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HSC Chemistry 6.

Antti Roine

May 30, 2007


Whats New in HSC 6.0 - 6.1

HSC 6.0 can be used in many ways, some of these application methods and habits may
occasionally create errors. The new HSC 6.1 is now more robust and stable than the old version
because several enhancements and fixes have been made, for example:

Flowsheet Module:

Flowsheet Name and Value labels no longer occasionally change the owner.


Zoom setting and image location are now identical in Flowsheet module Design and Run


The current Sim module version number is saved in the FLS file instead of the latest one.


The speed of Drawing tool change has been improved in large flowsheets.


The speed of Insert new unit operation has been improved.


Excel editor: Copy, Paste and Cut options have been added to Mouse Right button in Edit


The new "File, Trim Excel Units..." option minimizes the size of the unit XLS files .

HSC Chemistry 6.1

Antti Roine

May 30, 2007



Graphical Stream markers trace and tag along the stream polyline better.


The Stream Name and Value label automatic location routine has been improved.

10. Inserting name and value labels now also works with Stream multiselection.

Delete... dialog occasionally used to set the Sync OFF. This bug has been fixed.

12. The new "Run all Wizards" option makes formula updates easier.
13. Flowsheet version messages have been improved.
14. Demo and Photosynthesis flowsheet samples have been added to the installation CD.
15. Selection of objects has been improved in the drawing (edit) mode.
16. Automatic stream edit terminates when drawing tool changes.
17. Wizards may also be run from locations other than Input, Output, Dist and Control Sheets.
18. Equilibrium Wizard has been activated.
19. Insert/Delete Rows/Columns bug in the Excel Sheet has been fixed.
20. Reactions Wizard: the Species variable identification routine has been improved.
21. Unit creation routine has been improved, and now keeps the formula update better.
22. Creation of formulas has been improved, e.g. Concentration variable logic
23. "Controls, Set Unit Target" option did not always work properly, and has now been fixed.
24. Opening of Stream edit mode has been improved.
25. Run-time Error '20003' has been fixed within aqueous density database access when one or
more species were missing.
26. Formula wizards and HSC6.DLL use default Windows List Separator character instead of
27. Wizards operation with the different Measure Units has been improved.
28. Reaction and Distribution Wizards do not delete existing Progress % and Distribution cell
29. Variable Type Dialog: More flexible phase type selection (Gas, Water, Mixture, Pure). New
Automatic/Manual Density calculation options.
30. More error checks. For example, errors in files, locked files, etc. More info messages.
31. Visualize dialog no longer takes into account Disabled streams.
32. Visualize dialog shows a list of the values found.
33. If a model is based on particles, a new particle analysis tool has been added. From each of
the streams the following variables can be studied in table and graphical format:
mineralogical composition by size, elemental composition by size, particle size distribution
by mineral, cumulative liberation curves by mineral and size, mineralogical grade recovery
limiting curves by mineral, distribution of element between minerals by size, distribution of
mineral between particle types by size, recovery of mineral by particle type and by size.

HSC Chemistry 6.1

Antti Roine

May 30, 2007


34. The "Properties, Units" Thumb list no longer crashes, if the mouse wheel is rotated within
the loading thumbs.
35. Insert New unit (Unit 1), Insert Row or Delete Row caused rarely errors to variable list.
This has been fixed (Insert new unit routine read the unit data from the old Unit 1.xls file).
36. Several smaller fixes.

Mineral Process Modules:


HSC Sim: Mineral Setup bug fixed.


Simulation - Mineral setup: MLA (Mineral Liberation Analyzer) data processed with Hsc
Geo can be used as an input stream.


Simulation - Run mode: New Particle Analysis window. If the process is mineral-based
then from each stream in run-time mode an analysis can be done of particle size, elemental
distribution between minerals, and distribution of minerals between different kinds of


Geo: Accepts several types of formats as input, in e.g. elemental, oxide form.


Geo: New modal calculation module. Modal composition, i.e. mineral composition, can be
estimated from chemical analyses by chemical mass balancing. Least squares weighed least
squares, non-negative least squares and weighed non-negative least squares can be used in
estimations. Possibility to use diagnostic methods. Besides modal composition the module
includes views for elemental distributions, calculation residues, composition of selected
fraction (i.e. selected minerals recalculated to 100%) and chemical composition back
calculated from the mineral quantities. For error estimation a Monte Carlo simulation can
be made.


Add-ins. New mineralogical add-in functions available.


HscData: Polygons and trend lines can be stored in a database.


Profiles: Profiles are introduced In HscGeo and HscData to change reference databases
smoothly in run-time.

Other Modules:

All modules: HSC Excel emulator visualizes cell formulas as in MS Excel.


All modules: HSC Excel emulator in cell editor is no longer transparent within the sheets.


All spreadsheet controls: F4 key Redo has been operation activated (similar to Excel). This
makes it possible to redo cell format operations by pressing F4.


Excel Sim and Programming AddIn functions syntax has been unified.


New DensityS and DensityNm3 functions for solid and gas phase density calculation.


New sample VB and C++ codes for calling HSC AddIn functions.


Occasional bug in StreamEQ-AddIn function fixed.

HSC Chemistry 6.1

Antti Roine

May 30, 2007



Solgasmix Diagram Draw bug has been fixed.


HSC Database module: active database selection logic has been improved.


HSC database editor has been improved.


HSC Database: Al2O3*SiO2 (A)has been re-added to the main database. Some modules
use this as "Other" component.


StreamHNm3, StreamTHNm3 and HNm3 Add-In functions now use ideal gas densities.


SPECIES(Database%, Record&) Add-In function can now read records beyond record


HSC no longer crashes if the Own or Main Database files do not exist.


Several smaller fixes have been made and properties added, e.g. a new link to HSC User

HSC User Forum:

HSC users may share information and their experiences using the new HSC user forum. The aim
of this forum is to help HSC users to utilize and develop HSC applications. The latest HSC news
will also be published in this forum. See details at:

Preliminary News of HSC 7.0


Will be released in 2008 or 2009.


The new Flowsheet Page property will enable the drawing of different process stages on
different pages.


The new Layer property will make it possible to print flowsheets for different purposes,
with more or fewer details.


There will be a new Element Visualization option in Run mode.


There will be a new Table object in Flowsheet.


There will be a new Error monitor dialog in Excel Model Editor


There will be a larger H, S and Cp database.


and many other new properties and fixes

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