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Jordan Earles Conflict in The Glass Menagerie Response 6B 2 September 2014

The focus of The Glass Menagerie is Amanda; the mother of Tom and Laura. Throughout
the play, Amanda pretends to have Laura and Toms wants and needs before anything else
when she is only looking out for herself.

Comment [EBJ1]: Changing to lives through

her children as a means of survival, income, and
support. Because its more specific.

Amanda becomes extremely self-centered as the play continues because she vicariously
lives through Laura and makes her do things and become someone she isnt for the sake of
herself. In the end, Amanda ends up making Laura shy, reserved, and unsociable. Amanda is
also very dependent on Tom to pay the bills, take care of the family, and be held responsible for

Comment [EBJ2]: Changing to her act a certain

way, trying to change who she is so that men will
notice her. In this way, Amanda can marry Laura off
and thats one less child she will have to care after.
To make the sentence more interesting.

Laura. Amanda never to works hard to earn a wealth because she thinks she is too good for
hard work.
Amandas conflict throughout the play seems to be finding a man for Laura, forcing Tom

Comment [EBJ3]: Changing to The author

characterizes Amanda as someone who never
works, and yet expects to be rich and thinks she
shouldnt have to work. Even when their family is
slowly progressing into poverty, Amanda refuses to
work because its a mans job to bring home
income. Because it adds clarity.

to stay home so she wont feel abandoned, and trying to look like a high-class woman with low

Comment [EBJ4]: Adding all the while trying to

live through Laura, and gain acceptance from her
friends. To add specificity.

Amanda begins to feel this sense of loneliness and abandonment at the thought of her
son leaving and having dreams of his own. She also blames Tom for what she thinks is wrong
with Laura and why Laura cant be more like her mother, and why she cant find a man of her

Comment [EBJ5]: Adding because her husband

left her, and shes afraid she wont be able to make
something of herself on her own, without a man to
support the family. To add clarity.

Although the play seems to center around her children, Amanda is the focus of the play
in my opinion because of her control over Tom and Laura and how she uses that control to help

Comment [EBJ6]: Deleting in my opinion

because I shouldnt have to say that when the entire
paper is about my opinion.
Comment [EBJ7]: Adding seem like a high class
women with no money troubles or emotional
distress. To add clarity.

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