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Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Miss Milam

Date: 1/29/15

Title of Lesson: American Revolution

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Barbour

Core Components
Subject, Content Area, or Topic
Social Studies American Revolution
Student Population
20 students, 9 with IEPs
Learning Objectives
Describe the major issues of conflict from the British and colonial perspectives. (VS5a)
VS.5a The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the American Revolution by (a) identifying
the reasons why the colonies went to war with Great Britain, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
VBO: SS.5.4.1
Describe the major issues of conflict from the British and colonial perspectives. (VS5a)
Authority to rule
o Parliament believed it had legal authority to make rules for the colonies.
o Colonists believed their local assemblies had legal authority.
o Colonies had been operating under autonomous governments up until the Revolutionary
o Proclamation of 1763: King restricted settlement west of the Appalachians in order to avoid
conflict with the American Indians; colonists believed they had the right to territory won by the
British after the French and Indian War
o Parliament believed it had the right to tax the colonies.
o Parliament wanted the colonists to share the costs for the French and Indian War.
o Colonists believed because they had no representation in Parliament, they should not be

Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills

The colonists and the British Parliament disagreed over how the colonies should be governed.

Parliament believed it had legal authority in the colonies, while the colonists believed their local assemblies
had legal authority.
Parliament believed it had the right to tax the colonies, while the colonists believed they should not be taxed
because they had no representation in Parliament.

The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, states that authority to govern belongs to the
people rather than to kings and that all people are created equal and have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of

Essential Skills: Identify and interpret artifacts and primary and secondary source documents to understand
events in history. (VS.1a)
Determine cause-and-effect relationships. (VS.1b)
Compare and contrast historical events. (VS.1c)
Draw conclusions and make generalizations. (VS.1d)
Sequence events in Virginia history. (VS.1f)
Interpret ideas and events from different historical perspectives. (VS.1g)

Pre-assessment, Our Virginia Teachers Edition, Resolves worksheet, promethean board,
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

7 mins

Process Components
*Anticipatory Set
Give pre-assessment
Teacher says:
Have you ever heard the saying taxation without representation?
do you have any ideas what it might mean? Lets discuss the words and figure out
the phrases meaning.
What does liberty mean?
Have you heard the quote, give me liberty or give me liberty or give me
death? Who said it? Patrick Henry
What was he talking about?
School House Rock Video

1 mins

*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

Today we will be taking a look at how parliament and the colonists disagreed over how the
colonies should be governed.


*Instructional Input or Procedure

Read pages 80-81 in Virginia textbook whole group. Call on students to read. Students
may pass but only once.

5 mins


5 mins

Tell students we will be looking at a couple of the resolves that were passed by the House
of Burgesses on May 30, 1765.
Teacher models the first resolve.
1. Read the resolve as is.
2. Read the resolve replacing the words in bold with the definition.
3. Start with first adventurers and settlers = colonists
His Majestys colony= the kings colony
Dominion of Virginia is the land that they settled
Transmitted to their posterity= passed onto their families
The people that came here to Virginia have the right to the liberties, privileges, and
exempt from their responsibilities in England/Britain.
*Guided Practice
Guide students as teacher is modeling to observe document according to what they know.
Students get into groups and discuss observations for second revise. Teacher walks
around the room to help when needed.
*Check for Understanding
Have groups write their observations on post it notes and come stick them on the board.
*Independent Practice
Students will work on essential question at the bottom of their papers.
How did the colonists ideas about government differ from those of the British
Make sure the students write their names on their papers.
Causes of Conflict for homework

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

5 mins

Write something you thought was interesting about todays lesson on a sticky note and
come up and put it on the board. Make sure students put their names on it.
Ask the students If you dont mind me reading yours out loud then raise your hand and
pick those to read.

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Always read for two students
Often times: write for the same students

Classroom Management Issues (optional)

Keep up a fluent pace and smooth transition so no time for extra conversation

Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

Students understood reasons why the colonies and Britain had conflict. The students didn't understand s ome
of the wording that was used in the time period the resolves were established.

I could have changed my lesson by having students come up by table and write on a poster paper with
markers. Overall I loved this lesson!

Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Core Components
Teacher: Miss Milam
Subject, Content Area, or Topic
Lesson: Liberty or Death

Date: 1/30/15
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Barbour

Student Population
20 students, 9 with IEPs
Learning Objectives
VBO SS.5.4.1 Describe the major issues of conflict from the British and colonial perspectives.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills
The colonists and the British Parliament disagreed over how the colonies should be governed.

Parliament believed it had legal authority in the colonies, while the colonists believed their
local assemblies had legal authority.

Parliament believed it had the right to tax the colonies, while the colonists believed they
should not be taxed because they had no representation in Parliament.

Promethean board, Join or Die picture,
4 mins

Process Components
*Anticipatory Set
Teacher says, Patrick Henry is known for having inspired the colonists. Why would they
need inspiration? What do you think were the hesitations of the colonists about leaving
Patrick Henry speech video

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.


*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

The colonists disagreed with the British Parliament over how the colonies should be


*Instructional Input or Procedure

Read background information on the board.


Read directions


Do the Join or Die worksheet together

Model the observation part
*Guided Practice
Do the inference part with students


*Independent Practice
Have students complete the last question on their own to see if they are able to do it.
*Check for Understanding
Look at students work when finished,
Students will turn in their work to be assessed


Is there a time when you want to say dont tread on me

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Always: Read for two students with IEPs
Often times: write for the same students
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
Keep up a fluent pace and smooth transition so there is no time for extra conversation.
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?
After I reviewed pre-assessment I realized the majority of the class had no idea what the American Revolution (or the
people involved) was so I had to readjust my instruction to fit with the lack of familiarity with the content.
If I had to do something differently I would have done something a little easier. The students didn't fully understand what
don't tread on me saying. I should have just left this out of the unit.

Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Miss Milam

Date: 2/4/15

Title of Lesson: Virginians in American


Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Barbour

Core Components
McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

Subject, Content Area, or Topic

Social Studies
Student Population
20 students, 9 with IEPs
Learning Objectives
VS.5b The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the American Revolution by
b) identifying the various roles played by whites, enslaved African Americans, free African
Americans, and American Indians in the Revolutionary War era, including George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and James Lafayette.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills
Varied roles of whites, enslaved African Americans, free African Americans, and American Indians
in the Revolutionary War era
Virginia patriots served in the Continental Army and fought for independence, leading to the British
surrender at Yorktown.
Some Virginians were neutral and did not take sides, while other Virginians remained loyal to Great
Women took on more responsibilities to support the war effort.
Some enslaved African Americans fought for a better chance of freedom.
Some free African Americans fought for independence from Great Britain.
Many American Indians fought alongside the Virginia patriots, while others fought with the British.
Contributions of Virginians during the Revolutionary War era
George Washington provided military leadership by serving as commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army.
Thomas Jefferson provided political leadership by expressing the reasons for colonial
independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence. Patrick Henry inspired
patriots from other colonies when he spoke out against taxation without representation by saying,
...give me liberty or give me death.
James Lafayette, an enslaved African American from Virginia, served in the Continental Army and
successfully requested his freedom after the war.

Sour Patch Kids, Colonial Virginia books, worksheets, Our Virginia Books
Process Components
1 min
*Anticipatory Set
Teacher says:
Did all people living in VA choose to fight for the patriots?
What do you think the American Indians chose to do when the war broke out?

*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

Virginians made significant contributions during the Revolutionary war.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.


*Instructional Input or Procedure

Read pg. 86-87 of Our VA


*Guided Practice
Do the 2 column notes with students
Contributions of whitesLafayette


Teacher will read the book Colonial Voices


*Independent Practice
Students will fill out assessment


*Check for Understanding

Teacher discusses the answers students came up with for the assessment. Ask them why
did you choose that?


Ask: what were the Va loyalists? What was their goal?
What were the VA patriots? What was their goal?

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Always read for two students
Often times: write for the same students
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
Keep up a fluent pace and smooth transition so no time for extra conversation.
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?

I LOVED THIS LESSON!!!!!!! The students loved it and they truly felt like they could relate to the colonists
when we started taking candy away.

Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Core Components
Teacher: Miss Milam

Date: 2/6/15

Title of Lesson: VA leaders

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Barbour

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

Subject, Content Area, or Topic

Social Studies
Student Population
20 students, 9 with IEPs
Learning Objectives
VS.5b The student will demonstrate knowledge of the role of Virginia in the American Revolution
b) identifying the various roles played by whites, enslaved African Americans, free African
Americans, and American Indians in the Revolutionary War era, including George Washington,
Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and James Lafayette.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills
Varied roles of whites, enslaved African Americans, free African Americans, and American Indians
in the Revolutionary War era
Virginia patriots served in the Continental Army and fought for independence, leading to the British
surrender at Yorktown.
Some Virginians were neutral and did not take sides, while other Virginians remained loyal to Great
Women took on more responsibilities to support the war effort.
Some enslaved African Americans fought for a better chance of freedom.
Some free African Americans fought for independence from Great Britain.
Many American Indians fought alongside the Virginia patriots, while others fought with the British.
Contributions of Virginians during the Revolutionary War era
George Washington provided military leadership by serving as commander-in-chief of the
Continental Army.
Thomas Jefferson provided political leadership by expressing the reasons for colonial
independence from Great Britain in the Declaration of Independence. Patrick Henry inspired
patriots from other colonies when he spoke out against taxation without representation by saying,
...give me liberty or give me death.
James Lafayette, an enslaved African American from Virginia, served in the Continental Army and
successfully requested his freedom after the war.
Our VA book, paper, printouts for foldables
5 mins

Process Components
*Anticipatory Set
Ask students:
To identify leaders they think of when they think of the American revolution
What are some traits that make someone a great leader?
How do leaders shape the outcome of events?

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

2 mins

*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)

Thomas Jefferson provided political leadership while expressing reasons for


*Instructional Input or Procedure

Read about Thomas Jefferson on page 84

3 mins

Go over/ make sure everyone has 2 column notes finished

Model for students how to make the first foldable.

5 mins

*Guided Practice
Ask students to read the different foldable tabs and have them help you direct the class
the instructions. (where to glue what)


*Check for Understanding

At the end of lesson ask students different questions about the people on each foldable.


*Independent Practice
Students make last two foldables independently
Work on homework when finished

1 min

Ask students who is their favorite leader of the American revolution and why?

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Always read for two students
Often times: write for the same students
Classroom Management Issues (optional)
Keep up a fluent pace and smooth transition so no time for extra conversation.
Lesson Critique. To be completed following the lesson. Did your students meet the objective(s)? What part
of the lesson would you change? Why?
The students seem to really be enjoying this unit which makes me really happy. I was satisfied with this lesson because
it provided them time to review and make study tools.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

McDonalds Draft (2010). Modified by Kreassig and Gould (2014) for use with student teachers.

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