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Free Lee: The Gold Coast Murder

Colleen Ryan

On June seventh, 1989 Dana Feitler, a wealthy white woman, was shot and killed in the
Gold Coast of Chicago. Her body was found in an alley on North Dearborn Street. The Gold
Coast was regarded as a safe neighborhood, mostly inhabited by the wealthy, so the news of
Danas death shocked those who lived in the area. According to witness Diana Sepielli, she saw
Feitler being led to an ATM by three black men- One being Lee Harris. Harris was charged with
Feitlers murder on October twenty-sixth, putting the victims family and the people of the Gold
Coast at ease. However, mystery still surrounds this case as many question: Did Lee Harris
actually murder Dana Feitler?
Free Lee: The Gold Coast Murder is a documentary created by students Emily Stopka,
Nick Pacotti, Jeff Allen, Haley Westfall, and Tim Rosenberger as part of the Doc Project, or
Documentary Project, which is dedicated to the study and production of documentaries on social
and political issues that students feel are important and led by Dr. John McHale, an associate
professor in the school of Communication. The documentary delves into the murder of Dana
Feitler, and focuses on the suspicious circumstances surrounding the arrest and sentencing of Lee
Harris as Feitlers murderer.
The students got the opportunity to interview Lee for this project, and Nick Pacotti noted
that he was quite nervous on his way to the interview. He had never been around a potentially
dangerous prisoner before, and didnt quite know what to expect. However, as he watched Lee
Harris walk into the room, shaking hands and smiling with all the officers on duty, he felt more
at ease. Throughout the interview Lee was perfectly friendly and polite, even as he began to

recount his experiences leading up to his arrest. According to Lee, he had been aiding the police
as a C.I., (confidential informant), being told what to tell to who about the Feitler murder, and if
he did the police would provide housing and anything else needed for Lee and his family. Lee
agreed to this arrangement gladly, wanting the best for his family, but quickly regretted this
decision when he himself was charged with Dana Feitlers murder. He tried to defend himself,
stating that yes he was at the scene of the crime, but he was not the one who pulled the trigger. It
was the other two men with him. Unfortunately, during his trial, a man named David Toles
testified against him asserting that he knew Lee in prison, and that Lee had admitted his guilt to
him. This seems plausible; however, Lee had never met this man in his life. Unfortunately, with
Toles and Diana Sepiellis testimony against him, along with the fact that he had changed his
story so many times while cooperating with the police, he was sentenced to 90 years in prison.
Lee felt as though the media was his downfall in this case. People have the tendency to jump to
conclusions. ...When the media gets a hold of it and says that you've done it- you've done it.
As stated, Lee Harris has been sentenced to 90 years in prison, which is pretty much a life
sentence. Many are torn on whether Lee was guilty or not, but it is clear that the whole truth has
yet to be revealed. To quote Dr. McHale, I think Gandhi is right. Even if youre a minority of
one, the truth is still the truth, and in a democracy we not only have the right; we have a
responsibility to share that truth in whatever way we can.
To find out more about Free Lee: The Gold Coast Murder you can head to and talk to the students who created this documentary

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