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Packet Survey - Students

Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions about packets.
(Circle your answer)
1. How do you feel about completing packets to earn units toward graduation?
a. I like completing packets to earn units toward graduation.
b. I dont like completing packets to earn units toward graduation.
c. I dont care either way. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2. How many packets a week do you complete?
a. 0-1 xxxxxxxxxxx
b. 2-3
c. 4-5 (x)xxxxx(x)xxxxxxxxx(x)xx
d. More than 5 xxxxxxxxxx
(Just started) xxxx
3. Where do you spend the most time completing your packets?
a. At school
b. At home xx(x)xxx(x)xxxxxxx(x)
c. Other (please specify: Bus/Train, both) xxxxxxxx
4. How long have you been at Highview?
a. This is my 1st year.
b. This is my 2nd year. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
c. This is my 3rd year. xxx
d. This is my 4th year.
5. Direct instruction is a general term for the explicit teaching of a skill-set
using lectures or demonstrations of the material, rather than exploratory
models such as inquiry-based learning. Direct Instruction could look like
the teacher in front of the classroom taking the class through a lesson that
the entire class would do. How do you feel about Direct Instruction?
a. Id like my teachers to do an all class lesson for part of the class.
b. Id like my teachers to do an all class lesson for the entire class. xxx
c. No change, I like things the way they are.
6. Do you have internet access away from school?

a. Yes, I have internet access at home.

b. I can access the internet some place away from home and school.
c. I do not have internet access away from school. xxxxx
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.
Packet Survey

Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions about packets.

1. About

how long does it take you to put a single packet together? (Circle one)
0-15 min.
16-30 min. x
31-45 min. x
46-60 min.
More than 60 min. xxxxx

2. How many packets do you collect from students per week? (Write your
answer in the blank)
a. 20, 25-30, 30, 20, 30, 10(really thick),
3. How do you feel about students completing packets for units? (Circle all that
a. Its the fastest way for students to earn their units.
b. Its the best way to earn units with students core subjects all over the
map. xxxx
c. I wish there were another way for students to earn units. xxxx
4. Direct instruction is a general term for the explicit teaching of a skill-set
using lectures or demonstrations of the material, rather than exploratory
models such as inquiry-based learning. About how much of each class period
is spent on Direct Instruction? (Circle one)
a. 0-5 min. xx
b. 6-10 min. xxx
c. 11-15 min. x
d. 15-20 min.
e. More than 20 min. xx
5. How long have you taught at Highview? (Circle one)
a. 1st year xx
b. 2-5 years x
c. 6-9 years xxx

d. 10+ years x

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.

Packet Survey - Post Survey

Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions about packets.
(Circle your answer)

1. For the last couple of days you have participated in classes that involved
some sort of direct instruction/whole class activity. How do you feel about
part of your class being used for direct instruction/whole class activities?
a. I like part of my class being used for direct instruction/whole class
activities. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
b. I dont like part of my class being used for direct instruction/whole
class activities. xxxx
c. I dont care either way. xxxxxxxxx
2. How often would you like to have some direct instruction/whole class activity
in this class?
a. Every day x
b. 3-4 times a week xxxxxx
c. 1-2 times a week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
d. Not at all, keep it the same. xxxx
3. Do you feel as though you would still be able to complete your packet(s) if
part of your class is used for direct instruction/whole class activity?
a. Yes, I do feel as though I would be able to complete my packet(s) if
part of my class is used for direct instruction/whole class activity.
b. No, I do not feel as though I would be able to complete my packet(s) if
part of my class is used for direct instruction/whole class activity.
4. How would your attendance be affected if your teacher offered units for
participating in direct instruction/whole class activity?
a. I would make sure that Im here every day to earn those units.
b. I would be here less often. xx
c. My attendance would not change. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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