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We are the students of the University of Rajshahi, Department of Finance

and Banking. According to the rules of Rajshahi University (in BBA) we
were sent in some organizations to acquire some practical knowledge that
is called internship.
As a student of Finance and Banking we are to complete our internship
program mainly on Financial organization; Banking sector are given
preference here. This time for internship we were divided in some groups,
eight students in a group were sent in Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank,
Greater Road Kajihata branch to complete our internship. We were given
90 days to complete our internship program which was not enough to get
overall practical knowledge on banking sector. But as a student of
Finance and Banking we tried hard to get on over all idea on banking
sector from RAKUB.
We are very much grateful to our honorable teacher, Zubair Ahmed,
Assistant General Manager of Greater Road Kajihata Branch of
RAKUB, other officials and workers who helped us in many ways during
the whole period of our internship program.

Department of Finance and Banking


What does Internship mean:

Practical training is necessary to achieve complete knowledge about

something. Learning of the in and outs of the practical experience
engaging on the basis of activities is called internship.
In another word, practical training or internship means to acquire
knowledge and information investigating organization.
Internship is an assigned work performed usually at the end of the BBA
course curriculum. The goal of internship is to apply ones theoretical
knowledge in practical fields. Thus internship is a pragmatic program of
achieving practical experience by engaging oneself in different
organizations. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that
internship is the way to acquire practical experience through working in
the practical field.

Importance of Internship:
An internship provides the student with a greater understanding of

career demands and qualifications. It allows the students to understanding

the connection between what is studied and how it is applied in the world
of work. Practical work increases our real knowledge. At the end of our
theoretical study, we are working for practical training.
Thus it enhances the student knowledge. Internship program is the way of
implementing the theoretical knowledge practically.
However, the importance of internship is stated as follows:
Practice makes a man perfect-truthfulness of such can be
achieved practical training.
Internship program helps to increase the quality and
effectiveness of the trainer.
Department of Finance and Banking

It mentally prepares for their professions.

It acts as guideline during the service period.
Perfect conception about business / accounting procedure in
various industries and business concern may easily be earned.
To innovate new techniques of management.
To enact different policies for the over all development of the
To make the skill labor.
It facilitates thinking about problem of apply my theoretical
knowledge in the field of action.
By internship program students can under and limitations,
shortages and tractability of their knowledge and thereby can
take necessary action for removing these limitation and
Last of all we can say that, one should importance of an internship

1.4. Objectives of the study:

The objective of internship is to earn practical experience about
definite subject. It helps to achieve practical knowledge and experience.
The main objective of internship

training is to discover answer to

questions through the application of considerable procedures.

Main objectives are given below:
To know the functions or service to customers.
To understand administrative structure of RAKUB.
Department of Finance and Banking

To know in what types of project financing by RAKUB.

To understand loan sanctioning procedure along with general
banking system of RAKUB.
To identified problems faced by both the bank and the clients
in loan management.
To Put some suggestions on the basis of the findings of
internship program to improve the existing situation.
To implement the knowledge of practical training in the post
service life.

1.5. Scope of the Study:

It has been mentioned earlier, the main focus of the study is
Performance of Loan Disbursement and Recovery of Rajshahi Krishi
Unnayan Bank (RAKUB),with special reference to Greater Road
Kajihata Branch, Rajshahi . The report gives an overview of Rajshahi
Krishi Unnayan Bank. There is an one elaborate chapter on RAKUBs
loan Recovery performance . This study will also present some problems
and recommendation to solve those problems of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan

1.6. Methods of Data Collection:

Methodology is a systematic procedure, which is used to solve a
problem easily in a practical area. It covers collection, measuring,
analyzing and interpreting of data to lead decision i.e. methodology
includes why a study we have been undertaken.

Department of Finance and Banking

There are two sources of data one is Primary source of data and
another is Secondary source of data. I have used both the sources for
collecting data.

1.6.1. Primary data collection Method

Primary data was collected from Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank.
To prepare a report, I have collected data and information by following
1.6.1. a) Questionnaire method
To collect information for my practical training at first, I made a
questionnaire with the help of my honorable supervisor. After preparing
the questionnaire I collected the information and data from the officers,
personnel and other concerned people of my targeted bank.

1.6.1. b) Interview Method

I have collected the information and data through interview. I have taken
interview of the officers, executives and supervisors and they all
responded all of questions friendly.

1.6.1. c) Observation Method

I was present physically in every department of Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan
Bank, Greater Road Kajihata Branch for the purpose my internship
training period and observe all the functions. From this observation and
with the help of my practical knowledge, I have collected some
information and data about the bank.

Department of Finance and Banking

1.6.2. Secondary Data Collection Method

The only source of secondary data was official record of bank. Others
sources of secondary data are as follows:

Annual reports of RAKUB


Periodical Published by RAKUB


Various books, entitles, leaflets, compilations etc. regarding

general banking functions, special savings scheme, foreign
exchange operation and credit policies.










Some published and unpublished research report.


Books, magazines and papers.


Business and technical journals .

viii) Public records and statistics.



