What Is A Family

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Joseph Elkins


Identify three people (it would be best if both sexes and a variety of ages were represented).
Individually, ask each person to define "What is a family?" Your paper should include your
subjects gender, marital status, and approximate age as well as their complete response to the
question. In addition to those three definitions, include your own definition. Note: Most people
will try to give "simple" answers. Encourage them to give complete thoughtful answers.
What is a family? According to the text from The marriage and Family Experience,
family is defined by the U.S. Census Bureau as a group of two people or more (one of whom is
the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together; all such people
(including related subfamily members) are considered as members of one family (Cohan and
Strong, 2014, pg. 11).
This definition may be an adequate explanation for legality purposes, I feel most people
would define family quite differently. As requested in this option I asked some people I knew,
individually, what a family is to them. Here are their responses:
Female, Married, Age 48.
A family is a group of people who love and respect each other. They dont necessarily
need to be related to you. They can be a work family, people youre related to, or a circle of
friends. Family, are people who attend to your needs without being asked. Just people who love
and respect one another.
Male, Married, Age 53.
To me a family, really is anyone you care about and have daily contact with. Well not
necessarily daily contact, but are involved in each others lives. It doesnt mean you really have to
be blood related, it could be a friend, coworker, or even a pet. Its people you enjoy being
Female, Single, Age 21.
To me family is your people- you relate to each other and you stick together through it
all. Those weirdos are your tribe. It doesnt get much better than that.
Me, Male, Married, Age 26.
Family is made up of the people that you love and respect. In contrast, those people need
to love and respect you, as well. Family does not always need to be defined by blood. Family
consists of the people that you can confide in and rely on. Family is always there for each other.
They are the people who see you at your worst and also at your best. Family loves each other

unconditionally, and helps support one another as each member is refined into the best person
they can be through life's trials.
I think it is quite ironic that the U.S. Census Bureaus definition and these three peoples
definitions, as well as my own, have almost nothing in common except that family is blood
relation. Though its not mentioned in any of these responses, some people would even contend
that some people are not considered family to one another even though they are blood related.
Though I assume this would be a rarity.
I am confident that if I asked ten more people I knew to tell me what a family is to them
that their responses would be quite similar to all the responses that I have included so far. It
would be interesting to ask a child what they think a family is. Also, I would assume that it
would be different for a child that is in a blended family with stepparents and step-siblings, or a
child that is being raised by a single parent. Families are extraordinarily important to our society
and to each individual person. It is interesting to consider differing opinions and ideas about
what people would define a family as.
Strong, B., & Cohen, T. (2014). The Meaning of Marriage and the Family. In The
Marriage and Family Experience (Twelfth Edition ed., pg. 11) WADSWORTH CENGAGE

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