Winnipeg. The ESLTCP is a certificate program for individuals who
would like to teach English as an additional language to adults. In order to receive
a certificate, students must complete the 10 hours of observation in an ESL
classroom and 10 hours of teaching in a supervised practicum. Oscar is a student
of the ESLTCP, and he was welcomed to our class for his 20 hour practicum.
Prior to teaching us, he observed our class, and for the next 10 hour, he
taught us. During his ten hours of teaching, I learned a lot of useful information,
such us modal verbs, preposition and embedded questions. His explanations were
extremely helpful. For example, I learned a lot about embedded questions. Now, I
know that embedded questions can also be found within a main question; in
addition to that, an embedded question is a question that is included inside

another question or statement. Moreover, this information was new for me. Also, I
reviewed the modal verbs, such as: may, should, ought to. During his teaching, I
practiced my speaking skills because he asked a lot of questions and made team
games. These were unforgettable and helpful 10 hours.
In my opinion, the 10 hours of both practice and observation have had a
positive impact. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have this experience
because I would have very little chance of obtaining employment without the
basic English skills. The time spent learning provided wonderful experience and
opened a few doors for me that otherwise might have been closed.

Student #5
Dear Rita,
On the first week in March, my class and I had an opportunity to meet a
practicum-teacher from the University of Winnipeg. His name is Oscar Camacho,
and he is from Mexico. He came to our class to teach us during twenty- hour
practicum. Our class was very friendly to him; furthermore, we always paid
attention to his lessons. Oscars goals were not only to practice to teach students,
but also get a certificate in order to be a teacher in the future. Twenty hours are
not enough time to teach us about English grammar, but he chose important
First of all, we introduced Oscar on hot seat, and he answered our questions.
Second, the practicum supervisor was here because it was part of the program.
Third, we learned about him and he observed our class for ten hours. Prior to
starting to teach us, he had time to introduce our class and learned about us.
Moreover, Oscar chose interesting topics, such as types of prepositions and also
adjectives plus preposition. In addition, it was hectic because Oscar gave us a lot
of exercises. The second main point he taught was about embedded question, so
we learned that an embedded question is a question that is included inside
another question or statement. The last lesson was about modal verbs;
furthermore it was very useful information, and we learned a lot about auxiliary
In conclusion, we organized a party for Oscar and we were very happy that he had
passed his course, and we believe that he will find a good job in the future. I will
keep my fingers crossed for Oscar and also I wish him to break a leg!

Student #11
Dear Rita,
I am glad that you are my instructor this term, and I have been paying attention
to your classroom. Also it was nice to meet Oscar, the ESLTCP student teacher

from the University of Winnipeg, who came here to complete his 20 hour
practicum in our class. He had to observe ten hours prior to teaching, ten
additional hours.
Through his 10 additional hours, he taught us about prepositions and modal
verbs. I was interested to learn them. I had gotten more knowledge, and I am
sure that I can add what I learned from his lessons to reality of my speaking and
my writing. Besides that, I have applied the information to understand them
His teaching reminded me of what I had already learned before. It made it clear
in my process to continue my study. This learning experience will help me in my
English skills. Through thru this email I would like to say thank you for his teaching
to me.

Student #9
Dear Rita,
I am writing you this email, for I would like to inform you that we have enjoyed
having an extremely lovely teacher with very useful English grammar since the
first week in March. Prior to telling you what we learned, I would like to tell you
about this nice teacher whose name is Oskar. In fact, Oscar is the ESLTCP studentteacher who had a 20-hour practicum in our class. In the first 10 hours, he was
observing our class to see how students learn; therefore, he was both helping us
and practicing in some tasks. Fortunately, Oscar had a chance to teach useful
lessons to our class during 10 hours, such as beautiful English grammar, and I will
outline some of the areas below.
During his 10-hour teaching, I learned how I can make an embedded question
that is included inside another question or statement; moreover, this makes my
questions more formal and sophisticated. Following that, Oscar taught us the
modal auxiliary verbs which are used to indicate ability permission, obligation,
and advice which help make our conversation more progressive. Although Oscar
had only a 20-hour practicum in our class, he was able to learn from us as much
as we learned from him.
In brief, Oscar is really a great person who has all the qualifications to be a
teacher. In addition, he took the initiative to teach our class during his practicum,
and supported us with the positive impact in this learning experience. For
summarizing, I hope that Oscar enjoyed our class as much as we enjoyed his
teaching. Now, I would like to thank you for letting me inform you about what
happened in our class during such wonderful moments. Thank you again for your
collaboration and efforts.