1.7. Limitation of the Study:

There is no doubt that practical training is essential to acquire a complete
knowledge in related fields. But it can not achieve easily. There are some
problems in this activity, which are as:
Observation of activities is a difficult task.
As secrecy of rules and regulation in accounting is must for
every institution, the concerned data & information are not
always be presented to others.
Department of Finance and Banking

Another problem is lack of necessary elements and aspects

practically becomes difficult.
It needs sufficient financial support, but we can not get this
Time of data collection was not sufficient. The total time
period of the orientation was a weeklong working days. It was
very short time to complete this internship program properly.
So I had to conduct with all functions within short time.
As secrecy of accounting is a must for an institution. The
concerned data and information are not always mutually
presented to evaluate the institution.
The given time is not enough for this program becomes. For
this reason, this program needs at least three months

Department of Finance and Banking




The name of the institution is Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank

(RAKUB).As the largest development partner in the northwest region
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank aims at overall development of the
farmers and all the sectors and sub-sectors of agriculture in this region.
Besides catering to agricultural credit, financing agri-business and agrobased industries and poverty alleviation programs the bank performs
commercial banking functions.
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB), a state owned financial
institution established under the president order no. 58 of 1986 the bank
started functioning on March 15, 1987. RAKUB took over the operations
under (Bangladesh Krishi Unnayan Bank) BKB within the administrative
division of Rajshahi along with its assets and liabilities.
To overcome the problems and improve the condition of the poor,
RAKUB was established in 1987. RAKUB is playing a vital role both in
agricultural and development as well as eradication of poverty. Especially
RAKUB is the largest source of agricultural credit in Rajshahi Division.
The north-west region comprises of 16 districts of entire Rajshahi and
Rangpur administrative division with on area of 34,513 Sq. km. and
estimated population of about 28 million. The region is the driest and
poorest area with a high population density and low rate urbanization
(13%) while property is consented in the country side with 59% of the
rural population suffering from various degrees of deprivation.

Department of Finance and Banking


Historical Background of RAKUB:

Rajshahi Division is considered to be a vital area in respect to

country agriculture productivity. This area contributes more than 30% to
the food grain production of Bangladesh. In adequate access to credit
among other resources is crucial barrier to the farmers of the improve
upon their productivity. What is needed is unlimited and sustainable flow
of credit to improve them against low productivity. For this reason,
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank was established.

2.2.1. British Period:

In the British regime, the people of bangle was included in the
Dadon business of indigenous landlord, moneylender etc. As a result,
all the belongings of the farmers were sold in the bid and they had to stay
with much difficulty. In this circumstances Shar-e-Bangla. A.K. Fazlul
Haque established Rin Salishi Board for the sack of farmers.
As a result, many farmers who were engaged with the exploitation by the
moneylenders and landlords, breathed with peace.

2.2.2. Pakistan Period:

In 1947 the Indian sub-continent was freed from the British
colonial rule and in the Indian sub-continent originated by the two
independent states namely India and Pakistan. Bangladesh was indicated
as East Pakistan as a part of Pakistan. In 1952 Pakistan government
established Agricultural Development Finance Corporation (ADFC) to
disburse loan in agriculture sector.

Department of Finance and Banking

Pakistan government realized the importance of agro-loan and

agricultural production, established a financial institution named
Pakistan Krishi Bank. Pakistan Krishi Bank started its operations from
1958. This two state owned financial institution merged in 1962 and
established a new financial institution named Pakistan Agriculture
Development Bank (ADBP). This institution provides state facilities to
the farmers in many ways.

2.2.3. Bangladesh period:

The evolution of Bangladesh made through the Great Liberation
War on 16 December in 1971. After independence of Bangladesh
Pakistan Krishi Unnayan Bank was renamed as Bangladesh Krishi
Unnayan Bank.
The presidents ordinance number 27, in 1973, Pakistan Krishi
Unnayan Bank renamed Bangladesh Krishi Unnayan Bank. After the
evolution of Bangladesh and with the time being, various organizations
are working independently and freely. For that reason the consciousness
of people is increased. The creation of Water Development Board,
Bangladesh Rice Research Institution, Rural Electrification Board, and
other necessary institutions are made. Control of flood, rice of new
quality and introduction of other high yielding crops and the increasing
demand d of its, institutional loan demand of farmers increased. In the
earlier time people were not familiar with bank loan or institutional loan,
for that reason they lend from their relatives and friends. But now bank
offer various types of loan to the farmers and they are somewhat bank

Department of Finance and Banking


oriented now. But it becomes very difficult for some limited banks to
meet up the multiple demand of loan specially crop loan.
Since Bangladesh is an agro-based country; the demand for the
loan of Krishi Bank has been increased remarkably. It becomes very
difficult for a Dhaka based head office of Krishi Bank to manage agroloan in the remote areas of the country. For this reason, government felt
to decentralize the Krishi Bank in the divisional areas and Rajshahi
division was the first choice. The Northern areas of Bangladesh were not
developed in comparison with other areas of Bangladesh; it is one of the
main reasons of establishing RAKUB. Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank
was established in 1986 with the ordinance number 58 of the president.
RAKUB started its operations from 15 March 1988.

2.2.4 Present Condition:

Institutional agricultural credit plays a crucial role in the modernization of
agriculture. Adequate flow of credit can remove the financial constraints
of the farmers and provide the incentive to adopt new technologies that
would otherwise be more slowly accepted. Credit facilities also help the
process of commercialization of subsistence agriculture. RAKUB realized
this situation and performed their job tremendously. Development of





problems, providing money from expansion of socio-economic activities

and provide consultancy are the main objective of establishing RAKUB.
After the construction of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge, this
responsibility has been increased tremendously. In the very beginning of
RAKUB, the number of branches wasTk. 253 core. Now the number of
Department of Finance and Banking


branches is 365. At his outset of bank, the credit balance was Tk 610
crores and now credit balance is Tk.2067.27 core. For the well being of
all industries farmers in the northwest region in Bangladesh, RAKUB is
continuing relentless efforts and taking more than one hundred and seven
loan programs.


