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Diksha Kumar

Daybook Activity 9
UWRT 1103-020
Are You Mom Enough?
I honestly dont understand what the big deal is with the cover photo of Times magazine
showing a mother breastfeeding her child. I find it funny how society as a whole acts like
breastfeeding is a secret that no one should know therefore no one should take about it. Maybe
its because I was born in a different country and even though I dont live there anymore, Im
still semi-in touch with that society. Its just that in India if you see a women breastfeeding in
public, no one really ever throws a big fuss. I find that only Americans are very touchy when it
comes to breastfeeding. Having a young women pictured breastfeeding her child really should
not be an issue and people really should not be complaining about it, its a part of nature and no
one really has the right to say anything about seeing that image.
What really bugs me about this photo and article, mainly the article, is how the author implies
that you are not a good mother if you dont breastfeed and basically keep your child at your side
until they are well above the age of five. First of all the author has no right to claim what is best
and good and wrong for everybody out there. There are many millions of different parents
everywhere who have different ways of raising their child, now some methods are
unconventional, but I digress there is no one right way to raise a child. The author is basically

condemning all the mothers out by saying that if you do not raise your child by breastfeeding
then you are doing it wrong. He has no right to imply that and no right to condemn other women
because of his view.
Another issue that I feel that not many people are focusing on with this picture and article is
that the child in that photo looks to be older than the age of five, at least to me he does. On the
surface it looks like a very healthy, young, sporty, mother is breasting feeding her, child, who
honestly looks more than three years old to me. Its showing that not only should mothers
everywhere be breastfeeding their child, but that they should continue to keep their child by their
side and baby them until they are grown. It just makes me mad at the assumption that women
should just drop everything and only take care of her child. I mean yes, having a child is a lot of
work and dedication. But having a child is not just the womens sole priority, especially if she is
a working women. Now there are some women out there who will drop everything to be there for
their child and become a housewife and they do not mind, and there is nothing wrong with that.
If you are happy with that then please go ahead and do that, but do not say that because other
women who have children and want to go back to work are lesser parents than you are. Because
that is not fair to the other parents.
I myself am I feminist, so Im all for equality of women and their choices, but by saying that
you believe that this one true way is to only way to be a good parent, now I have a problem with
that. Im all for public breastfeeding, I see no reason why mothers who breastfeed have to hide it.
I also see no reason why someone should post an article and state that there is only one good/
right way to be a great mother/ parent. It is rude and offensive to parents everywhere that do not
follow that way of life.

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