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The Smoke Free

Stop Smoking in 7 Days

I hereby declare my independence from all forms of
tobacco. It is my right and privilege as a human being to
have a strong, healthy body. I know that the use of tobacco
seriously damages my health and may eventually cause my
early death. I am strong enough to determine my own path
in life, and so I now freely state that I will never again use
any form of tobacco.
I solemnly declare that I will faithfully follow each and
every one of the techniques taught to me at this workshop. I
make this promise to myself, my family, my friends, my
fellow human beings, and to God.

Signed: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The 12 Steps
Begin each day with a prayer. Ask for the help of our Heavenly
Father. If you will sincerely do all you can to quit, He will help you
Get rid of all smoking materials, even ashtrays. Clean your car and
clothes. Eliminate all reminders of smoking in your house and car,
and avoid places where they are readily offered to you.
Have all necessary items ready when needed. Study and review
these steps every day.
Brush your teeth and rinse with cinnamon flavored mouthwash the
moment you wake up each morning. Brush and rinse after every
meal. Floss before going to bed at night.
Eat a healthy, well-balanced breakfast each day.
Finish every meal with a glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice and
take vitamin C three times a day.
Coffee, tea, and alcohol are strictly forbidden. You must not drink
any of these and should stay away from temptation during the week.
Replace them with water, milk, and/or juice. Eat snacks as often as
you like, but rely on nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables. Keep
these readily available.


Do not keep your efforts a secret! Tell everyone close to you, and
ask for help and support. When other smokers ask what you are
doing to quit, show them your card and invite them to do it with you.
As you bring your friends along, you will be helping them and
reinforcing your own commitment.
Cut out the signs given to you and put them up. Put them where
your ashtrays used to be, next to mirrors and doors, on your
refrigerator, and in your workspace. They will make you smile and
remind you of your dedication.
Do not sit around doing nothing. Exercise, read the scriptures and
other good books, find a new hobby, engage in volunteer service,
go for a walk, or write in a journal. Limit recreational TV and
computer time to 20-30 minutes, and pause to stretch or walk
around when extended screen time is necessary.
At the end of each day, get down on your knees and thank Heavenly
Father for the help that He has given you. Tell Him of your progress
and your dedication to stay tobacco free.
When you feel the urge for a cigarette, do one or more of the
following: breathe deeply, pray, drink juice, eat a cinnamon candy,
or call the missionaries.

The Stop Smoking Workshop

This section is a guideline for members and missionaries to present the
workshop to the smoker. It does not need to be read out in completion.

Support Group
Participants should have their spouse and family with them. If family
members are not available, a close friend should be invited to
Opening Prayer
The head of the household should be asked to call on someone to
Part I: Declaration of Independence
Nobody can convince you to quit smoking. Only you can do it. It
takes effort and determination, but hundreds have succeeded with
this method, and you can too. We can give you all the tools and
structures to succeed, if this is truly what you want to do.
You have shown the desire. You have decided that you are ready.
This is the most important step.
We are going to teach you how to use 12 proven steps which will
enable you to quit without pain or discomfort. It is simple and
inexpensive. We will explain to you how each of these steps will work
for you. We are asking you to trust us, and to agree to follow each of
the steps to the letter every day for the next seven days.
Question: Are you ready to start?
The reason this system is so successful is that it is designed to turn

off the desire for a cigarette. If this system will really provide a way to
turn off that longing, wouldn't you agree that it would be easy to
I have a promise that I'd like to make to you. If you will follow every
single step we teach you for the next seven days, I can guarantee
that you will be a non-smoker in seven days.
Bear testimony of what this can do for them, how Jesus Christ can
help them, or that you will be there every step of the way.
Give them the Declaration of Independence and have them read it
aloud. Repeat the promise and have everyone present sign the
Declaration under their name.
Part II: Pavlov's Dogs
In the early 1900s, a physiologist named Ivan Pavlov did an
experiment on what is now known as conditioned responses or
operant conditioning. For several days, he observed ordinary dogs
and measured how much they salivated. Just like humans, the dogs
salivated more when they saw their food, meaning that their body
was preparing them to eat.
Pavlov began to ring a bell before bringing food to his dogs. At first,
the bell had no effect. But the dogs quickly learned that when the
bell rang, food would shortly follow, and they began to salivate at
the sound of the bell--long before their food arrived. They learned to
associate the bell with their food.
Smokers experience the same type of conditioning. They have all
kinds of bells that prepare their body for a cigarette and cause the
craving. For example, many feel the urge to smoke after drinking
coffee or finishing a meal.
(Make a list of all the smoking bells with them.)