Economical Impotance of Rajshahi and Rangpur division:

Rajshahi and Rangpur division is popularly termed as the granary

of Bangladesh. The area is noted for aromatic and fine rice production
which has got a growing demand in export market. Besides the area is
noted for fruits and vegetables. More than 50 percent of the country's
potato production comes from Rajshahi and Rangpur division. Besides
flood-free land the adaphic and agro-climatic condition is suitable for
commercial seed production for cereals, potatoes, pulses and a number of
vegetable crops.
The seed production processing and marketing business have got both
domestic demands as well as export potentials.
The area is particularly suitable for rearing black Bengal goats noted for
highly demandable goatskin and high quality mutton. Once it gets going
the mutton of black Bengal goats can harness the world market.
The region is also famous for production of high quality beef and milk
which have immense potential for value added processing. Rajshahi is
still an unexplored area for establishment of poultry hatchery and fish
grow-outs and fish processing.

Department of Finance and Banking


Rangpur Division was proclaimed as Bangladesh's seventh division on

January 25th, 2010, prior to which it was part of the Rajshahi Division. It
has been created with greater Rangur and Dinajpur regions. Rangpur
division is the northernmost division of Bangladesh. The major cities in
the division includes Rangpur, Dinajpur and Saidpur. The city of Saidpur
has the only airport in the division.
Rajshahi and Rangpur division is characterized by cheap labour force and
excellent rail and road communication infrastructure. Two airports in the
area take only 30-40 minutes to communicate with the capital city,

Department of Finance and Banking



1. Establishment Date

: 15th March 1987.

2. Location of Head office

: Kazihata, Grater Road, Rajshahi.

3. Authorized capital

: Tk 750 core.

4. Region of RAKUB

: All regions in the Rajshahi and

Rangpur division.

5. Area

: Rajshahi and Rangpur Division.

6. Extent

: 34,513 Square kilometer.

7. No. Of District

: 16

8. Thana

: 128

9. Municipalities

: 57


: 1092

11.Total population

: 35 million

12.Total number of families

: 5.10 million

13.Number of farm families

: 3.20 million

14.Training institute


Department of Finance and Banking



Objectives of RAKUB:
The main goals of RAKUB are as follows:
To provide Loan and Advance facilities for all kinds of
agricultural and agro- based economic activities keeping in
view the needs of small and marginal farmers.
To promote cottage and other allied industries in rural and urban
To assist farmers in adopting appropriate technologies under
the Bank's supervision.
To earn a normal profit for meeting the operational
expenses, building of reserve and expansion of activities to
cover wider geographical area.
To extend counseling and advisory services to the
borrowers/ entrepreneurs etc. in utilizing Loan and Advance
facilities of the Bank.
Provide credit facilities for agricultural development of poor
To provide credit facilities for the socio economical
development of poor farmers.
To save money as deposit (Hajj Saving, Education Saving,
Rural Pension Saving and others) for future expenditure or
To provide credit facilities for creating self independence.
To provide credit facilities for creating small firm as
Livestock & Poultry, Fishery, Hatchery.
To encourage the small entrepreneurship via providing credit
Department of Finance and Banking


To increase income and remove poverty of the people of









To develop and create employment opportunities.


Functions of RAKUB:

As the largest development partner in the Northwest region,

RAKUB aims at overall development of farmers and all the sectors and
sub-sectors of agriculture in this region. Besides, catering to agricultural
Loan and Advance financing, agro-business and agro-based industries
and poverty alleviation programs the bank performs ancillary banking



A seven-member Board of Directors is entrusted with the

responsibility of policy formulation for promotion of growth in
agriculture leading to economic development of the country through
agricultural Loan and Advance support. The government appoints all the
directors of the board. Also an executive committee constituted by the
Chairman and two other directors including the Managing Director is
there for taking emergency decisions. The Managing Director is the chief
executive of the Bank.


Organizational Structure:

The Head Office of the bank is stationed at Rajshahi. The branchnetwork comprises 365 branches including one in Dhaka. One General
Manager's office at Rangpur, eighteen zonal offices stationed in district
headquarters control branches under them. There are 18 independent
regional audit offices under direct control of the head office for
conducting regular audit in branches as well as in zonal offices.
Department of Finance and Banking


The bank has a training institute located at Rajshahi. Total workforce of

3364 as on 30-04-2011 was composed of 1497 officers and 1867 other
staffs. Regional offices stationed in district headquarters control branches
under them.

2.9.1 Head Office:

The head office of RAKUB is located at 280 km far from capital
city Dhaka, North-west divisional city Rajshahi. All operation is control
by head office. The Managing Director is assisted by the three following
functional divisions. Each headed by a General Manager:
Administration and Accounts Division.
Operation Division.
The three divisions further divided into 12 departments are as follows:
2.9.1. a)

Administration and Accounts Department:

Personnel Department
Common Services Department
Central Accounts Department-I
Central Accounts Department-II

2.9.1. b)

Operation Division:
Branches control Department.
Loans and Advances Department-I
Loans and Advances Department-II
Research and Development Department.
Budget and Expenditure Control Department.

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2.9.1. c)

Audit and Recovery Division:

Loan Recovery Department-I
Loan Recovery Department-II
Audit and Inspection Department

A Deputy General Manager is the head of the each division.

2.9.2 Supervision and control:

The zonal offices are headed by Deputy General Managers while
Regional offices by Assistant General Managers.

2.9.3 Vigilance:
The functions of the Audit offices are to keep the branches regular.
The Audit offices accomplish auditing of the branches on half-yearly
basis Regional Audit offices are directly controlled by the audit and
Inspection Department of the head office and by no way influenced by
the local Regional on zonal offices.

2.9.4 Training Institute:

The only training Institute at Rajshahi Imparts training to the junior and
mid-level officers and other staff according to the annual training
program designed on such subjects of professional interest as
management of Loan and Advance and accounts, Commercial banking,
audit and inspection etc

Department of Finance and Banking


2.9.5 Branch Network:

Table-1 Region wise total branches (Up to May- 2011)
Rajshahi23Naogaon29Natore20Chapai Nawabgonj16Bogra

Department of Finance and Banking


Source: Personnel Department of RAKUB.


