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In this PowerPoint I will be analysing the results from the

survey to acknowledge what data I have received.

Q1 Age
12-15 0%
16-17 72.22%
This tells us that the majority of the people who responded to our survey were between
the ages of 16 and 17 which means that our answers are only applicable and can relate
to people between the ages of16 and 18, furthermore this means that we can not
generalise these results to the wider audience as we only have a small number of
Q2 Gender
Male 50%
Female 50%
Having a mixed audience is great, not only can we appeal to both genders but can
understand that the genre action doesnt just mean males are appealed by it which
goes against our initial views of thinking that the action genre is male dominated.

Q3 How long is a good length for a film trailer?

Less than a minute


1:30 minutes


2:00 minutes


More than 2 minutes


These results tell us that from the people who responded to our survey the majority of
them thought that a good length for a film trailer was 2:00 minutes however the other
half of people who responded felt like a good length film trailer would be either less
than a minute or a minute and a half. From this we will need to make a decision on
whether our film trailer was either a minute and a half or 2 minutes, this will be
dependent upon the content and what our research shows in how long existing media
in action are for.

Q4 What is your favourite film genre?









Total Respondents: 14
Showing 8 responses
rom-com, romance

Compared to our initial research

with the focus groups, the online
survey gave us a different
response on the genres our
target audience watching the
most, in the results action did
not rank in the top half of the
collection of the results.
Judging from the feedback we
would need to focus as much as
possible in appealing to our
audience; the film could be
adjusted to give it more of an
edge towards the audience to
keep the plot of the trailer fast
pace, although we shouldnt go
against the conventions of Action
by combining comedy with our

Q5 Where do you usually watch films?



Online (Netflix)






Total Respondents: 17

As per the current trend at the moment, online streaming of Movies/TV

Shows have significantly risen in recent years and comparing to other
options we asked, only television came close. Seeing as our primary
distribution will be most viewed via streaming services, we should
consider getting in touch with distribution companies of the likes of
Netflix and BlinkBox to get our product across to our audience in the best
way possible.

Q6 What usually grabs your attention in a film trailer

Special effects








- Story

This is a very crucial section to ask for any film production, although especially
important if you are featuring action or thriller and our responses suggest that the
actors is what grabs the attentions of the audience the most. This is a surprising
outcome as it doesnt correspond to our focus group feedback which said that SFX
was what grabs their attention in an action film.
Considering the main view is on the actors, we must make sure that maximum effort
is put into how the actors appear on camera and what persona they uphold from the
dress code the star is wearing to the style of hair. We could consider throwing a
blinder to the typical conventions of a bad guy and good guy by swapping their
clothing and appearance across to the audience by reverting the camera shots to
frame just the actors.

Q7 Does the title The Getaway Appeal to you?







Not sure


A very mixed selections of answers here, all of which are

valuable but we have 50% of the audience interested in the
titling of the film and with all films the title does not always link
back to the plot. It has to be short and snappy and not long and
forgettable. I am glad that we have a positive feedback on the
title with a small majority of people disagreeing, this means
when marketing our film with posters amongst other form of
media, the title will appeal to our audience without forgetting the

Q8: When watching an action film trailer, do you feel like you need to go
and see the film, or do you feel like you know what happens?
Sometimes you know what happens just by watching a trailer
Depends on how much of the story is shown in the trailer.
It depends whether I enjoy the storyline or not.
Sometimes I feel that I know what is going to happen
I feel I know what's going to happen.
It depends on whether the storyline is hidden - I prefer to go and see the film if the
storyline is hidden
It depends on how much is shown. If too much of the storyline is shown I wouldn't
go to watch the film.
it depends on the content of the trailer ,if the trailer was left on a good cliff hanger
then id be more likely to see it in order to find out what happens
depends how much the trailer gives away

Q8: When watching an action film trailer, do you feel like you need to go
and see the film, or do you feel like you know what happens?
I need to go see it in case of plot twists
it depends on how the trailer is presented, if it contains twists or uncertainties to
make the plot more interesting then yes, otherwise you can often guess what will
Go to see the film
See the film
Not always, it depends on the way it is presented in the trailer
When watching an action trailer you usually can tell what is going to happen after
seeing the trailer
Theyre often predictable
This is an important question for us to consider, as we are making the trailer before
the film. The majority of people said that it depends on the trailer, we want to
include as little as possible without hinting too much of the narrative and ending
amongst other factors such as including too much narrative from the scenes which
are included in the film. To avoid this we could focus more on style over substance
by including a variety of shots and angles to create a field of view for the audience
to appreciate.

Q9 What shouldn't be included in a film trailer

Too much about the storyline, some action should be hidden
Too much of the storyline
Too much. If the whole story is shown the film will be boring.
Huge spoilers
Heavy plot spoilers
The whole plot and too much dialogue
The ending.
too much detail into the storyline, long cuts etc
the entire plot of the film
Anything from the last act
unnecessary scenes of the action a few is better with more plot information rather
than loads of clips of action
Plot twists that are meant to be a surprise in the film
too much narration
the plot twist/whole storyline

From the feedback we received, the factor which was most mentioned
was how film trailers include too much of the storyline enough to make
your decision on the ending of the film. We should really focus when it
comes to production is to film as little as possible to link too much of the
plot, some mentioned about not including script or tag lines from the film
which when you watch is spoilt as youve seen it from the trailer.

Q10 What should be included in a film trailer?

Narrator to tell the story, and key parts of the film
Intrigue and suspense
Suspense and mystery; so I want to find out what happens and have a reason to
go to see the film.
Short cut transitions to build to a climax, dramatic music
Music Best clips of the film dialogue
Variety of camera shots and angles to build tension
A detailed description of what the film would be, leaving the audience guessing
what will happen in the film.
fast cuts, something that keeps you intrigued and guessing
something that keeps you guessing about what will happen in the film
The plot but not all of it
Scenes that will entice the audience
a few catchy lines/comedy. For action films the chase of the film should be clearly
Introduction to the films main plot line
Snippets of the main scenes, actors playing key roles
Not all of the good bits of the film leave the audience wanting more
all the characters and the main plot

The majority of those who replied in our survey said that the trailer needs
to be enticing to the audience, by using fast cuts and non-diegetic
backing track to fit in with the action of the trailer. It needs to feature
enough to make you want to go and see the film, although not too much
that the plot can be spoilt completely by not including tag lines featured
in the trailer or well established scenes.
The trailer should just gloss over and highlight key areas of the plot but
leaving it on a cliff hanging for the audience to want and go see the film.
We should focus a lot of our backing music to the trailer, especially being
an action genre it is essential we keep the audience watching and on
their toes with a lot of cuts and camera movement to symbolize the fast
action scenes involved.

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