If you could turn off that bell, quitting would be no problem, right?
The triggers that urge you to smoke would be gone. That is exactly
the basis for this program. It is designed to turn off the cigarette bell.
This is why so many other systems do not work. They do not turn off
the bell. Many people can quit for short periods of time through
willpower, but to make it permanent you must learn how to make the
bell stop ringing.
Part III: Breaking the Habit
We can teach you how to turn off that bell.
Before we do that, there is one important thing for us to do. Please
give us your smoking materials. This means cigarettes, lighters,
ashtrays, cutters, holders, and anything else that has no purpose
other than contributing to your habit.
(Put the materials in a bag and take them with you when you leave.)
That was the hardest thing you will be asked to do in the program.
Everything else is much easier!
You are now a non-smoker. From here, we will teach you how to stay
a non-smoker. Just rememberthe steps are very simple, but each is
vitally important. They only need to be followed for seven days, but
each day is crucial. You must see this through if you are to be
Part IV: The 12 Steps
Step 1: Pray
The Lord loves us all. He hears and answers our prayers, and he does
want us to be strong and healthy. If you are sincere and really do
your best to follow these steps every day this week, He will give the

extra help needed to succeed.

(Teach them how to pray properly)
You must begin each day with a personal prayer to ask God for help
and strength. It doesn't have to be long, but you may wish to ask for
help to remember all the things you are supposed to do. Let Him
know of your commitment by promising to do your best--and then
keep your promise. The Lord knows what is in our hearts and knows
when we are sincere.
Commitment: Will you pray each day for guidance and strength to
keep your commitments?
Step 2: Avoid Temptation
You've already begun working on this next step by crushing your
cigarettes, but there is still more you must do.
(If you followed Option Two in Part III, skip the following section in
this step.)
Don't put yourself in a position of having to fight off temptation. If
you have decided to go on a diet, will you leave a big chocolate
cake sitting out on the table? You must immediately get rid of all
smoking materials. We need you to give us all of your smoking
materialsmore cigarettes, matches, cigarette lighter, ashtrays, etc.
The smoker's bell can be triggered by a stimulant to any of the five
senses. Clean your clothes, car and house to get rid of the smell. We
must remove the triggers which could cause that bell to ring. Just
the sight of a lighter could do it.
If they are having trouble understanding the concept of bells and
triggers, you may wish to use one or more of the following examples.
1. In a public high school, the sound of a bell signals the end of
a class period. When a teacher keeps lecturing after the bell has

sounded, the students are usually distracted and twitchy because, to

them, the bell means that class is over. Similarly, when something
like the sight of a lighter gives you the urge to smoke, it is hard to let
go of the thought that you need to smoke.
2. If I was standing here ringing a bell and you couldn't stop
me, it would eventually drive you crazy. At first you could ignore it,
but over a period of time it would continue ringing and your
defenses would break down. To succeed you must learn to turn the
bell completely off, not just try to ignore it.
3. When someone smells food, they will often desire to eat
even if they are not yet hungry for their next meal. The urge to
smoke may come periodically, but often it comes between those
times because of a certain sight, sound, or even memory. It is
important to take away some of the most obvious triggersthe
things which are used for nothing but smoking. Those will cause the
bell to ring.
(Many smokers are concerned over the effect of being around other
people who smoke. This is addressed in step 5.)
Because many people have had the experience of trying to quit
smoking "cold turkey," many hesitate to get rid of their smoking
materials because they remember the agony they went through in
the past. As a safeguard, many people will keep a pack of cigarettes
hidden just in case. Do not make this mistake! Don't compare this
experience to any past efforts to quit. In the past you did not turn off
the bell, and now you will.
Commitment: Will you completely eliminate all smoking materials
from your personal environment?
Step 3: Preparation
The first way to be prepared is to have all the necessary materials