Employee summary (up to April-2012):

DesignationAuthorizedExist1.Managing Directors (MD)01012.Deputy

Managing Directors (DMD)01013.General Manager (GM)03034. Deputy
General Manager(DGM)36215.Assistant general
Manager(AGM)66556.Senior Principal officer(SPO)1471257.Principal
officer(PO)3362258.Senior officer(SO)6203609.Officer900706Total
Officer2110149710.Other Employee21261867Total42363364

Source: Personnel Department of RAKUB.

Department of Finance and Banking


2.11. Capital and it sources:

RAKUB is a governmental banking institute. So the main sources
Capital are government fund.Details are as follows(up to 30 June-2010)1) Authorized capita

: Tk.750 core.

2) Paid up capital

: Tk.570 core.

3) Reserve capital

: Tk.20.85 core.

4) Deposit from customers

: Tk.2067.27 core.

5) Loan disbursement
6) Recovered loan

: Tk.1060.12 core.
: Tk.992.46 core.

Department of Finance and Banking





2.1. Establishment of Greater Road Kajihata Branch:

Greater Road Kajihata Branch, RAKUB started its operation in 20 th
November 2011. Before this branch Local Principal Office maintained its
operation at this location which got license in 1995. Local Principal
Office has transferred its operation Nawdapara at present.
The bank not only caters the need of agricultural credit, finances agribusiness and agro-based industries and poverty alleviation programs, side
by side the bank performs commercial banking functions in its area of
The Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB, Rajshahi performs all
traditional banking functions including deposit mobilization and lending.

2.2. Role of RAKUB, Greater Road Kajihata Branch:

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan Bank (RAKUB), Greater Road Kajihata Branch
has been playing a vital role for the development of the agriculture in
north-west region. Although Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB is
specialized of agriculture loan but the general commercial activities of
this bank is very much wide.The main role of Greater Road Kajihata
Branch of RAKUB is to develop the agro-based industries, self-

Department of Finance and Banking


employment, solving the unemployment problem and supply of money

for the expansion of socio-economic activities.

2.3. Activities of RAKUB, Greater Road Kajihata Branch:

Banking business is primarily concerned with the activities of
deposit collection and loan disbursement. RAKUB is not different from
these activities.
The main activities of Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB are as
i). Deposit collection and mobilization and
ii). Loan disbursement and recovery

Department of Finance and Banking


2.4. Employees of Greater Road Kajihata Branch:

There are 11 employees at Greater Road Kajihata Branch and their
designations are as follows:

Table: No. of Employees of Greater Road Kajihata Branch.

No.DesignationNo. of
employeesResponsibilities1Assistant General
Manager1Overall management2Senior Principal
Officer1Loan disbursement, supervision,
legal action, loan appraisal to
project, industrial loan,
recommendation of each credit.3Senior
Officer4RSCP4Officer2Different statement, deed
preparation and official
activities.5Cashier1Cash transaction6Data Entry
Operator1Entrance of Data7Peon1Miscellaneous

Source: Greater Road Kajihata Branch, RAKUB.

Department of Finance and Banking


2.5. Organizational Structure of Greater Road Kajihata Branch,




Senior Principal Officer

Senior Officer



Data Entry Operator


Department of Finance and Banking


2.6 RAKUB, Greater Road Kajihata Branch at a glance (As on 30

April, 2012)
Establishment: 20th November, 2011
Location: Rajshahi City Corporation
Number of Wards: 10
Target of Deposit: 5 crore tk (Upto 30th June, 2012)
Achievement of Deposit: 2 crore 61 lakhs 89 thousand tk (upto 30
April, 2012)
Target of Loan Disbursement: 4 crore tk (Upto 30th June, 2012)
Achievement of Loan Disbursement: 59 lakhs 25 thousand tk (upto
30 April, 2012)
Loan recovery: Not yet started (It will started from July, 2012)
Number of employees: 11
Contant number of the branch: 0721-810482

Department of Finance and Banking



3.1. Introduction:
RAKUB combines the role of a specialized bank for rural credit and that
of a commercial bank. Like commercial bank, it performs functions such
as acceptance of deposits, remittance of fund, granting of working capital
finance to agricultural processing and trading units. The overall object is
to generate employment and increase income of farmers and rural people
and faster agricultural development leading to economic development of
the country.

3.2. Types of Services:

As a largest development partner in the northwest region, Rajshahi Krishi
Unnayan Bank aims at overall development of the farmers and all the
sectors and sub-sectors of agriculture credit, financing agri-business and
agro-base industries and poverty alleviation program. The bank performs
commercial banking functions. The bank performs to their customer
mainly the following services:



Loan services


Deposit services


Commercial services

Loan Services:
Department of Finance and Banking


Banks loan portfolio has been classified under the following major
a) Short term loan: It is payable within 5-6 months loan period to
1year. These loans are.
All kinds of crop loans.
Socio-economic development activities.
Working capital loan agriculture based industries.
b) Medium term loan: It is repayable above 1 year but below 5
years. These types of loans are:
Land development
Bullocks for cultivator
Dairy farm
Raising herds
Small irrigation projects
Development of agriculture based
Industries according to the chart
c) Long term loan: All loans repayable above 5 years are called
long term loans. These type of loans are:
Farm and irrigation machineries
Tea garden development
Agro-based industries
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Infrastructure development.


