CEP Lesson Plan Template: Review or Preview (If Applicable)

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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Jean Park and Michele Helm

Level: 2 Date/Time: Mar. 13, 2015 // 10AM-1PM
Goal: Common expressions used at restaurants
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. discuss a podcast they listened to and make inferences about what theyve heard.
3. use polite phrasing to complain about poor restaurant service.
4. review and identify what will be on the midterm
Theme: Food and Midterm Review
Extensions: ____________________________________________________



Interac Time

Review or Preview (if


Linking & Transitioning to rest of


e: SST)

Activity 1: Homework
Review- At a restaurant

1.1 Pre-Stage: T instructs Ss to take

out their hw assignments from last


1.2. During Stage: Ss will compare

answers with each other.


Transition to #2: Now that

weve reviewed the
Restaurant worksheet,
lets review your other
homework. Please take
out the Listening for
details worksheet.

T will hand out hw answer sheet. Ss

will check their answers.


1.3 Post-Stage: T and Ss will discuss

any questions about the hw.
Tangible Outcome & T.
feedback/peer feedback:



- Ss will have a copy of

the Restaurant WS with the
correct answers.
- T will circulate and
answer Ss questions.
- T will take notes on
Ss incorrect utterances for a
future error correction
10:10 - 10:20
Activity 2: Hw
discussion- Portlandia

Transition to #3:Now that

weve completed the
listening for details
homework assignment,
lets discuss the podcast.

2.1 Pre-Stage: T will instruct Ss to

take out portlandia hw assignment. T
will give Ss directions (and play the
video clip if needed)
2.2. During Stage: Ss will discuss
their answers in pairs.


2.3 Post-Stage: Ss will discuss their

partners answers in a classroom


Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will have a copy of
the listening for details WS
- T will circulate and
answer Ss questions.
- T will take notes on
Ss incorrect utterances for a
future error correction

Activity 3: Podcast

Transition to #4 Now that

weve discussed the
podcast, lets take out the
dialogue from last week.

3.1 Pre-Stage:T will instruct Ss to

take out their homework worksheet.


3.2. During Stage: Ss will discuss

their answers with a partner.


3.3 Post-Stage: Ss will discuss their

answers as a class.


10:20 -10:45 **there is a

chance we may extend
this activity depending
on interactiveness
during the conversation

Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
T will circulate and
answer any Ss questions and
correct Ss statements
Students will have
completed the homework
worksheet prior to class.

Activity 4: Continue the 4.1 Pre-Stage: Ss will take out menu

dialogue from last week. worksheet from last week.


T will instruct Ss to meet in their

groups and complete the dialogue.
4.2. During Stage: Ss will continue
with finishing written dialogue, where
one student is the server and the
other is a customer.

Transition to #5: Good job

on the class discussion,
guys! Why dont we take a
10 minute break?
4.3 Post-Stage: Each pair will
present their skit in front of the class.



Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will have
completed writing a dialogue
(and will perform the dialogue
for the class)
T will give Ss
Break: 10 minutes

5.1 Pre-Stage: Activate Ss schemata



Activity 5: Making
restaurant/ meal

Transition to #6: Now that

you know how to make
recommendations, what
do you do when youre in
a situation where the
person doesnt look like
theyre enjoying the meal
or restaurant. What do
you do? One way is to
ask questions, which is
what well look at next.

Activity 6: Constructing
negative sentences
about food

Transition to #7: What if

youre at a restaurant and
the service is horrible.
What do you do? Lets
look at how to complain
about poor restaurant
service next.

by asking them about times where

theyve needed to make a restaurant
recommendation or a meal
5.2. During Stage: Ss will work in
pairs and ask each other about
restaurants they highly recommend
and why. Ss should try to suggest at
least one entree minimum for each
restaurant thats been


5.3 Post-Stage: Ss will present

findings about their partner to the


Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
T will write down Ss
responses on white board.
Some typical
scenarios will be provided on
6.1 Pre-Stage: Activate Ss schemata
by asking them some ways they
would ask the person theyre dining
with the types of food they like. T will
provide handout on how to construct
negative sentences



6.2. During Stage: Ss will work in

pairs and ask each other about a
type of food that grosses them out
and why.