Student #16

Dear Rita,
I am writing to inform you of class since the first week in March we had on
ESLTCP by Oscar Camach, who was in our class to complete his 20-hours
practicum. I am going to elaborate on his experience in our class in the following
I learned a large amount of grammar rules from him that I had not my
experience with since I started to learn English language for the first time. First of
all, he taught us how can we use adjectives and prepositions properly in a
sentence? Secondly, I learned that most of the verbs which come after
prepositions should have the ing form. For instance, prepositions such as to, of
and about come before gerund verbs and after adjectives. Prior to teaching us
modal verbs, he clarified embedded questions which are included inside another
or statements. Finally, he explained about one of the most important part of
sentence called modal verb.
To sum up, I should say his training was not only practical but also very
informative. His training method influenced on us in order to help us learn better
and memorize subjects because we have learned lessons with practical examples.
Best Regards,

Student #2
Dear Rita,
I am going to explain to you about my experience of the first week of March in our
class. As you know, we had an ESLTCP student- teacher named Oscar who started
his observation about teaching methodoly and how students acquired knowledge.
He interacted with the students to know more about them. We introduced him to
a Hot Seat in the first week of March in which Oscar was on the seat and
answered our questions. As a result, we learned more about him. That was so
interesting. In the second week, he had to teach us in the class.
First of all, I want to tell you about his teaching. On his first day of class, he taught
us about the Prepositions and that were so amazing because he taught us in an
interesting method. Secondly, he Explained to us how to make embedded
questions related to yes/no answers, as it supports us to ask questions formally or
informally. Prior to that, he helped us to use Modal verbs in the present and past
ense. After that, he taught us about both Prepositions and Adjectives which help
us to understand the Sentences.
At the end, I want to tell you about the learning experience which has had a
positive impact on me. I Learned more about grammar with his 20 hours teaching,
which helped me to understand and make good sentences using adjectives,
prepositions. Moreover, I reviewed parts of speech .On the last of Oscars teaching
when he was observed by his supervisor. He passed because he has
demonstrated both teaching and communication skills. I wish him good luck in his

future. On our last day with Oscar, we had a social gathering which we all enjoyed
a lot. Thank you
With Regards,

Student #10
Dear Rita,
I would like to tell you that in our class the first week in March, we met a teacher.
His name is Oscar and he came from the University of Winnipeg. We welcomed
him and introduced him. After this, we asked him questions about him and his
field. He came here because he had to complete his practicum for twenty hours in
our class.
He started to teach our class daily for two hours. Prior to that, he taught us how to
ask embedded
questions and how to use modal and propositions in sentences. He explained
everything in a different way. During his ten hour, we learned a lot of grammar. I
think it was very informative information.
Moreover, this learning experience has given us a lot of useful information. It is
very useful in our future such as modal verbs, embedded questions and
preposition, it was and it will be a great experience of learning grammar.
Thank you for your time.
Yours Sincerely

Student #4
Dear Rita,

I would like to inform you what happened in our class since the first week of
March. As you know, we had ESLTCP student- teacher from the university of
Winnipeg who was here on a 20- hour practicum. His name was Oscar Camach.
During his practicum, he observed our class teacher for ten hours. Prior to
teaching our class English for two hours everyday. Furthermore, that was the part
of his program of studies to become an ESL teacher.
Oscars lessons were very helpful to us. Moreover, during Oscars lectures, we
learnt how to use prepositions in a sentence. Following that he gave us a lot of
information on using both adjectives and prepositions in a sentence. And then, he
taught us how to use modal verbs, e.g must, should , might nd need to etc. In
addition, he also taught us how to make embedded questions, for instance, how
we can join two questions and make it one; therefore, we can make our
questions more sophisticated. He also put us in different activities, so that we
could be more active and alert in class.
In my opinion, Oscar taught us very informative and useful lessons. In addition to
that, he was very kind to us, and he taught us with confidence and in a friendly

manner. When we asked him questions, he always tried to clarify our confusions
happily. On the last day, he was observed by the teacher from the University of
Manitoba, and that was his final practicum day. He passed his practicum, and now,
he can teach English to ESL students in Manitoba. Afterwards, our class arranged
a get-together for him on his last day in class. We had samomsas, pizzas, drinks
and juices. We enjoyed snacks with him, and later, he took some group pictures
with our whole class, and then, said good bye. I would like to thank Oscar for
teaching us very important lessons which will definitely help us in future in the
Best Regards,

Student #13
Hello Oscar,
How are you doing? This is Soon-Bok. I am also doing well. I am missing you. I
appreciate you for teaching us. May I ask you about when you will be able to
work as the instructor? I am looking forward to your news. I remember your
smiling and kind answering for my questions.
I wish you all the best. I am sure that you will be the nice instructor. Your teaching
is very useful and helpful for me. For example, l am difficult to understand about
modal verbs, however, after that learning with you, l can distinguish among the
modal verbs. Thank you very much again!
Best regard,

Student #14
Dear Rita,
I would like to inform you about what happened in our class since the first week in
March. During this time an ESLTCP student teacher whose name is Oscar came
our class to observe and teach our class. In his 20hour practicum, he observed
our class during the first 10 hour.
Then, he started to teach our class for two hours every day. He taught us a lot of
interesting and important items or topics like idiom, embedded question, modals,
proposition and how we can use it. His teaching style is totally different, and he
always tries to provide friendly and comfortable atmosphere in the classroom, and
he tries to help every student. During hot seat, he told us about his educational
background, experience and also gave answers to our question.
During his teaching hours, I learned a lot of important information. He told us
about proposition and how we can apply it. He taught us how we can ask embed
question. I learned the importance of embedded question. In addition, I learned

from him modals and idioms and how we can use them to make a sentence. Prior
to teaching all these things, he told us about Grammatik structure and new
English vocabulary. I learned and practice by myself to understand the modals.
During this time, I learned many things which will help me to understand the basic
grammar structure. Now, I can use proper modals and embedded question. Every
day, we learned new things. Oscar is a very good teacher and he always tries to
provide good information to us which will benefit us in many ways to improve our
mistakes. Thank you.
With regards,

