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Name: Angela Marcela Seesholtz

Date: 2/28/2015
Class: EED 255
Instructor: Judy Poggi
Assignment: Child Observation
NAEYC Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning

Introduction : Date: 02/26/15 Time: 11:15 am Observer: Sophia Location: classroom

Children ages: ( SS 4.6 years )(MJ 5.7years) (BJ 3.6 years)

Child's observation
Child was observed for 10 minutes. SS sat down at the activity table. teacher gave instructions
to trace the letter "I" in a piece of paper using a pencil. SS lain down on her chair as she said "
I'm tired, I don't want to do this". after a while SS turned her face when a younger student said
" I don't know how to do this". SS got the student's paper and pencil and she traced her paper
with the letter "I" as she was saying "like this Bella". Then teacher ask children to go play
outside after cleaning the table. Then outside at the sand area SS was making cakes for MJ's
birthday using a pail and a rake. " Bella help Mom to make the cake for your sister... " Coming
mom" said Bella. Tara gets closer to SS and BJ and grabs the rake that SS left on the sand. SS
"that's mine...I was using it" Tara "no you are not... it was here and I got it" SS said " give me
that!" Tara will not let it go.. then SS started crying and run to teacher and say... " Tara took my
rake" Teacher ask SS and Tara for what has occur.

1 Childs characteristics
Physical description: SS seems to be a healthy child. SS has brown eyes, light brown hair,
approximated weight 40 Lbs and 43 inches high. SS is half Hispanic and half Caucasian.

2 Childs interests :
SS likes to play with sand during free time in the backyard. She uses shovels, rakes and water to
build mod cakes and parties with her friends. SS does a lot of pretend playing with her friends.
SS seems to enjoy playing on the swings.

3 Childs need:
Child will learn to communicate her feelings using appropriate words to describe her feeling.

4 - Childs interactions with peers, environment and adults:

SS likes to play pretending she is the Mom and takes care of the children taking them to school
and to the doctor. SS plays well with other children, she can share sometimes. She can make
friends easily. SS interact together well with her peers. She enjoys dramatic and pretending
playing. SS is willing to take risks with new experience and people.
5 Childs learning strengths and limitations:
GROSS MOTOR/FINE MOTOR. SS has been observed riding a bicycle, jumping up lifting both
feet from the floor, running, skipping and gallop. She uses scissors cut paper, she hold pencil
using her fist.
LANGUAGE. SS uses full sentences to communicate her needs or wants. she is able to start
and follow conversations with familiar adults. SS is good in math, SS distinguish words that
begin with the same sounds, recognize rhyming words. SS can understand position words such
as on, under, over, besides. SS identifies all the letters on the alphabet and their sounds.

COGNITIVE SS knows to give her address when ask for it. She the routine during the day at the
daycare, she knows the alphabet and letter sounds, she can spell and write her name. She is
aware of common hazards like getting close to the stove. she follows safety rules when crossing
the streets. She likes to counts things often, she can count until hundred in English and in
SOCIAL EMOTIONAL. SS is usually quiet in the mornings, but really active by the afternoon. SS
is able to follow social rules like waiting for her turn. She shows empathy to other children
when something hurts. Child usually cries and whines when tired or when upset.

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