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Journal Week 13

This week I completed the second half of the historic tax credit applications for the two
buildings where the roofing work is entirely completed. I reviewed the applications with the
Executive Director, had a few questions, made a few minor changes, and both are ready to go. I
feel very relieved and have a sense of accomplishment over that. I will continue during my final
week to work on the first parts of the application for the buildings where work continues, to get
that ball rolling before my internship responsibilities end. Im still looking very forward to being
done and having a break for a week before my next class begins. I have three more classes to
meet my graduation requirements, and plan to take one each block, so I will be finished with my
graduate work after Fall block 1. Im registered for Summer blocks 1 and 2, and will register for
Fall block 1 the moment the schedule opens. The end is in sight.

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