required to fulfill all the 12 steps every day for a week. Knowing what
to do isn't enough if you do not have the materials to help you, or
fail to use the materials once you obtain them. (The supply list is on
the card that you will give them soon.)
The second form of preparation is to remind yourself every day of
the 12 steps so that they stay forefront in your mind. At the start of
each day, read the steps through and recommit yourself to
completely follow each one of them through the day. Just take one
day at a time.
Commitment: Will you study the 12 steps at the beginning of each
Step 4: Brush, Rinse and Floss
As we mentioned earlier, there are many bells which trigger the urge
to smoke. Any of your five senses can cause a bell to ring. This step
is designed to stop one of the loudest bells.
The moment you wake up in the morning, you must immediately
jump out of-bed and head for the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Then rinse your mouth with cinnamon-flavored mouthwash.
(If they already use cinnamon flavored mouthwash, advise them to
use mint or citrus flavor.)
The purpose of this step is to drastically change the taste in your
mouth first thing in the morning. The "morning breath" taste is the
first bell of the day, even if you do not normally smoke in the
morning. This step is essential and must not be skipped, regardless
of when you usually light the first cigarette of the day. The nature of
the mouthwash is such that it leaves a taste in your mouth which
lingers for an extended time and helps keep the bell from ringing at
its usual time.

Commitment: Will you brush your teeth and rinse immediately when
you wake up each morning?
Step 5: Breakfast
Question: Do you have breakfast in the morning? Most smokers
For the next seven days, and hopefully from now on, you must have
a complete breakfast to get your day started on the right foot. You
will be surprised how good it will help you feel.
Let's take a quick look at what you've been doing. The tobacco and
nicotine get into your bloodstream, taking the place of nutrients.
When the ordinary fuel stops, you must replace it with something
better in order to clean out the pollution and increase your strength,
energy, and general wellbeing. The sooner you cleanse your system,
the better off you will be.
(If the smoker feels uncertain about what consists of a good
breakfast, help them with some ideas. These may include fruit, eggs,
oatmeal, or bread. Remind them as needed that coffee and tea are
prohibited by Step 7.)
Commitment: Will you have a complete breakfast every day?
Step 6: Grapefruit Juice and Vitamin C
At the end of every meal, drink a glass of grapefruit juice. (Orange
juice will also work, but grapefruit is the best.)
We spoke earlier of the different causes of the cigarette bell. Many
smokers feel the need for a cigarette right after a meal. When you
drink a glass of grapefruit juice, you immediately place an unfamiliar
taste in your mouth. As in step 4, the taste in your mouth lingers

regardless of the interval between your meal and your next cigarette.
You have not been conditioned to smoke a cigarette after drinking
grapefruit juice. The other benefit of the grapefruit juice is that it
contains Vitamin C. Vitamin C is very effective in flushing nicotine
from your blood system. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you bring
nicotine into your body. When the level of nicotine in your body
goes down, a bell goes off because your body expects the nicotine
supply to be replenished. When you smoke the next cigarette, the
bell stops ringing and the cycle begins again. But when the nicotine
is entirely gone, that bell will not ring. Without extra Vitamin C, it
takes two to four weeks for all of the nicotine to leave the blood
completely. With high doses of Vitamin C, however, the nicotine will
be flushed out in just a few days. The grapefruit juice will get you off
to a good start, but you will need more. Take Vitamin C tablets after
every meal. You will need to get a bottle of Vitamin C with at least
twenty-one tablets, enough to take three times a day for seven days.
(The suggested dosage is 500 mg.) By keeping high levels of Vitamin
C in your body, the nicotine will be completely removed from your
Commitment: Will you take Vitamin C three times each day?
Step 7: Drinks and Snacks
You must, without exception, not drink coffee, tea, or alcohol
throughout this week. You cannot drink any of these without
experiencing the cigarette bell. You may have the initial strength to
ignore the bell and think you can get away with a cup of coffee or a
beer, but do not make that mistake. It will not initially seem harmful,
but it will cause you to break down. The mentality of these
substances are, to some degree, identical to the mentality you have

when smoking. There is a psychological connection that will cause

the cigarette bell to ring louder and louder.
Commitment: Will you refrain from drinking coffee, tea, or alcohol
for the next seven clays?
Many people are concerned that they will gain weight due to excess
snacking when they stop smoking. The desire to snack throughout
the day may be a very real concern for some who quit. But we can
turn that into a positive aspect of this program. The problem is not
how much you eat; it is what you eat. Your desire to snack can be
satisfied very easily by foods that will nurture your body rather than
food that will only add calories. Healthy food will also help your
system to clean out the pollution more quickly.
Some suggestions for quick snacks are sliced apples, carrot sticks,
celery sticks, raw broccoli, raw cauliflower, raisins, nuts, and grapes.
Step 8: Friendly Support
Don't keep your efforts a secret. Tell your friends, family, and
colleagues. The more people you tell, the more committed you will
It may be hard fort you to be around other smokers. Share your
concerns with those around you, and explain to them that you would
rather avoid temptation than resist it for the week. Ask them to warn
you or step out before they light up.
Some, particularly other smokers, may not believe than you will
succeed. But as the week goes on, they will be inspired by your
example and may be willing to give it a try themselves. Explain how
the program works, and invite them to try. We will be glad to teach
Commitment: Will you tell your friends that you have quit smoking

and ask smokers not to smoke in your presence?

