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Date: Thursday, April 23, 2015

Time: 8:30 - 10:30
Venue: The Change Initiative
Cost: Covered by the school

Dear GWA Parents and Guardians,

As a part of our unit of inquiry, Sharing the Planet, we are going to visit The Change Initiative store, to connect our
learning in the classroom with the world around us. The trip is expected to help the students develop a better
understanding of the concepts of:

Different ways resources can be conserved and replenished
Choices we can make to promote conservation

Students will be experiencing a 30 minute presentation on the 3R’s (reduce, reuse & recycle) and conserving our
planet. They will also have a store tour to better understand how different products are created from reusable

Students will need to wear their PE uniforms for the trip. We will be back in school for lunch, so
please ensure they come to school with their lunch.

Thank you for your continuous support. Please be informed that we are not asking for parents
volunteers for this trip, as it’s a small venue and a short trip.

Please be in touch if you have any questions.

The Grade 1 Team

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Please note that there is no personal GWA medical/emergency insurance for students on any school excursions off
campus. Parents should procure personal medical/emergency coverage for their child(ren) while living in the UAE.

I give permission for my child to attend this field trip.

Child’s Name: __________________________


Parent’s Signature: ______________________________

Date: ________________________

My Child has medical insurance

I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure medical/emergency insurance coverage for my child because the
school does not provide individual student insurance coverage for off campus excursions.

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