Exam Notes 2

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EXAM NOTES 3/16 FOR 3/18

1. Definition of social institution/organization.=stable patterns of social
relationships among individuals and groups in a society. 2 agents of order:
human agents and culutural values are agents.
2. Econ. Capitalism welfareism socialism. Modern welfare system-get #$
from taxes. Capitqalism creates inequality etc. globalization of economy,
was manufacturing company but now service econ. World bank, world
trade organization 1q. why C is good-social Darwinism! Steve jobs.
Zuckerberg. 1q.
3. State of nature-3 poitns of views, all 3 locke, resuau, hobbe, 1 extreme,
other extreme, and in between. 2 qs on that. social contact theoryinformal contract among people to self-regulate their society. Theories
are more important. Pwer-elite model-3 power pillars. SCHOOL OF
THOUGHT-Politics is always influenced by lobbyists. 1 or 2 qs on model.
then rule w/iron fist-mode. Use force. Then maxist POV.
4. 2 diff sets of edu. Informal and formal. Soclailization and edu instit. I
nformal-power of socialization. Then theory everything you learn from
everyone else, period. You learn everyting. Then backstage and frontstage
behaviors. Then formal educational institution. Sort every student into
boxes-major, etc. and expensive high school.
5. Assignments 2 and 3-life exoentacy is high in Europe, low in Africa.
Mortality rate is high in Africa and low in Europe. Other 2, genral Ranking
6. American Class Structure- read the chapterss and look at review- chap 1both based on review/lecgture-webber and marx. Chap 2-position and
prestige-7 principles of ranking-1q on thsose rankings. Other from that

chap. Chap 3-both of qs have to answer only if you read the chapter. Chap
4 wealth and income- chapter where went over distance between poor
and rich. Botth qs based on review. Chap 5-socializaton association and
values-how cerate relationship with other individuals? HS dating and
marrigaes? Informal relations are class biased. Date people within social
class and backround. 1q based on review and other ead book. Chap 6-who
are ppl in A who succeed? Characteristics? Value of education, fam
backround, parents income, 1q baed on review. Chap 7-famkily and edu
backround and success in America. Income plus edu formula. Both of qss
you can base from review.

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