Collapse of Soviet Union 1

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The Collapse of the

Soviet Union
John ORourke

Russian Civil War

Bolsheviks now had to battle enemies in their own home
territory. Their enemies White Army was composed of
several groups. The only reason the White Army was
formed was for the sole idea of defeating the Bolsheviks.
The White Army wanted the return of the czar and
wanted a democratic government. After three years, 14
million Russians died and the Bolsheviks remained in
power. Lenin then gave Russia the name U.S.S.R? and then
named the Bolsheviks to Communist Party. This event is
basically why the U.S.S.R was created in the first place.

Creation of the Politburo

In 1917, Lenin set up the Politburo. The politburo was
the highest committee of the Communist Party of the
U.S.S.R. The Politburo was elected by the delegates of
the Communist Party Congresses. Politburo consisted of
full members and candidates. Candidates were
people that could attend meetings and listen, but could
not vote on any issue. The Politburo ended in 1991 due
to the break up of the U.S.S.R (Soviet Union).

Stalins Five Year Plans

Five Year Plans were plans used to increase the Soviet
Unions economy through the increased production of
coal, steel and electricity. As a result of these plans,
people faced shortages in food, electricity and all other
goods. These plans did boost the Soviet economy
(which was the goal) but it in doing so, it hurt the Soviet
citizens more than it helped them.

World War II
Global warfare the went on from 1939 until 1945. Most
of the nations in the world were involved, hence the
name World War II. World War II was known as the
deadliest conflict in human history due to the events of
severe bombings and mass killings among civilians.

Not a name, but a thermonuclear weapon is classified as
Joe-1. In 1949 Russia conducted their first nuclear
weapons test, which was given the name Joe-1 by the
United States. Russians were trying to keep it
confidential (That they had a nuclear test), however it
was very hard when President Truman pretty much
announced it too the rest of the world. This built up
pressure and competition between the U.S.S.R and
Russia to who would build the first hydrogen bomb in the
Cold War.

Hydrogen Bomb
In 1952, United States ran their first test of a nuclear
weapon (Hydrogen Bomb). United States advanced fast
in making and developing the weapon. They pressure
and that it was a need to race Russia since Russia
tested their nuclear weapon in 1949 with out telling
anyone. In 1950, Russia detonated a similar hydrogen

Warsaw Pact
On May 14, 1955, the Warsaw pact was made. It was a
collective defense treaty including eight communist
states of Eastern and Central Europe that were around
during the Cold War. The pact was made to maintain
military control of Eastern and Central Europe, even
though its purpose was too keep peace in those
areas. During the cold war Russia was in fear of losing
control in their homeland, this pact helped them
maintain control over the military.

Not the name of a person, but a Space Dog. During
the year of 1957 Russia placed the dog named Laika
into orbit. During this time, it gave Russia the lead in
the Space Race.

Sputnik III
United States and the U.S.S.R were in a heated head-tohead Space Race, Russia launched their flagship
aircraft Sputnik 3. This was a successful aircraft that
made into orbit, countering the U.S air craft Vanguard
I. The Sputnik III essentially kept Russia in the space
race (gave the U.S decent competition).

Creation of the Berlin Wall

In 1961, East Germany created a wall that pretty much
spilt East and West Germany apart. East Germany
desired this wall to block their population from
fascism. However, the wall was actually used to
prevent mass amounts of immigrants coming in and too
block off the communist Eastern bloc. This helped
Russia maintain their communist government.

Invasion of Czechoslovakia
The U.S.S.R led troops from the Warsaw Pact in an
invasion of Czechoslovakia to end a prevent reformist
trends. This caused lots of financial damage and cost to
the U.S.S.R which would help lead it to its eventual end.

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks a.k.a SALT, was pretty
much an international treaty between the U.S and
U.S.S.R. The SALT I froze the number of strategic
ballistic missile launchers at all existing levels and
provided for the addition of the new submarinelaunched ballistic missile.

Same thing as SALT I but it added in international
treaties between the U.S and the U.S.S.R. The SALT II
treaty banned new missile programs, so both parties
were forced to limit their new strategic missile type

Soviet-Afghan war
A long, drawn out war (9 years) located in Afghanistan.
The war took place between Soviet-led Afghan troops
against multi-national insurgent groups. This damaged
the U.S.S.R greatly because the war lasted for a long
time, resulting in many deaths and millions of dollars

Gorbachev Becomes Leader

A former Soviet statesman, Mikhail Gorbachev was the
eighth and last ruler of the U.S.S.R. This helped the
U.S.S.R by having him being able to control everyone
through his head of state position (pretty much getting
the people to do whatever was in the governments best

Chernobyl Disaster
The Chernobyl Disaster was a nuclear accident that
took place in Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.
The fumes and flames spread to western Europe and
the U.S.S.R, eventually hurting it in the long run.

Perestroika was a movement that favored political
reform in the Communist Party. This helped the U.S.S.R
greatly because it led to better conditions ad better
needs needs for soviet workers and citizens.

A policy used to increase transparency in the
government institutions and activities in the U.S.S.R.
Glasnost was used by the leader and was able to specify
the policies that he thinks will be able to reduce the
problem at the top of the Communist Party and the
Soviet government. This helped the U.S.S.R because it
provided more freedom of information so they always
knew what was going on.

Voting reforms by Gorbachev

Gorbachev came up with the plan democratization
which, created a new election from the legislative party
and voters would be able to choose from a list of
candidates for each office. Voters would usually choose
unpopular candidates and the reformers over powerfulparty bosses. This hurt the U.S.S.R because they could
barely afford to conduct these elections as it is.

Free elections in Poland,

Czechoslovakia and Hungary
Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary were able to have
free elections but the election in Poland was fair while
also being proportional. The election in Czechoslovakia
and Hungary had stricter electoral rules and they were
leading to government stability. Free elections in Poland,
Czechoslovakia, and Hungary were able to help the
U.S.S.R because they werent interfering with them or
starting with them and this helped others out by saving
millions of dollars by not having to pay for the voting.

Fall of the Berlin Wall

30 years after it was built, the Berlin Wall was finally
torn down. This helped the U.S.S.R because it provided
them with easier access to their satellites.

Gorbachev steps down

Gorbachev resigned his role as president of the U.S.S.R.
He does this right during the time that the Soviet Union
Republics were gaining freedom and more control. This
event pretty much stuck a fork in it and finished the
demise of the U.S.S.R.

Boris Yeltsin Becomes President

In 1991, Boris Yeltsin was elected, becoming the
Russian Federations first directly elected president.
Unfortunately, he had to resign in 1999 due to some
heart complications.

Final Thought
The Soviet Union collapsed right after Gorbachev
resigned. Republics in the Soviet Union were freed from
communism and were practicing in a republic form of
government more frequently. With that being said, the
Soviet Union did have enough power, or pull to keep
communism around. Also, lets not forget the financial
standpoint. The Soviet Union wasted millions on top of
millions of dollars on wars and elections. With the
combo of poor spending/budgeting and lack of central
control, it was destined for the soviet union to fail.

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