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Wipro Technologies -TIS

Santhosh Babu
31st Dec 2008

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How to identify the Port of SAN Switch to which the

Server HBA is connected
Identifying the SAN Switch Port
1. Login to the Server.
2. Go to Start>Run and type LPUTILNT and press OK
3. Select Link Statistics from the Drop down box
4. Check for AL_PA (Usually the First Line)
5. The AL_PA will be look something like 0x10200. The first two
digits (0x) are to indicate that the value displayed is a Hexadecimal
value. The next digit is the Switch Domain ID in Hexadecimal.
If the AP-PA is displayed as a 6-digit value, then the first two digits
represent the Domain ID. The Next two digits represent the Switch
port to which the server is connected. In this case the server is
connected to port 02 of the switch with Domain ID 01 (always prefix
0 in the Domain ID if the Domain ID displayed is a single digit).
The last two digits will always be zero as we are using only the
Fabric Attached devices.
6. Note the value displayed in Hexadecimal.
e.g. In case of value as 0x50A00 then the Switch Domain ID is 05
and the Port number is 10
7. To find the switch name, login to any switch in the site and Run
Fabricshow. You will get a list of Switches in the fabric and the
respective Domain ID's. Compare the Domain ID that you have got
with the one that is listed to get the switch name.
8. However for SAN Switches with Firmware Ver 3.x and later
versions, you can get the complete list of servers and Storage that
are zoned with this server. To get the list, login to the switch as user
and type the following command Nszonemember <<AP_PA>>

Wipro Technologies -TIS

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