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No review of nuclear

doctrine, says PM
On such issues, there is a tradition of consensus
National Bureau
NEW DELHI: India will not review its nuclear doctrine
adopted during the rst National Democratic Alliance
(NDA) government, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi
said here on Friday.
Signalling continuity in
the nuclear posture, he said:
While every government
naturally takes into account
the latest assessment of
strategic scenarios and
makes adjustments as necessary, there is a tradition of
national consensus and
continuity on such issues.
I can tell you that currently, we are not taking
any initiative for a review of
our nuclear doctrine, Mr.
Modi told Japanese media
representatives a day be-

Says Delhi will

continue to work for
the strengthening of
fore leaving for Kyoto and
He said Delhi would continue to work for the
strengthening of non-proliferation efforts.
As to the CTBT [Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty], we are committed to
maintaining a unilateral
and voluntary moratorium
on nuclear explosive testing, he said in advance of
discussing civil nuclear
cooperation with Japan.
India, the Prime Minis-

ter said, had no hesitation

in discussing any outstanding issue with Pakistan
within the framework of
the Simla Agreement and
the Lahore Declaration.
We, therefore, were disappointed that Pakistan
sought to make a spectacle
of these efforts and went
ahead with talks with secessionist elements from
Jammu and Kashmir in
New Delhi, Mr. Modi said.
To a question on Chinese
expansionism,, he said, I
am keen to work closely
with the Chinese leadership to push the relationship forward and to deal
with all issues.
India, Japan and China
should work towards an
Asian Century, Mr. Modi

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