Hamlet Rubric

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Scene Summary Rubric



Level 4

Level 3

Writing follows the

conventions of dialogue
without exception.
Writing evidences a
clear, sophisticated
structure. No errors in
spelling, punctuation
and grammar.

Writing follows the

conventions of dialogue
with few exceptions.
Writing evidences a
clear structure. Few
errors in spelling,
punctuation and

The scene moves

smoothly throughout.
Actors expand and
explore ideas. Actors are
always audible, clearly
focused and committed
to the emotion and

Level 2
Writing mostly follows
the conventions of
dialogue with some
deviations. Writing
shows an attempt at
structure, but lacks
consistency. Many
errors in spelling,
punctuation and

The scene moves

The actions of the scene
smoothly throughout.
are usually clear. Focus
The actors are audible
is often lost during the
and express emotion and
scene. Actors are
purpose. Actors sustain
sometimes inaudible,
the scene, with some
unprepared for new
distraction caused by
events in the scene or
mistakes or breaking
break character..

Level 1
Dialogue is vague and/
or inappropriate.
Dialogue is not written
in conventional form.
Frequent errors in
spelling, punctuation
and grammar that
interfere with meaning
and/or readability.
The actions of the scene
are unclear. Actors are
unaware of actions from
moment to moment.
Actors may laugh or
distract each other.
Voices are too soft to be
heard and/or words are
spoken too fast.

Shakespeare Usage

The scene incorporates

The scene attempts to
key phrases from
Shakespeare in a fluid
Shakespearean quotes.
and meaningful way.

The scene has some

Shakespearean quotes
but they are poorly

The scene lacks

reference to


Dialogue demonstrates
an insightful
understanding of the
task, the characters
chosen, their
motivations and their
relationship in the play.

Dialogue demonstrates
an unclear
understanding of the
task, the characters,
their motivations and
their relationship in the

Dialogue demonstrates a
lack of understanding of
the task, the characters,
their motivations and
their relationship in the

Dialogue demonstrates a
solid understanding of
the task, the characters,
their motivations and
their relationship in the

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