Student #19
Dear Rita,
I would like to tell you what I learned in our class since the first week in March. We
have a new teacher who is called Oscar. He is from Mexico, and he is an ESLTCP
student-teacher who wants to be an ESL teacher in the future. He came to our
class for his 20-hour practicum, and he was observed by his ESL practicum
During his 10-hour teaching, I really enjoyed being in his class and becoming his
friend. Prior to knowing more about him, he was on the hot seat to answer our
questions. He taught us not only adjectives with preposition, and Model verbs, but
also an embedded question. Before understanding clearly what he taught, he
showed some example to us, and let us know how to use the new grammar point.
In addition, after he taught us each topic, he gave us some exercises for practice.
Because I enjoyed the topic that he taught us, I have learned so many things from
him. I appreciate all his hard work. Even though he wasnt an experienced
teacher, he was patient and conscientious.
After he finished his 10-hour observed teaching, he passed his practicum. He
achieved in his career, and Im so happy to hear that. As newcomers, we all came
to a new country to chase our career, education, family, belief and new life. He
could do it, and I can do it as well if I keep going. My motto is where there is a
will there is a way (The Past is Another Country/Iwona).

Student #18
Dear Rita,

I am writing to inform you what happened in our class since the first week in
March. That week was interesting because we had an ESLTCP student-teacher in
our class. His name is Oscar, and he observed your lectures during 10 hours, prior
to starting to teach us.
First of all, Oscar started his lecture with prepositions, so he showed us which
prepositions can be placed after different adjectives; in addition to that, he
classified them into groups. Some of the prepositions are interchangeable, such as
at and by. After that, he taught us how to correctly ask embedded questions,

so this topic included both embedded yes/no questions and politely asking for
information. Next, Oskar showed us modal verbs; moreover, he showed us how to
use modal verbs in the past tense.
I just wanted to let you know, that having Oscar as a teacher was really helpful for
my writing skill. Sometimes, I have blank space in grammar, and Oscar helped to
fill some of the space; however, I still have some room for improvement, so I
really need your help. When Oscar finished his teaching, we had the best farewell
pizza party. In my opinion, he is a Kind, organized, and easy-going person, so I
want to say Break a leg, Oscar in your teaching career. However, I am glad that
you can continue to teach us because we missed you during this time.
See you tomorrow.

Student #12
Dear Rita,
It is my pleasure to introduce to you a special teacher Oscar who is an ESLTP
student teacher. He has attended our class for 20-hour during first week in March
to complete his practicum. Fortunately, my friends and I had welcomed him to our
class. I am going to explain what I learned during his 10-hour teaching prior to
saying what impressed me about him.
First of all, during his 10-hour lectures, I learned about English grammar, parts of
speech, model as well as how to ask and answer questions politely to other
people. I thought that he had figured out what to teach us when we were being
taught by you. Second, I learned how to respond when I got a question while
being on the hot-seat. Finally, I realized what I will do where my volunteer
I wish to take this time to express my gratitude to him because he has made an
effort to do his best during his time. Furthermore, he prepared for us a variety of
resources, presentations, and worksheets. Moreover, it is likely that he was
nervous; however, he has accomplished his job. I am sure he will be a wonderful
and capable teacher because he not only teaching but also attempt to develop his
skills. Therefore, I have been rewarded by his time, for I have written my
paragraphs accurately. I appreciate that you and Oscar have given us valuable
Kind Regards,

Student #6
Dear Rita,

I am writing to inform you that our class had one ESLTCP student-teacher on
the first week of March. His name is Oscar Camacho, and he was in our class to

complete his 20-hours practicum. He was observed for 10 horus; afterward, he

taught for 10 additional hours. One of my classmates had a warm welcome for
Oscar to our class. I am going to explain on my experience about what he taught
in our class in the following paragraph.
I learned a large amount of grammar rules from him that I had not my
experience with since I started to learn English language for the first time. First of
all, he taught us how we can use adjectives and prepositions properly in a
sentence. Secondly, I learned that most of the verbs which come after
prepositions should have the ing form. For instance, prepositions such as to, of
and about come before gerund verbs and after adjectives. Prior to teaching us
modal verbs, he clarified embedded questions which are included inside another
or statements. Finally, he explained about one of the most important part of
sentence called modal verb.
During Oscars class, I have gotten knowledge of grammar especially in
preposition word, embedded question and most important modal (auxiliary) verbs.
I can use that information in my writing task as well as speaking task too.
Moreover I say that his training was not only practical but also very informative.
He has good command in English, so I hope he became adult learning instructor
Best Regards,

Student #9

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