Technology Position Paper

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KiLee Griffin

Position Paper
TE 886
March 15, 2015
Technology Position Paper
Over time, classrooms and structure have not changed a lot in
the K-12 schools. Students still sit at a desk and the teacher uses a
lecture system while students are actively engaged and participating in
the discussion. The biggest change to the school system is how
teachers are teaching the material to the class. Today, with the
improvements in technology it requires teachers to use technology in
their classrooms. The most dominant trend that will be used in K- 12
education in the next five years is 1:1. 1:1 allows for all students to
have access to technology and allows for the teacher to be an expert
in the use of the device.
A way to bring interest into the classroom is by using a
technological device. According to Chris Riedel, over 50 percent of
students have access to an internet- connected smart phone, tablet or
laptop at home. (Riedel, 2014) With such a high number of students
having access to a technological devices at home it strengthens the
need for 1:1 in the classroom. As a society, we are based off of
technology and will continue to move towards advancements in
technology. Students need to be prepared to be successful in their
future endeavors. I believe that the 1:1 program will be the most

successful because it allows all students to have access to a computer

and the use of technology. With the flipped classroom, byod, or virtual
learning, it requires students to have a device in their home with
internet activity. For example, in a flipped classroom a student may
not be able to view the video at home because of the limited access
he/she has to technological device. With 1:1 the school provides the
device enabling all students to have access. Ridels study shows that a
majority of students have access to a technological device but that
does not mean all students do. I do not think that as a society we will
ever be at the point where all students own a technological device.
Because of this, 1:1 will be the most dominant in the next five years in
k-12 education because it allows for all students to have access to a
device and does not create the problem of a mixture of devices.
Another advantage of 1:1, is the teacher can be familiar with a
specific device and with the proper training, teachers can use the
device to its full potential. One of the biggest mistakes schools make
when using 1:1, is the lack of teacher preparation with the device.
(Daccord, 2012) Often times, teachers try to use the device to extend
their existing practices, instead of using the technology to their full
potential. In a 1:1 system, all students have the same device so the
teacher can become an expert with that device. If students bring their
own devices it creates a problem for the teacher because he/she may
not know how to incorporate all devices in the same way. If the

teacher fully understands how to incorporate one device into the

classroom, it will allow for the devices to be used properly and not be a
distraction to the students. It will also provide the best learning
experience for the students because the teachers are experts with that
device. Classroom management will be different with computers in the
classroom but with the proper training, teachers can successful using
technology to enhance learning in the classroom. 1:1 will be the most
implemented because it allows equal learning for all students, and will
be the most successful with the teacher.
The last benefit of 1:1, is it allows all students to work from the
same device. This allows students to not judge one another based off
of what device each student has. (Chadband, 2012) For example, a
student is not criticized because they do not have the latest iPad,
instead, all students are working from the same device. Another
benefit of the 1:1 over the flipped classroom is, teachers can
implement those learning methods into the classroom with 1:1. In
order to use the flipped classroom, students must have access to
technological device. Without the school providing such a device the
flipped classroom may be unsuccessful. By providing students with a
device, it would allow them a chance to watch a video lecture outside
of school because they have access to a computer. 1:1 allows for
students to have equal access and, therefore, have an equal learning
experience. In public education, students come from a variety of

backgrounds and the only way to guarantee technology is used to its

full potential in the classroom is to ensure all students have access to a
The most dominant approach in k-12 will be the use of 1:1. It fits
into public education because students come a variety of backgrounds.
The schools will find that this is the best opportunity for all students
because it allows all students to have a device, teachers will be more
successful, and with 1:1 schools can implement a variety of
technological advancements because all students have access to the



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