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Stakeholder Matrix



Each group will receive an organization name and a critical issue the organization faces, e.g. BP / Gulf Coast oil spill. Working with
your group, discuss each stakeholder relevant to the particular organization on the given issue. Individually, complete the stakeholder
matrix available Part 1 and Part 2. You may use your preferred word processing program or Notability for the in-class portion of the
worksheet. Upload your response to the class Dropbox folder for this lesson. Part three is due one week after class. Only ONE
submission per group is required. For this section, you will need to 1) write a press release, 2) write a tweet to correspond to the press
release, and 3) create a short video using your tablet or smartphone to announce your response to the issue you were assigned.
Part 1
Identify the interests/needs, legitimacy, power, and urgency of each stakeholder group. List three references you found in your internet
search that helped you form your responses.









Part 2
Describe the stakeholder management strategies you should use with each group and how you will balance and prioritize them.
Part 3
Write a press release and corresponding tweet (140 character maximum) and create a short (30 seconds to 1-1/2 minutes) video
announcing how you will manage the issue you were given. It should address the concerns of most stakeholder groups. You can start
this in class, but do not need to finish until a week after class. ONE document per group should be submitted by ##/##/##.
You may use iMovie, iMotion, or PicPlayPost to complete your video. It can take the form of a press conference, a commercial, a
mini-documentary, or a message from your CEO. Consider both the content and the quality of your video. Pay attention to how the
sound, images, and movement align with your message.

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