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Jordan Earles

AP Literature Composition
Carter 6B
5 February 2015
Final Essay: The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
In the condemned country of Denmark, Shakespeares play The
Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Prince hamlet portrays the revenger
in order to bring justice to his father, King Hamlet, whose brother brutally
murdered. Prince Hamlets tragedy lies in the moral effect evoked by
revenge. The Prince threatens his own soul in order to avenge his father, and
solicit the truth from King Claudius. Throughout the play, Hamlet speaks
soliloquies to himself in order to remain calm and determine his next move.
He questions what he should do, and wonders why he was summoned to kill
the new king of Denmark, once he sees the ghost of the deceased King
In Act 3, Hamlet utters to himself the famous to be or not to by
soliloquy questioning if revenge is morally right, and what would happen if
Claudius were to be killed (H III.i.1749) Hamlet also debates suicide
desperately crying out the heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
explaining that humans are cowards because they fear the unknown (H
iii.i.1755). The Prince also questions whether killing Claudius is worth it or not
by reasoning th oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely, the pangs
of despisd love/that patient merit of th unworthy takes (H III.i.17641767), deciding that it would be morally right to kill the new king for his
fathers sake.
Act 2 reveals the vengeance Hamlet feels emotionally towards
Claudius. Hamlet calls Claudius a Bloody bawdy villain! Remorseless,
treacherous, lecherous, kindless villain! O, vengeance! (H II.ii.1654-1656).
Remembering the evil that Claudius has committed forces Prince hamlet into
a furious rage. Now, its just a matter of how this plan will take course, and
the aftermath that will occur in the kingdom once Hamlet has killed the new
king. The irony in Act 2 scene 2 is Hamlets character, because he wants to
be the savor. Hamlet has the chance to change the course of the play and
end everything, but chooses against his plan to wait for the opportune
Act 3 best represents the role of the revenger because at a second
where Hamlet has a chance to murder Claudius, he doesnt take that

moment and seize it, because Claudius is praying and asking for mercy.
Hamlet cant kill him as he is praying because he would then go to heaven.
Hamlet wants to condemn Claudius to hell where he can never escape.
Hamlet boils saying a villain kills my father; and for that , I his, sole son, do
this same villain send to heaven (H III.iii.2359-2360), saying he needs to
wait for the correct point in time.
Hamlet is the revenger because his preeminent purpose throughout his
quest is to avenge his father, killing King Claudius), is to bring justice to the
Kingdom in Denmark, and respect his father. He was willing to jeopardize his
soul in order to ensure rightful revenge for King Hamlet. The internal conflict
that the Prince feels is murdering Claudius, due to moral values and
standards, as well as the effect that murdering a new king will have on his
mother and country. Although Hamlet struggles with reasoning and the
appropriate course of action in which to take, he eventually avenges his
father, by killing Claudius. There is irony in the killing of Claudius, because
tragically, everyone dies as well.

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