Words & Definitions - List 4new

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7th and 8th Grade Vocabulary List #4

Vocabulary Word in Context

My Guess

Actual Definition

1. Fickle - Yesterday she loved the Eagles, but today her favorite
team is the Ravens. She is very fickle with her football favorites.

Likely to change

2. Dole Since the class behaved exceptionally well, the teacher had
to dole out the high-fives.

Give out a lot of, giving


3. Multitude A multitude of petitioners assembled on the steps of

Congress to protest the bill being passed.

Many, a large number

4. Perpetual The meteor shower was perpetual and continued

throughout the night.

Constant, unending,

5. Arrogant The arrogant basketball player seemed to be a oneman show.

Self-important, cocky,
thinking highly of oneself

6. Prevail After a long court case, justice was able to prevail, and
the criminal was put behind bars.

To win, to triumph

7. Pensive The lawyer thought pensively about his argument for

the defense.

Thoughtfully; to think
deeply about

8. Apprehensive Even though she was excited about the

promotion, she was a bit apprehensive about making the switch.

Nervous, worried, tense

9. Debris After the storm, the yard was littered with debris from
the trees and homes.

Litter or bits and pieces

10. Barrage During the press conference, the reporters shot a

barrage of questions at the mayor.

rapid, heavy attack,

11. Discreet To avoid the disruption of testing, I let out a discreet


quiet, to avoid being


12. Ensued Chaos and disaster ensued after the oil spill on the
Gulf Coast.

to follow as a result or

13. Discern Students quickly discern what is acceptable to the


to figure out, to understand

14. Equivalent 4/8ths is equivalent to .

Equal to

15. Gregarious She was a gregarious girl, who can always be

found in the company of others.

outgoing, friendly

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