6.3 Post-Stage: Ss will present

findings to class.
Tangible Outcome & T.
feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will receive
handout on how to construct


negative sentences.
T will write down Ss
responses on board.
7.1 Pre-Stage: T will show a short
Activity 7: Complaining YouTube video clip from Falling
about restaurant service Down that depicts a humorous
the polite way
interaction between a fast food
worker and a customer who is
complaining about wanting breakfast
during lunch hours. (This part of the
pre-stage will only be used if theres
time in class.)
Ss will be asked to elicit some typical
scenarios at a restaurant where you
need to complain, and phrasing they
would use in each case.
T will then provide handout on polite
ways to complain while dining out,
which Ss will read through to see if
theres any difficulty in understanding
any of the items listed.
7.2. During Stage: Ss will be given a
roleplay, where they must underline
any familiar phrases used to
complain, and circle any unfamiliar
words or phrases they encounter.
They can use the handout to help
with this.



11:50 - 11:54

11:55- 12:00

12- 12:07

7.3 Post-Stage: Ss will perform the

12:07- 12:15

Transition to #8: Lets do

Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
- Ss will receive
handout on commonly used
polite expressions.

exercise 2 of the roleplay.

- Ss will have copy of

- T will circulate and
answer Ss questions.
- T will take notes on
Ss errors and provide
feedback on white board.
8.1 Pre-Stage: Contd from activity 7. T-Ss

Activity 8: Complaining
about restaurant service 8.2. During Stage: Ss will perform
the polite way
exercise 2 of the roleplay using
spontaneous speech.

12:15- 12:25

8.3 Post-Stage: T will answer any

questions Ss may have about the
roleplay and any difficulties they
encounter (unfamiliar words, etc.)


Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
- Same as activity 7.
Transition to #9: Now that
weve learned how some
phrases to use for
complaining, lets do a fun
activity on food idioms.

Activity 9: Food-related
idiomatic expressions
(Contingency plan)

8.1 Pre-Stage: Activate Ss schemata

by asking if they know what a food
idiom is and to explain what it is.
8.2. During Stage: T will use website
slideshow on eight commonly heard
food idioms. Or, if there isnt a lot of




Transition to #10: Its

getting close to midterm
time, so lets do a quick

time left. T will only cover idioms

from slideshow Ss havent heard
8.3 Post-Stage: Ss will try to
understand the humor thats being
implied in the last paragraph of the


Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will receive
handout on some examples
of food-related idioms.
Activity 10: Midterm

Transition to Wrap-up:
Lets look at whats due
for next week.

9.1 Pre-Stage: T will elicit prior

knowledge of past classes
(T can have Ss discuss what
theyve learned in pairs and present
it to the class) or write Ss responses
on the whiteboard
9.2. During Stage: Ss discuss what
theyve learned (in pairs) as a class


Ss-T, T- 12:50-12:55

T presents the outline of the test

9.3 Post-Stage: T answers any
questions Ss may have regarding
the midterm


Tangible Outcome & T.

feedback/peer feedback:
Ss will have written down the test
format and possible topics to study
T will answer any Ss questions
regarding the test.

Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

Next weeks homework will be


Ss will fill out exit tickets.
Materials: PPT, handouts, markers,
Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:
We plan on arriving to class early to ensure that we have media available and ready to use.
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
We have included extensions to some of our activities just in case.
Post-Lesson Reflections:
The lesson went smoothly, but having an observer for 3 straight hours as well as a student did
seem to affect our usual rapport. But it is a part of our teaching experience, so its definitely
something we can learn from.

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