Step 9: Signs
These signs will help you remember the commitments you have
made and bring support and curiosity from others. You should put
them up where you used to have ashtrays, on bathroom mirrors, on
the TV, in your car, at work, and wherever you think it will attract your
attention. Your Declaration of Independence is one of your signs. Put
it in a prominent place.
Step 10: Keep Busy
If you allow yourself to sit around with nothing to do, chances are
that a bell will ring. You can prevent this by making an extra effort to
stay busy throughout the week. One particular thing to avoid is
spending significant time in front of the TV or computer. If screen
time is necessary, take breaks every 20-30 minutes; take a walk,
stretch, or do something with your hands. Avoid activities such as
matching games that do not occupy your mind for longer than a few
What are some of the things you will do to keep busy this week?
(Take out the Stop Smoking Success Calendar and have them fill it
out. Schedule two follow-up visits with them and a victory party at
the end of the week.)
Commitment: Will you keep yourself busy every day this week?
Step 11: Account and Give Thanks
When you reach the end of the day, report back to the Lord through
prayer. Let him know how you did and thank Him for His help. Just

live one day at a time, and before you know it, the entire week will
go by.
Commitment: Will you pray at the end of each day?
Step 12: Emergency Procedures
Each of the steps we have taught you will help you turn off the
cigarette bell most of the time. However, there will be times when
the bell will ring even though you've done everything we've said. It
won't happen too often, but it will happen. These emergency
procedures will give you a way to turn off the bell so you won't want
or need to smoke. (Give them the card with the steps of prayer,
emergency procedures, and supply list.)
The first emergency procedure can be done anywhere. It is a simply
a deep breathing exercise that we will teach you. Deep breathing
does two great things for you. First, it will stop the bell quickly
because it causes five times more oxygen than normal to go rushing
to your brain. Your brain decides it likes oxygen more than nicotine
and turns off the cigarette bell. Second, it cleans out your lungs. All
the extra oxygen you take in goes into your blood, forcing out many
of the harmful gases in your bloodstream. Caution: you may feel a
bit lightheaded after this exercise, so it is not a good idea to do it
when you're driving.
How to do the deep breathing exercise: The idea is to empty your
lungs of all the air that is in them and then fill them up with as much
air as possible. Start by breathing out all the air you can. When you
think all the air is out, say "help" to get that last little bit of air out.
You then slowly fill your lungs to their capacity, hold your breath a
few seconds, and let it all out. Repeat this at least three more times.
(Practice doing this exercise together.) You can do deep breathing

anytime the urge for a cigarette comes along.

Keep some grapefruit juice handy wherever you go. It is easy to
keep a small bottle with you and a pitcher in the refrigerator. All you
need is a small drink.
When possible, rinse with mouthwash to end the desire for a
cigarette. This lasts even longer than the juice. Cinnamon-flavored
gum or candy is also helpful.
The final emergency procedure is prayer. Don't forget that the Lord
cares about you. He is there and ready to help if you will just ask. If
you do all you can, the Lord will help if you ask. When you need a
little extra help during the day, don't forget to pray.
Above all, remember Step 10remain busy and keep your mind
occupied. Read, do house or garden work, or do puzzles.
Commitment: Will you use the emergency procedures?
PART V: Conclusion
These twelve steps are a foolproof system to quit smoking. We are
all willing to help you, but ultimately it only works if you will follow
these steps.
Commitment: Will you follow every one of the steps and be back
here to celebrate next week?
CAUTION: This program is so successful at turning off the longing
for a cigarette that after just two or three days you might think that
you have succeeded and stop following the steps. Do not make this
classic mistake. Although you will feel great very quickly, if you are to
succeed you must continue following the steps diligently for the full
seven days.

Steps of Prayer
1. Dear Heavenly Father . . .
2. I thank thee for . . .
3. I ask thee for . . .
4. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Stop Smoking Supplies

1. toothbrush and toothpaste
2. cinnamon mouthwash
3. grapefruit juice
4. vitamin C
5. healthy snacks

Emergency Procedures
1. deep breathing
2. grapefruit juice
3. mouthwash
4. prayer/scriptures
5. Call the missionaries!





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