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Completa le frasi usando must / mustnt / have to / don't have to al tempo

1. Every week I ____________ water my moms plants while shes on holiday.
2. Jane and I ____________ go to Lindas house yesterday morning because she was
3. You ____________ open the garage for me tonight because I have the keys.
4. You ____________ smoke inside this office.
5. Why ____________ you ____________ go to work every day?
6. She ____________ go and buy some food for tonights dinner because she is going
to the restaurant tonight.
7. Employees ____________ knock at the door before entering the room.
8. You ____________ eat more fruits! Sweets and cakes are bad for your health!
9. Paul an Mike ____________ call Caroline yesterday evening.
10.He ____________ go open the door to his mum because she has the keys.
11.We ____________ eat during the lessons at school.
12.Why ____________ you ____________ call the doctor last week?
13.He ____________ pick her up because she has a car.
14.Students ____________ use these toilets. They are only for teachers.
15.You ____________ see that concert! Its awesome!
16.Every day they ____________ feed their sisters fish.

Scrivi frasi utilizzando il comparativo di maggioranza minoranza e uguaglianza

Jane/tall/Paul (aggettivo)
Mark/short/John (aggettivo)
My father/work/my mother (verbo)
David/have/pens/pencils (numerabile)

There/be/bread/water (non numerabile)
He/eat/fast/me (avverbio)
They/speak/fluent/us (avverbio)
Mary/study/hard/Lisa (avverbio)
Kate/arrive/late/Caroline (avverbio)
I/wake up/early/you (avverbio)
You/drive/slowly/me (avverbio)

She/live/happily/her friends (avverbio)

Mary/have/bags/shoes (numerabile)
Lisa/sing/Jane (verbo)

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