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English Literature A2 Exam – LITA3:

2h30 exam

Please read this advice carefully before you turn to the material.

1 Reading

• Here are the materials taken from the prescribed area for study, Love Through the
Ages. You will be using this material to answer the two questions on the page opposite.

• Read all four pieces (A, B, C and D) and their introductions several times in the light of
the questions set. Your reading should be close and careful

2 Wider Reading

• The questions test your wider reading in the prescribed area for study, Love Through
the Ages. In your answers, you should take every opportunity to refer to your wider

Answer both questions.

1 Read the two poems (Extract A and B) carefully. They were written at different times by
different writers.

Basing your answers on the poems and, where appropriate, your wider reading in the
poetry of love, compare the ways the two poets have used poetic form, structure and
language to express their thoughts and ideas.

(40 marks)

2 Write a comparison of the ways ________________ (C) and _______________ (D) present
_______________________________________ .

You should consider:

• The ways the writers’ choices of form, structure and language shape your responses to
these extracts
• How your wider reading in the literature of love has contributed to your understanding
and interpretation of the extracts.

(40 marks)

English Literature A2 Exam – LITA3:

Extract A
English Literature A2 Exam – LITA3:

Extract B
English Literature A2 Exam – LITA3:

Extract C
English Literature A2 Exam – LITA3:

Extract D

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