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(February 28 April 13, 1888)

---rizal left Hong Kong on board of the Oceanic to go to Japan
Places he went:
1. Rizal arrived in Yokohama and stayed at Grand Hotel.
2. Rizal also went to Tokyo at Tokyo Hotel.
Here, he wrote professor Blumentritt: Tokyo is more expensive than Paris
He wrote Blumentritt about the honesty, courtesy,cleanliness and industry of
the Japanese people.
He was also impressed with tokyo bands in a park.

People he met:
1. Juan Peraz Caballero- secretary of spanish legation visited him in the hotel inviting
him to stay at at Spanisg legation. Although the invitation is assumed to be a plot to
moitor him, he accepted it for the following reasons:
He could economize his living expense.
He and Caballero became good friends.
2. On March 15, 1888, Rizal first saw O Sei-san walking past the gate of the Spanish
Legation. Rizal was then a lonely 27 years old physician, while O-sei-san was a
lonely samurais daughter of 23 years old. She never experienced true love. She was
also his guide , tutor and interpreter.
Spots that Rizal and O-sei-san visited:
a. Imperial Art Gallery
b. Imperial Library
c. Universities
d. Hibiya Park
---After 45 days in Japan, Rizal boarded Belgic bound to United States leaving O-sei-san broken


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