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Christopher Herron
EDUC 329
A) Overview of Assessment Plan
I chose to do a follow up learning smarter, not harder lesson as well as a
follow up composer study as my showcase lesson. The lesson included a preassessment, during assessment, and post assessment that all follow my objective.
Students will be given a pencil and paper quiz following the presentation and will
complete the quiz with 90 percent accuracy using their notes. The purpose of my preassessment is so that the students will recall information from the previous lesson to
apply to the current lesson. The purpose of my during-assessment is so that the
students will have the information needed to take their quiz and to do well on it. The
purpose of my post-assessment is to see what the students learned from this lesson.
B) Description of pre-, post-, during, and post-assessments
As a form of pre-assessment, before I start the follow up composer study, I
informally asked the students information discussed in the previous class, which
included fourteen words from a story, that they were told to memorize, and then
some information previously learned about our composer Brahms. The words
from the story helped students to see that they can use their imagination to create
stories not only in music but also in other classes, and the information about
Brahms helped jog their memory on remembering where Brahms was born, and
how he mad his living as a child and adult. My during-assessment was taken place
while the students would write notes about the different types of music the
composer wrote I would play an example of each piece and have students listen to
differences and what made the song a symphony, concerto, etc. My postassessment took the form of a twelve-question matching and true or false quiz

where students will be graded on the correctness of their answers to evaluate
whether or not they took sufficient notes and retained the information I presented
to them.
C. Assessment Table
Learning Objective

Assessment(s) of
the Objective

Students will be
given a pencil and
paper quiz
During Assessment:
following the
presentation and
will complete the
quiz with 90 percent
accuracy using their

Format of
Pre: I will ask
students about the
14 words they were
supposed to
memorize to help
prove imagination
helps with studying.
I will also ask about
information about
Johannes Brahms,
which was
presented in the
previous class.
During: while the
students are write
notes about the
different types of
music the composer
wrote I would play
an example of each
piece and have
students listen to
and tell me the
differences and
what made the song
a symphony,
concerto, etc

Post: The students
will complete a,
pencil and paper,
quiz with 90%
accuracy to see if
information taught
is remembered.


When finished with

quiz students will
move their seats
back to their normal
class position and
set up for the rest of
band class.
Students who can
not see the
PowerPoint from
their seat will be
allowed to move
closer to the board.

Christopher Herron
EDUC 329

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