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Seth Bird

Computers 1


Cyberbullying is a major problem in todays society because it is used with

technology and has only gotten worse. Many teens in todays world depend on the use
of technology to get through their day, which makes it very easy to hide behind a screen
and bully people. It has become such a problem that organizations have been
established to solve this problem. Some parents have actually lost their kids to the
tortures of cyberbullying. We really need to push for this issue and exterminate this
before it becomes a bigger problem. Cyberbullying is a problem because it is used with
technology, the effects it has on teens, and it can lead to suicide.
Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target
another person. This means that like bullying, you feel anxious and upset and that may
make you feel mad at someone or take your anger out on someone. That is actually
how a lot of bullys start out, their bullied themselves. By definition, it occurs among
young people. This just means that its not the adults that are cyberbullying (usually) but
its the kids and their phones. Many teens dont tell anyone about their cyberbullying
problem because their scared it will only make things worse. This is not true and its only
an intimidation technique that bullys use to keep their victims quiet. If you are being
cyberbullied there are many places that will help you stop or get through it.
Cyberbullying has so many negative effects against teens. Studies show that
victims of cyberbullying have a greater chance of doing drugs, getting lower grades,
skipping school, and being socially awkward (What is Cyberbullying?). This is a major
problem because its affecting their future. The anxiety of being bullied actually can leave

teens with long term conditions such as anxiety attacks, depression, and other stressrelated disorders. This is one of the main reasons that cyberbullying needs to be
controlled. The anxiety of being bullied actually can cripple them. More serious cases of
cyberbullying in teens have actually led to suicide. Cyber bullies are actually killing
people. This is why we need to stop them.
What can we do to stop it? Well, if you discover that your child or someone you
know is being cyberbullied, offer comfort and support and get an adult involved. Its most
likely that when an adult becomes involved the bully will back off but in the event that he
doesnt you need to take action. Most cases of cyberbullying arent so bad to cause
cyberbullying but nevertheless, action needs to be taken against them. Its sad that
some people hide behind a screen to tear people down. But if the abuse gets so bad
where it looks like this person is getting depressed or isnt being social or has anxiety
attacks because of the bullying, you need to contact the authorities and let them deal
with it. 99.9% of the time when the authorities are involved the bully will quit. In the case
of that he doesnt stop you should find out where he lives and send the police after him
or her. This is what you can do to stop cyber bullying.
In conclusion, Cyberbullying is a problem because a lot of people have access to
electronics, it has led to suicide, and the effect it has on the daily life is tremendous. If
you or someone you know is being cyberbullied or knows someone that is being
cyberbullied, contact an adult or the authorities before it gets any worse. There are
many organizations that will help you stop or get through the cyberbullying. You can
contact these organizations and they will help you without a doubt. If you or someone
you know is a cyberbullying, stop because you may think that it doesnt really affect the
person but it really does and its a life or death matter now. If we dont stop
cyberbullying, it could become more of a life or death matter than it already is.

Works cited page

1. "What Is Cyberbullying." What Is Cyberbullying. U.S. Department of Health &

Human Services, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
2. "Cyberbullying / Stalking & Harassment." Cyberbullying .:. WiredSafety. Parry
Aftab, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
3. "Cyberbullying." KidsHealth. Ed. Larissa Hirsch. The Nemours Foundation, 01

June 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.

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