Autism Presentation

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By: Joe Bachir, Luke Ball, Nick Walsh, & Mike Magee

Eugen Bleuler first used the term
with patients, 1911
Leo Kanner used it to describe
the withdrawn behavior of several
children he studied, 1943 (First to
use it in the modern sense)

Leo Kanner

More History
Bleuler referred to one group of
symptoms of schizophrenia
1940s The term was used to
describe children with emotional or
social problems
Kanner used it to describe the
withdrawn behavior of several
children he studied.
Eugen Bleuler

What it is
ASD or (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
A group of complex disorders of brain
Difficulties in social interaction, verbal
and nonverbal communication and
repetitive behaviors.

What Else it is
May 2013 all autism disorders were merged into one
diagnosis of ASD.
Signs emerge at age 2-3
Share genetic traits with individuals with ADHD

Question Time
Why do you think it took so long for Autism to
become its own disorder?

Causes For ASD

No known single cause

Abnormalities in brain structure
Brain scans show different structure
Researchers are investigating a number of theories,
including the links among heredity, genetics and medical
Appears to be patterns in families
A cluster of unstable genes may interfere with brain

About 1 in 88 children has
been identified with an
autism spectrum disorder.
Disorders are 5 times
more common among
boys than girls.
Children born to older
parents are at a higher
risk for autism.

Autism Spectrum


Question Time
How many people have been impacted by

There is no medical test that can diagnose autism.
Trained physicians and psychologists administer
behavior evaluations instead.
Studies have shown that parents of children with autism
notice a developmental problem before their child's first

Diagnosis Continued
3 Core Symptoms of Autism:
o Communication Difficulties
o Social Challenges
o Repetitive Behavior
Behaviors affected by autism include:
o Failing to make eye contact.
o Not responding to his or her name.
o Playing with toys in unusual repetitive way.
o Lack of or delay in spoken language.

Increased Diagnosis
The frequency of autism diagnoses has been increasing
for decades, but researchers cannot agree on whether
the trend is a result of awareness, an expanding
definition, or an actual increase in incidence or some
combination of those factors.
Doctors are currently undergoing a change of the
definition of autism which can result in a reduced
estimated rate.

Associated Medical Conditions

Comorbid Conditions
Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity
Gastrointestinal Problems
Sleep Disturbances

Increased Risk
1.8x more likely to have asthma
1.6x more likely to have eczema
1.8x more likely to have food
2.2x more likely to have chronic
severe headaches
3.5x more likely to have chronic
diarrhea or colitis


Medical Treatments
There are currently no FDA approved medical treatments to treat the 3 core
symptoms of ASD.
Medicines for other symptoms:
1. Risperidone - Designed to relieve patients of aggressive behavior, temper
tantrums and deliberate self-harm
- Approved by the FDA in 1994
2. Aripiprazole - Designed to help fight the irritability associated with ASD as
well as major depressive disorders.
- Effective in over 50% of patients - 2009 Pediatrics study

Applied Behavior Analysis
The use of techniques and principles to bring about
meaningful and positive change in behavior.
Positive Reinforcement
Relationship Development Intervention
4 Common Types
1. Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention
2. Discrete Trial Training
3. Pivotal Response Training
4. Verbal Behavior Intervention

Early Intervention Programs
Therapeutic ABA activities designed to start before the age of 4.

Development of social skills and goal setting

Use of repetition for the beginning of a fundamental education
Requirement of disciplinary action for the understanding of boundaries
Advancement of values and awareness to build perspective

Types of ABA Early Intervention Programs:

1) Comprehensive - Covers the spectrum of life skills.
2) Intensive - Strictly focuses on one area of learning at a time.

Early Start Denver Model
Comprehensive behavioral early intervention approach for
children diagnosed with ASD ages 18-48 months.
Developed by Psychologists Sally Rogers, Ph.D., and
Geraldine Dawson, Ph.D.
Only autism help approach validated for randomized
clinical trial in patients as young as 18 months
20 hours a week (15 by therapist, 5 by parents)
Features: 1. Naturalistic applied analytic strategies
2. Sensitive to normal developmental sequence
3. Deep parental involvement
4. Focus on interpersonal exchange, language,
and communication in a positive environment
Pediatrics Journal

Speech, Language, & Motor Help

Common Treatments

Speech-Language Therapy
Alternative and Augmentative Communication
Occupational Therapy
Sensory Integration Therapy
Physical Therapy

Question Time
What do you think is the most effective
treatment for ASD?

Possible Link between Autism and


No, there isnt. Just getting this out of the way.

Daily Life

Daily Life
While many people with Autism are able to live
normal, independent lives, the more severely
affected are unable to function in society and
require lifelong care. This places an enormous
financial and emotional strain on the families of
those affected.

The Cost of Autism

In individuals affected with intellectual disability, the
overall cost has been estimated to be as much as 1-2.4
million dollars per person. This cost is mostly
shouldered by the affecteds family.
This number does not take into account familial stress,
time burden, or potential societal pressures also put on
the family during care.

Question Time
One to Two million dollars is a lot of money
over the life of one person. How could you
imagine treating a family member with Autism
might inhibit a family economically?

Problems going forward, Questions to be

Social Stigma surrounding Autism and
Mental Disorders.
High Costs of Treatment
Inclusion in public schools.
Is Autism a disease at all? Should it be
treated as a disease?

Final Question Time

Knowing what you know now, if your child was
diagnosed with Autism, what would be your
reaction? What would be your plan of action?
What would you want for your child?

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