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Collapse of the

Soviet Union
By:Anthony Tammaro

Russian Civil war

>Civil war breaks out between the Red army
and the White army
>This hurt Russia because many
were killed, over 14 million in only
a three year period.

Creation of the Politburo-1917

>Created by the bolsheviks to provide strong
leadership during the Russian revolution
>Helped to restore order while meham was
taking place.

Stalins five year plans-1928

>The state set high standards for
the new economy
>Helped Russia because it forced
people to work harder towards
industrializing Russia.

World War II-(1939-1940)

>Germany invades Poland which marked the
start of WWII
>With russia in WWII, they were forced to put
their industrialization to use

Joe 1-1949
>Code name for the first nuclear weapon test
>This gave the soviets a huge upper hand in
any wars in the future.

Hydrogen Bomb-1953
>Russia discovered how to make hydrogen
bombs and tested one 1953
>This gave russia power
because they had a
powerful bomb at their

Warsaw Pact-1955
>The soviet union and its satellite nations
signed a treaty creating mutual defense
>This was important because if any satellite
nation was under attack all others would help

>Sputnik was the first ever satellite to be
launched in outer space.
>This gave Russia the upper hand in the Space

Laika and Sputnik 2-1957

>Sputnik 2 was the second spacecraft
launched into earths orbit.
>Gave the Soviets an upper hand
in winning the space race.

Creation of the Berlin Wall-1961

>A barrier created to divide berlin into two.
Constructed by germans, guards occupied
watch towers at certain points.
>Restricted access to the
outside world to Berlin.

Invasion of Czechoslovakia-1968
>Warsaw pact and Soviet troops invade
Czechoslovakia to promote communism
>This improved the spread of communism
throughout the surrounding

SALT I-1972
>An agreement between the Soviet Union and
the United States to restrict certain weapons of
mass destruction like the ballistic missile.
>This was good because it
reduced the loss of lives on
both sides.

Soviet - Afghan War-1979

>The Soviets invade Afghanistan with ease
taking over major cities and roads. Many
civilians were killed in this invasion.
>It hurt the Soviets reputation
and made them look bad

SALT II-1979
>Salt II was created to limit the amount of
nuclear weapon transportation.
>This agreement will help to save many lives
and make the war less

Voting Reforms by Gorbachev-1985

>Gorbachevs reforms hasted the end of
communism. This included an
anti-alcohol campaign.
>These reforms created change
throughout the Soviet Union.

>A political movement to allow different
formations in the communist party during
the 1980s.
>This allowed the government to be more
open and accept change.

>A policy that increased openness in
government activities in the Soviet Union.
>Allowed the government to adapt
better because its more open.

Chernobyl Disaster-1986
>The Chernobyl nuclear power station
explodes. Lots of radioactive debris showered
down on the surrounding area.
>This was a major disaster
that made Russia rethink
their safety.

Lithuania and Latvia Protests-1988

>Thousands of people formed human chains
along the coast of the baltic sea.
>People changed
perspectives on the
environment and protest

Gorbachev becomes leader-1988

>Gorbachev replaces Gromyko as president
>A new leader allows for different
point of view for the goal of the

Fall of the Berlin Wall-1989

>When the wall was destroyed it gave Berlin
back its contact with the outside world
>Important because it allowed Berlin to be free
from being trapped.

Gorbachev steps down-1991

>Gorbachev resigns from presidency.
>This is important because the old satellite are
now independent nations.

Free Elections in Poland, Hungary,

>The free elections were a major turning point
in the fall of communism
>It provided a peaceful transition from
communism to a republic.

Boris Yeltsin becomes President-1991

>Boris Yeltsin was the first President of the
Russian Federation.
>This marked the change from
communism to republic.

The collapse
>The reason why the Soviet Union collapsed is because
Gorbachev gave some freedom to the people and they just
wanted more.
>It couldn't survive because its too hard to keep everyone
equal and restrict their freedoms in a modern society. Once
people realized what freedoms they should have protest
sparked and took over the structure that existed.

Works Cited
>"Real USSR." Real USSR. N.p., n.d. Web. 20
Apr. 2015.

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