Broad Overview Day 1-5 PDF

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Day 1

Ordinary Marys Extraordinary


30 minutes

Day 2
The Earth Book
45 minutes

Day 3
The Earth Book
45 minutes

Day 4
The Curious Garden
45 minutes

Day 5
The Curious Garden
90 minutes

Teacher Procedures & Lesson Activities

Motivation/Engagement: 15 minutes:
o Read aloud: Ordinary Marys Extraordinary Deed by Emily
Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: 5 minutes
o Classroom Discussion: How did Marys small actions produce
big results?
o Students reflect in their writing notebook: What is something
small that you have done that produced big results?

Teacher Procedures & Lesson Activities

Motivation/Engagement: 15 minutes
o Read aloud The Earth Book by Todd Parr
Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: 25 minutes
o Create an anchor chart with the class listing what the children
in the book did to help the Earth, and why those actions
helped. Students complete the cause and effect chart.

Teacher Procedures & Lesson Activities

Motivation/Engagement: 15 minutes
o Read aloud: The Earth Book by Todd Parr
Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: 20 minutes
o Engage in a classroom discussion about what actions they
did and why it helped.
o Create a class bucket list about what we are going to do to
help the earth.

Teacher Procedures & Lesson Activities

Motivation/Engagement: 15 minutes
o Read aloud: The Curious Garden by: Peter Brown
o Small discussion: What makes the curious garden different
from a real garden?
Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: 20 minutes
o Students create a web using Gardens Need sheet,
brainstorming what gardens need to grow.
o As a class, we will create an anchor chart listing what
gardens need in order to grow.

Teacher Procedures & Lesson Activities

Motivation/Engagement: 15 minutes
o Read Aloud: The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
o Discussion about what steps are needed to create a garden.
Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: 60 minutes
o Students plant their own garden in Ms. Frerkers Class

Lesson Closure and Assessment Accounts; List any modifications for ELL/SPED

Closure: 5 minutes
o Use popsicle sticks to call on students to share what they wrote

Extension: 5 minutes
o Homework, students must brainstorm something small they can do
that will create big results like Marys.

Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse

o Student copy of book is available for students to follow along with
the read aloud.

Monitor the students response during
the discussion, and sharing of stories.
Walk around and observe students while
they are responding in their notebook.

Lesson Closure and Assessment Accounts; List any modifications for ELL/SPED

Monitor the students response during
the discussion.
Walk around and observe students while
they are completing their worksheet.

Closure: 5 minutes
o Students share their work with their tablemates, and then use
popsicle sticks to call on students to share.
o n/a
Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse
o Student copy of book is available for students to follow along
with the read aloud.

No summative assessment within this

No summative assessment within this
lesson, however, the worksheet will be
collected at the end of the unit for a

Lesson Closure and Assessment Accounts; List any modifications for ELL/SPED

Closure: 10 minutes
Students fill in the How Can I Help? My action how it helps sheet
All students sign the bucket list, pledging to help the earth just like the kids in
the book did.

Students must do something to help the earth before they go home that day,
and create an exit card to turn in explaining what they did, and how they
think it helped.

Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners

Student copy of book is available for students to follow along with the read

Monitor the students response during
the discussion.
Walk around and observe students while
they are completing their worksheet.

Lesson Closure and Assessment Accounts; List any modifications for ELL/SPED
Closure: 10 minutes
o Students complete a venn diagram with their partners comparing
real gardens to the curious garden.
o n/a
Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse
o Student copy of book is available for students to follow along with
the read aloud.

Monitor the students response during
the discussion.
Walk around and observe students while
they are completing their bubble sheet.
Monitor students while they are
completing their venn diagram.

Lesson Closure and Assessment Accounts; List any modifications for ELL/SPED
Closure: 15 minutes
o Using their gardens need, and reflecting on how the class just
planted a garden, students complete How to plant a garden with
their table patterns.
o n/a
Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse
o Student copy of book is available for students to follow along with
the read aloud.

Monitor student response during the
classroom discussion
Monitor students while planting the garden,
question students as well.
Monitor and ask questions while students are
completing their sheet with tablemates.

No summative assessment within this
lesson, however, the worksheet will be
collected at the end of the unit for a

Venn diagram, and bubble sheet will be
collected at the end of the unit for grade.

Worksheet will be collected and added to their
earth book at the end of the unit for a grade.

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