Deposit Services:

The different Classes of customers can open different kinds of deposit

accounts. All the various deposit accounts have different feathers and

a) Current Account:
Current accounts are normally opened for business/organization. No
interest is given on this A/C. In RAKUB, initial deposit is Tk. 1000 to
open a current account. Here the A/C holders can deposit or withdraw
money as many time as they want during the office hours.
b) Saving Accounts:
Saving accounts are opened for the customer except companies or firm
and co-operative society. If the bank is satisfied by observing the
registration and constitution of co-operative society then it can open
savings A/C. RAKUB gives interest @ 5.00%-7.00%per annum.
Minimum initial deposit is Tk. 500 and this amount must maintain
always. The depositors can deposit money in their account as many times
as they want but in a week, they are allowed to withdraw only Tk. of
the balance in the A/C and the highest limit of withdrawal in a week is
Tk. 100000. If anybody wants to withdraw more than , i.e. 25% or Tk.
25000 in a week, the customer has to give a written notice 7 days ago to

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c) STD (Short Term Deposit) A/C:

STD A/C is opened for company, firm, and Government administrative
body like TNO. STD A/C is operated like current A/C. If 7 days ago a
written notice is placed to the bank in every withdrawal, then the bank
gives interest 4% per annum.
d) Deposit Pension Scheme (DPS):
In this Savings Scheme a person is given an opportunity to build up
savings by contributing monthly installment for getting an attractive fine
amount at the end of the specified term. The size of monthly installments
is Tk. 100, Tk. 200, Tk. 300, Tk. 400 and Tk. 500, which is to be
deposited within 1st week in each month. In this case compound rate of
interest is charged.
e) RAKUB Double Money Skim (RDMS):
RDMS is a special product of this bank. RAKUB has some savings
schemes to motivate the people for saving. In this case RDMS is regarded
as the special product of this bank. Here in 6.5 years the money will be
doubled. Minimum amount of deposit is 50000 tk.

f) RAKUB Daily Profit Account (RDP):

Here minimum amount should be 20000 taka.
g) RAKUB Triple Money Skim (RTMS):
Here in 11 years the money will be tripled. Minimum amount of deposit
is 25000 tk.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.2.1 The following table shows the various deposits and their interest
rates at a glance:
Deposit categoriesInterest rateCurrent depositNilSaving deposit (City
Area)5.00%Saving deposit (Urban Area)7.00FDRfrom 1 months to below
3 months
from 3 months to below 6 months
from 6 months to below 1 year
from 1 year to below 2 years
from 2 years to below 3 years7.00%


Commercial Services:

The bank gives the commercial services by DD, TT, MT and LC etc. For
these services they take a fixed interest. This is a source of income.
RAKUB gives their customers the facility to remit fund form one place to
another. The people who are not customers can also enjoy this facility.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.3. Opening an Account:

To its customers RAKUB gives opportunity to open an account
like other banks.
The following things are considered to open an account:

Observing whether the application form is properly filled in.


Getting a preserving specimen signature of a customer.


Taking initial deposit in cash.

Special types of account: Basically a person whose age is 18 years or

more can be competent to open an account with the bank. But there are
some special types of account holder like joint account, minor account
illiterate person account, blind person account, Deaf and dumb account
etc. These accounts are opened by following various conditions.

3.3.1. Who cannot open an account?

The following parties can never open an account with the bank:

The person who is still bankrupt.


The person whose mind is unsound.


The person who is totally mad.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.3.2. Account opening procedure:

To open an account, an individual has to carry out the following
Obtain an application form
Submit the completed form to the concerned officer
Face a brief interview
Sign the specimen signature card
Deposit of money and
Get counter-folio of the payment slip

Once these formalities are carried out in appropriate manner, the

applicant is issued a checkbook and considered as a valid account holder
of the bank.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.3.3. In case of joint accounts, the applicant must furnish the

following information:

Name of the parties who will be operated the account and

signed checks.


At the event of death of either or any of the account holders,

how the balance will be paid and to whom the securities (if any)
will be delivered. The documentary requirements are almost the
same as individual accounts. Account opening form and the
special instruction must be signed by all the joint account
holders to signify their consent.


If the client is a private or public limited company, the company

has to give a description about the type of the account and the
operation of the account. Specimen signature of the people who
are authorized to open and operate the account and the source of
their authority.

3.3.4. Account closing procedure:

In order to close an account, the account holder has to place written
application. After getting application, the bank will deduct service
charges at an amount of Tk. 200 and Tk. 300 against savings and current
deposit respectively as closing fee from the balance and the rest of the
money is given to the customers.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.4. General function of cash department:

Cash payments:
For convenience, the cash payment (cheque honoring) procedure is
illustrated by a flowchart as under:
Customer places the check to the ledger officer (LO). The LO
receives the check, enters its particulars in a register and issues the
customer a token.

The LO now verifies the ledger of the customer. If the customers

account position is okay, he passes the check to the second officer

The SO compares the customers signature given on the check

with that on the signature card kept in his custody. If the signature
is okay then he makes an entry of the check in another register and
cancels it by signing across the check.

Once the check is cancelled that is okay for payment it is brought

to the cashier by a peon.

Cashier enters the amount of the check in the cash register and
pays the appropriate amount to the customer.

At the end of banking hour, a trail balance is prepared from the

registers and all the registers are compared with one another.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.4.1. Cash Receipt:

Customers deposits are received in this section of bank. Then the amount
received is credited to the customers A/C in the ledger book. The
formalities that are followed to receive a customers deposit (cash) in the
cash receipt section are stated in the following flow chart:COUNTER
Customer places this cash and deposit slip before the respective
officer at the counter.

After receiving the cash and deposit slip, the officer makes an
entry to scroll register book. Then the deposit slip and cash are
placed before cashier.

