Standard 3

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Standard 3 Learning Environments

The teacher works with learners to create environments that support

individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self motivation.
I have met Standard 3 Learning Environments indicated by the photots of the
second grade classroom I student taught in. This classroom was set up with
the desks in rows to help support individual and collaborative learning. The
students were able to work individually and be given their own space, if they
required more privacy they put their dividers up or slid their desks apart from
each other. The students were able to work in a collaborative learning
environment as indicated by the rows of desks during Think-Pair-Shares with
their neighbors, as well as group work that was spread to different areas of
the room. The classroom design encouraged students with positive social
interaction with their classmates and shoulder partners right next to them.
This design also encouraged active engagement in learning and self
motivation with visuals and easy access of the Smart Board.

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