Eros 1 Poem With Commetns

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Jordan Earles

20 March 2015
For That He Looked Not Upon Her Timed Writing
In the tragic sonnet, For That He Looked Not Upon Her, by George Gascoigne, a man is
left in his own misery to deal with a deceitful woman who only played mind games with this
man. The poet uses form, diction, and imagery to develop a complex attitude of the speaker
dealing with the aftermath that this woman has caused in his life.
Form is used in one run on sentence so as to never end the back and forth thoughts of
the speaker, until the very end when he finally ends his thoughts with a period. The run-on
sentence allows the insight of the speakers thoughts and all the comparisons that he can draw
to himself, conveying the depth of the sadness and depression she has caused this speaker. At
the very end, the last two lines are indented over to the right more so than any other line to
reveal his concluding thought and reasoning for hold[ing] my louring head so low (line 2).
Negative diction portrays the speakers true, almost enraged feelings about the woman
that he feels tricked him. Words like louring (line 2), trustless (line 6), deep deceit (line 8),
grievous (line 11), and blazing (line 14) allow for the true feelings and emotions of the
speaker to reveal themselves.
Imagery, through the use of the two metaphors about the mouse and fly gives insight to
how the speaker feels hes been treated by this woman. The mouse which once hath broken
out of trap is seldom ticed with the trustless bait (line 5-6) show fear of something else
happening to the speaker in a similar situation which has yet to occur. The scorched fly which
once hath scaped the flame will hardly come to play again with fire (line 9-10) conveys the
caution the speaker will now take when feeling love, desire, and passion because of how this
woman so easily tricked him when he felt something real for her.
The complex attitude of the speaker is the true love he still feels versus wanting to just
get over her and move on. Yet, the speaker cant because of his true feelings for her which she
did not reciprocate. If the speaker truly had moved on and didnt care, he wouldnt still be so
bitter and revengeful.

Comment [J1]: Changing with this man to

played mind games and teased him with his own
emotions, because it was more than a mind
gamethis woman did play games but also tricked
his mind.
Comment [J2]: Changing ends to concludes
because ending sounds like the end of the poem,
but its only the end of a thought.
Comment [J3]: Changing speakers to mans
in order to keep from being repetitive.
Comment [J4]: Changing this speaker to him
in order, once again, from being repetitive.
Comment [J5]: Adding to the sentence , and
how he will continue on and get over this heart
wrenching situation to add detail and specificity.
Comment [J6]: Deletion of of the speaker to
quite being repetitive and because it is unnecessary.

Comment [J7]: Changing speaker to

narrator to change up the speaker.

Comment [J8]: Once again, changing the

speaker to this man because of redundance.

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