The cashier counts this amount of money first and then makes an
entry to another register book. The book is generally called cash

Then the cashier passes the cashbook and deposit slip to the
second officer.

After verifying the deposit slip, the second officer returns the
counter-folio of the deposit slip to the customer and keeps the
other position in his custody.

At the end of banking hour, trial balance is prepared from that

cash receipt register.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.5. Customer services:

RAKUB earns a huge amount of money by selling several
customer services. The Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB offers
the following customer services:
Money transfer



Customers check

Same Bank
Other Banks
Electricity Bills

Customers bills

Water Bills
Telephone Bills

Department of Finance and Banking


3.5.1. The descriptions of these instruments are as under:

i) DD (Demand Draft):
DD is the most popular instrument of remitting fund. It is an order
to pay money drawn by one branch of a bank upon another branch of the
same bank for a particular sum of money which is payable to order on
demand. Test number is placed on DD. If the number of issuer bank and
reimburse bank becomes the same only then the specified amount of
money on DD is paid to the customer. The commission for DD is 10%
for any amount of TK. and the minimum commission is TK. 30.

ii) MT (Mail Transfer):

MT is another mode of remitting fund and it is same to DD but
here the customer is not provided any papers but a receipt. The bank
sends the MT papers under its own responsibility to the respective
branch. In order to cash MT, the payee must maintain an account with the
bank. The commission for MT is 10% for any amount of TK. and the
minimum commission is TK. 30.
iii) TT (Telegraphic Transfer):
Telegraphic transfer is the quickest method of remitting fund from
one place to another. By this procedure, no instrument is sent to the
paying branch, message is sent-only over telephone or telex and the
paying branch supplies payments after having message. The commission
for TT is 10% for any amount of TK. and the minimum commission is
TK. 30.

Department of Finance and Banking


iv) PO (Payment Order):

Payment order is a written document. The PO can be enhanced on
that branch from where it is issued. Several supplier organizations use
this PO. Here no account is needed to open with the bank. It is issued
locally. Generally, the contractors and suppliers use this instrument. The
commission for PO is TK.20 for TK.1000, TK.30 for TK.100000, TK.50
for above TK.100000 to below TK.500000, TK.100 for above

v) Advice:
It is simply the making of adjustment between debit and credit.
Here no cash remittance has done. RAKUB can transact among its
various branches with the help of such advice.

Department of Finance and Banking


3.6. Accounting system of RAKUB, Greater Road Kajihata Branch:



Record in register
Posting in ledger

Supplementary sheet preparation

Summary preparation
Cash com day book preparation
General ledger posting

Affairs front page

Subsidiary ledger posting

Affairs back page

Department of Finance and Banking



According to ordinance of RAKUB 1986, it was established in the

administrative area of Rajshahi division. It operates banking activities to
increase agricultural production, to develop overall economic condition,
to develop small and cottage industries, to develop agro-based industries,
and to improve socio-economic activities.

4.1. Loan Areas:

RAKUB provide loan both agro-based and non-farming sector. There are
nine main loan areas of RAKUB; out of nine loan areas it gives
preference on the following loan areas.
a) Crop Production;
The Bank finances for production of all the summer and winter crops,
horticulture & nursery etc. High yielding and high value crops and seeds
production is particularly encouraged. Crop sub-sector alone occupies
60% of the lending budget of the Bank.
b) Fishery:
The Bank attaches importance to use scientific method and modern
technology in fish cultivation. It extends adequate credit support for
excavation and re-excavation of ponds, round the year cultivation of
species, which have rapid growth, cultivation of sweet water prawn and
Department of Finance and Banking


other fishes. The Bank makes use of expertise of the concerned

government agencies for bringing more ponds/water bodies under
cultivation and increasing productivity.

c) Livestock & Poultry:

The Bank extends credit facilities for systematic and commercial
livestock farming which includes dairy, beef-fattening, poultry, raising
and setting up of hatcheries which in turn is expected to increase
production of milk, meet and eggs, the main source of protein. As the
marginal and small farmers access to mechanized farming is restrained
by want of cash and collateral, the bank has a big lending window of draft
animals for cultivation of land, transportation of agricultural produces and
other farming activities.
d) Irrigation Equipment & Farm Machinery:
In today's technology-based farming of high yielding and high-value
crops, mechanization of cultivation, irrigation and pest-control is
indispensable. To cope with the situation financing power tillers, tractors,
tube wells, power-pumps, and fertilizer and pesticide application devices.
e) Agro-industry & Agri-business:
The operational jurisdiction of the Bank is noted for its agricultural
potentials. The Bank pays due importance to setting up agro-industries
for preservation, processing and marketing of agricultural produces
having backward linkage with basic sub-sectors of crop, fishery, livestock
Department of Finance and Banking


and forestation. Manufacturing and marketing of agricultural implements

are also encouraged. Agro-industries for import sub situation are specially
encouraged by offering moderate terms of financing.
f) Poverty alleviation:
The poverty-stricken area of north-west Bangladesh is characterized by
comparatively lower rate of savings, inadequate capital accumulation and
slim employment opportunities. The existing collateral-based banking
system is also of little use in respect of extending support to the millions
of landless people. To address the problem, the Bank has been financing
collateral-free micro-credit for income and employment generation
through its poverty alleviation credit programs.

