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1. What role do biofilms NOT play?

A biofilm can play a role in preventing phagocytosis

Biofilms protects bacteria from chemical disinfectants

Biofilms can make many antibiotics less effective

A biofilm helps prevent bacteria from attaching to any

one specific surface

2. Dental plaque is one of the best known examples of a biofilm.

What Gram-positive cocci is known to be involved with the
formation of dental plaques?
Bacillus cereus
Streptococcus mutans
Actinomyces neuii
Neisseria subflava
3. All the following are necessary for the formation of biofilm
A Surface
Dissolved Organic Materials
4. Which of these surfaces has been shown to be resistant to
colonization by biofilms?
Silicone materials such as in urinary catheters.

Normal healthy human mucus membranes such as in the

Chromium, titanium and cobalt metal alloys such as are found in
artificial hips.
Silver coated thread as is found in the sewing cuffs of some
prosthetic heart valve replacements.
5. Which of the following represents the typical sequence in the
development of a biofilm?
Conditioning film => Matrix formation and growth => irreversible
attachment => reversible attachment => Dispersal
Conditioning film => irreversible attachment => Dispersal =>
reversible attachment => Matrix formation and growth
Matrix formation and growth => Conditioning film => irreversible
attachment => reversible attachment => Dispersal
Conditioning film => reversible attachment =>
irreversible attachment => Matrix formation and growth
=> Dispersal
6. what are pathogens transmitted by milk
mycobacterium bovis
clostridium perfringens
campylobacter jejuni
vibrio parahaemolytius
staphylococcus aureus
7. Where is vibrio parahaemolyticus found?
Seafood especially shellfish
Canned food

Eggs, poultry, red meat

Dried food
8.has lessened the incidene of food born disease
transmitted via milk (Pasteurization)
9. salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, clostridium perfringens all
causes.symptoms (gastroenteritis) because they
10. Biofilms have a reputation as being resistant to many
threats the environment may hold for bacterial cells.
Which of the following are biofilms particularly resistant
Predation by protozoa and phagocytic white blood cells

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