4.2. RAKUB also provides some loan to their customer:

These are as:
Consumers' Credit (District & Upazila Branches)
Service-holders' Credit (District & Upazila Branches)
Small Traders' Credit(All Branches)

Department of Finance and Banking


4.3. Term Wise loan disbursement:

Bank disburse loan in various term wise, such as small, medium and long
Short Term: Short-term loan is repayable from 5-6 months
to 1 year
Medium Term: Medium term loan is repayable within 5
Long term: Long-term loan is repayable above 5 years.
4.4. Selection of Borrower:
Selection of borrower is the important factor in loan disbursement. The
following subject matter should be considered in loan disbursement.
Citizen of Bangladesh
Ability to utilize loan
Not defaulter
The registrar of Joint Stock Company must register limited
In case of co-operation society, the registrar of co-operative
society must be registered it.
Not bankrupt or not unsound minded.
When Bank select borrower closely consider the following four P
P = Person
P = Purpose
P = Profitability

Department of Finance and Banking


P = property / security
Borrower apply for sanctioning loan by the prescribed form, which is
provided by the bank and bank rates predetermined fees, then borrower
submit application form along with fees. The rate of loan application
form fees of RAKUB is as follows:
Amount of LoanRate of Application FeeTK 1000 to TK 6000TK 15TK
6001 to TK 1000003%Above TK 100000TK 200 Plus TK 1 for per

Source: Loans and Advances Department-I, RAKUB.

4.5. Interest Rates:

Industry12.00%Cash Credit13.00%15.00%Poverty alleviation6.00%14.00%Firm Machinery12.00%

Source: RAKUB website

4.6. Loan Case Investigation:

Loan applicant must submit necessary papers along with loan application.
After submitting necessary papers, responsible officer take some step
against loan application. Loan officer investigate the information of loan
application to go to the spot and evaluate loan application consciously.

Department of Finance and Banking


Loan case evaluation officer scrutinize the necessary papers and

documents of security and he /she will go to the local land office.
4.7. Forecasting:
There are three types of forecasting form of RAKUB. Loan officer write
a report about project appraisal. Loan forecasting or loan evaluation is
very important. In the time of forecasting, loan officer considered the
amount of loan, sources of equipment in case of equipment loan, and the
availability of equipment, project viability in case of project loan, suitable
use of loan etc. apart from this loan officer attached income and
expenditure statement, cash payment and receiving statement with the
forecasting report.
4.8. Loan disbursement:
On the basis of forecasting statement the responsible officer investigate
the actual need of loan. If loan officer satisfied to the loan proposal he /
she may sanction loan. Before sanction of loan, making necessary papers
correctly is essential. According to condition of loan sanction, loan








hypothecations papers, pledged agreement, SP note etc. Bank disburse

loan in various ways, such as: cash, purchase receipt, or installment. In
case of installment loan bank investigate the past installment and
experience of the borrower.

Department of Finance and Banking


4.9. Table-1: Loan disbursement of Greater Road Kajihata Branch of

RAKUB from November 20, 2011 to March 31, 2012
MonthDeposit Collection
(TK in lakh.)Loan Disbursement
(TK in lakh.)December,201168.44No loan had sanctioned
previously. From LPO
branch two loans had
transferred. Cash Credit

Source: Greater Road Kajihata Branch, RAKUB

4.10. Problems of Loan disbursement:
Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB faced the following problems
in disbursing crop loan

Loans are not sanctioned in proper head and real lone due to
political influence


Lack of proper mortgage against loan.


Deficiency of adequate human resource.


Lack of real loaner.


Insufficient fund of the bank.


Loons are not disbursed properly as a result of the dishonesty of

the officers.


Inflexibility of the government policies in disbursing loan.


Wants of sound guarantor.

Department of Finance and Banking



When bank or other financial institution currency disburses to another

organization or people, then this currency regained from loaner, it is
called recovery. Greater Road Kajihata Branch of RAKUB loans disburse
to the loanee regained this money. Greater Road Kajihata Branch of
RAKUB loan recovered under two bases:
1. Unclassified loan
2. Classified loan

5.1.1. Unclassified loan:

When half or more than half of the total loan is repaid within the due
dates by the borrower thus that is called unclassified loan.The duration of
time in which the loan will be treated as unclassified is less than 12
months from sanctioning loan.
5.1.2. Classified loan:
When more than half of the total loan or total is unpaid/due over the due
date then that loan is called classified loan. Classified loan is not being
repaid on time and has been designated a troubled asset.
Classified loans are three types-

Department of Finance and Banking


Substandard loan:
A substandard loan is one that is inadequately protected by the current
sound worth and paying capacity of the oblige or of the collateral
pledged. Loans classified as substandard have a well-defined weakness or
weaknesses that jeopardized the liquidation of the debt.
A loan will be classified as substandard after a period of 12 months from
the due date.

Doubtful loan:
A loan where full repayment is questionable and uncertain. Degree of
repayment of loans in question range from a complete loss to uncertain
loss unless corrective actions are taken. Doubtful loans are usually nonperforming loans on which interest is overdue and full collection of
principal is uncertain.
A loan will be classified as doubtful after a period of 36 months from the
due date.
Bad debt:
Loans classified as bad debt are considered uncollectible and shall be
listed at 100 percent potential loss.
A loan will be classified as bad debt after a period of 60 months from the
due date.

Department of Finance and Banking


5.2. Loan Recovery procedure:

The important tasks of branch manager Greater Road Kajihata Branch is
to recover the outstanding loans. The main responsibility of branch
manager and field supervisor to recover the outstanding loans in Greater
Road Kajihata Branch. The branch manager gets sounds planning and
makes policy to recover the loan. Thus recoverable all loan are to be
timely. The loss recovery procedure is divided into several steps. There as
Loan recovery:
Greater Road Kajihata Branch makes a schedule to recover the
outstanding loan. There are several schedules to pay of difference types
of loans.
a) Schedule to pay of crops loan are fixed according to
Bangladesh bank and rules.
b) Different schedule to pay loan for various objectives.
c) For project loan, schedule to loan are to be adjusted,
when production are start commercially.
d) For working capital loan, loan to be paid in due time.

Statement of loan:
The statement of loans plays a vital role to make a loan recovery; it is an
initial instrument for office and field. Name and address of borrowers are
in this statement. This statement is prepared for village and union. This
statement is prepared at the beginning of financial year. It mentions that it
is helpful for disbursement loan.

Department of Finance and Banking


Various types of notice:

There are various types of notice to recovery of loan, which are serially
set to the borrower. These are Demand notice, Legal Notice, Special
Notice, Field recovery, Loan Recovery camp, Co-operation of UP
chairman and Case filing.
5.3. Rules of Recovery:
Greater Road Kajihata Branch Loan recovery from loanee is installment
system, installment system are as:
5.4. Causes of Defaulter:
The loanee cannot pay due time in various causes:
Natural calamity destroy the crops, for this reason the loanee
unable to pay loan in due time.
Greater Road Kajihata Branch cannot take proper steps
against the loanee for influential man.
The loanee cannot use the loan in proper way.
The loanee do not pay loan in more time willingly.

Department of Finance and Banking


5.4.1Greater Road Kajihata Branch takes some step against

When a lone default to pay loan the Greater Road Kajihata Branch takes
some step against loanee:
First they issued Demand notice to loanee.
If the loanee not pay loan, then branch issue legal notice.
Again lone failure to pay loan, branch issue special notice.
After all loanee default to pay loan then branch case filling
against loanee.
In this way Greater Road Kajihata Branch recovers loan by court. If any
sector continuously goes for losses, branch does not shut down the sector.
Greater Road Kajihata Branch again refinances that sector and
encourages to the loanee.
As it is a new branch which is started its journey from 20 th November,
2011 the loan recovery is not started yet. Loan disbursement is running
on and loan recovery will be started after June, 2012.
5.5. Problems of loan Recovery:
Loanee cannot utilize loan properly, as a result they fail to repay
Many people of Bangladesh live in village and they are ignorant
to use the loan.
Weakness of supervisor for supervising loan.
Weakness of taking step against loanee by bank.
Political pressure is a common phenomenon in recovery of loan
Department of Finance and Banking



6.1. Limitation of the study:

Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan bank plays an important role in developing the
agricultural sector as well as poverty alleviation and socio-economic
development of the Rajshahi and Rangpur Division. The activities of this
bank are widely dispersed, but I have time constraint which was
prevention to acquire complete and sufficient knowledge about the role of
Rajshahi Krishi Unnayan bank. Due to the shortage of time, it is not
possible for me to collect the all data about this Bank. But I have tried my
best to prepare this report properly and effectively.
6.2. Problems Identification:
In common eyes, it would be seemed that the bank has no problems and
running well recent years. But being physically presented at the bank
during 15-day internship and having discussed the different staffs about
farming loan management, I observed the following unavoidable
1. Fund diversion.
2. Political pressure: Due to pressure of local political leader the
bank cannot determine proper borrowers for distribution
loan.They create always-unnecessary influence in determining
3. Shortage of efficient credit personnel.
4. Lack of legal action by the banks against defaulters.
Department of Finance and Banking


5. Inadequate training facilities for credit officers and their

6. Lack of proper mortgage against loan.
7. Lack of real loanee.
8. Insufficient fund of the bank.
9. Lack of sound guarantor.
10.Sometime the loan-less recovery show their unwillingness to
pay the loan in order to have various advantages form the
11.If loan disbursement is not in accurate time, borrowers will not
be able to use that loan in particular sector, As a result loan
recovery will be impossible.
12.The notice are not issued just time, for this reason some time the
recovery of loan is disturbed.
13.Lack of proper planning and inefficient-fund management.
14.Lack of proper supervision.
15.Loan is not paid through proper assessment.
6.3. Recommendation:
In this study, I have tried to observe various aspects of loan disbursement
and recovery system with different analysis of this bank. For survival, a
bank should run in the profitable basis. A bank cant make profit due to
various problems mentioned before. These aged problems could not be
solved overnight. However, I have mentioned some recommendations
here to be followed in order to get relief from acute problems.
Recommendations are given below:
As the student of Finance and Banking, I can say strongly that
projects viability depends on only its sound analysis. If
analysis of a project is accurate, it will provide profits. So,
before disbursement of loan, the bank should be sure that the
conducted analysis is accurate.
Department of Finance and Banking


Most of the loans become default loan just after disbursement.

Its prime ground is lack of supervision. Here, it is mentionable
that supervision means personal contact with the loanee. Most
of the loanees are illiterate, if they are well supervised, they
must show their responsibility of repaying the loan. So,
supervision is a vital factor.
The bank should be more needful in recovery of classified and
unclassified loan.
Deposit mobilizations have to be increased.
In Bangladesh, political influence a banks decision about
giving loan. To avoid such political pressure, the bank could
keep a written loan policy.
Training makes a man perfect. The staff could be given training
about their respective business at regular basis.
In the age of modern technology, the bank should be
computerized to ease the accounting process and increase
customer services.
Loan classification and provision should be revised on the basis
of national economic condition.
As a specialized bank, RAKUB have to recruit efficient
Last but not least, the bank should strictly follow the various
programs adopted by RAKUB.

Department of Finance and Banking


6.4. Conclusion:
A bank is basically a service-oriented institution. It acts in financial
inter-mediation process. Banks collect deposits at low rate of interest and
lend the collected money at a higher rate of interest to cover it operational
expenses and then make profit. In this process, if loans are stuck-up, the
entire process gets jeopardized.
This branch has not yet produced better performance in recovering those
loans given to small borrowers because this branch started its journey
from 20th November, 2011 and will start recovery from July, 2012. The
branch should take care of this very important aspect of banking for its
smooth survival in the coming days.

Department of Finance and Banking


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